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Title: Development of 3 new Solid Recovered Fuels (SRF) with high calorific value from solid waste
Author: Bedmar Alonso, Bàrbara
Director/Tutor: Dosta Parras, Joan
Martínez Lozano, Sergio
Keywords: Combustibles
Treballs de fi de màster
Waste products
Master's theses
Issue Date: Jun-2017
Abstract: Circular Economy is a concept where Waste Management is a key point. There is a considerable generation of industrial and solid waste and at the same time an exploitation of non-renewable resources for energy generation. The aim of the project is to connect this amount of generated waste with the energy demand of the society, applying effectively the concept of Circular Economy. The result product is the Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF). SRF is a fuel produced from non-hazardous waste from municipal, industrial and the construction sector in compliance with the European Standard EN 15359. This paper presents the design of 3 new SRF by mixing solid waste from a rejection from an industry of tires, sludge from a paper industry, the rejection of a biologic-mechanical treatment plant of solid urban waste and high-density polyethylene (HDPE). The formulation of the new SRF is mainly determined by the industry requirements, considering the main parameters such as the high heating value (HHV), % moisture and % ash content. A new SRF formulated for an industry of the renewable and environmental sector (SRF 1), focused on the gasification technology, could be formed by 30% of the rejection tire industry and 80% of HDPE. The SRF 1 will have a HHV of 40.88 MJ/kg, only 0.607% of moisture and 5.06% of ash content. It can be included in the classification from the UNE-EN 15359 as a SRF of class 3, being the limiting parameter the % of chlorine. Another new SRF based on the demands of a concrete producer industry, SRF 2, could be design by 20% of tire rejection, 10% of sludge from a paper industry, 30% of rejection of a biologic-mechanical treatment plant of solid urban waste and 40% of HDPE. The SRF 2 will have a HHV of 27.97 MJ/kg, 15.37% of moisture and 13.43% of ash content. It can be included in the classification from the UNE-EN 15359 as a SRF of class 5, being the limiting parameter the Hg content. Finally, the SRF 3, designed by concerning the demands from a ceramic production plant, it can be formed by 30% of tire rejection, 10% of rejection of a biologic-mechanical treatment plant of solid urban waste and 60% of HDPE. The SRF 3 will have a HHV of 36.58 MJ/kg, only 4.013% of moisture and 6.36% of ash content. It can be included in the classification from the UNE-EN 15359 as a SRF of class 3, being the limiting parameter the chlorine content.
Note: Màster d'Enginyeria Ambiental, Facultat de Química, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2016-2017, Tutors: Joan Dosta Parras, Sergio Martínez Lozano
Appears in Collections:Màster Oficial - Enginyeria Ambiental

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