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タイトル: Ant Specialization in Diet of the Narrow-mouthed Toad, Microhyla ornata, from Amamioshima Island of the Ryukyu Archipelago
著者名の別形: 松井, 正文
キーワード: Microhyla ornata
Prey availability
Ryukyu Archipelago
Gape-limited predator
発行日: Jun-2000
出版者: Herpetological Society of Japan
誌名: Current Herpetology
巻: 19
号: 1
開始ページ: 27
終了ページ: 34
抄録: Microhyla ornata consumed numerous ants, representing 77. 1% in number and 44. 6% in volume of the diet. The toad took ants in higher proportion than were present in the surrounding environment, and therefore, could be viewed as an ant specialized predator. Ants were the most numerously consumed prey in both spring and summer, while beetles and woodlice were less frequently taken in summer. Females have a larger body and wider mouth than males, and consumed significantly larger prey in maximum size than did males. However, mean prey size, and frequencies of occurrence for all prey taxa did not differ significantly between the sexes. These results suggest that the sexes do not differ in their use of food resources despite their morphological differences.
著作権等: © 2000 by The Herpetological Society of Japan
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/216867
DOI(出版社版): 10.5358/hsj.19.27
出現コレクション:松井 正文


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