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Title: Teacher Induction in Schools as Learning Communities: Successful Pathways to Teachers' Professional Development in a Diverse School Serving Students Living in Poverty
Author: García Carrión, Rocío
Padrós, Maria
Álvarez Cifuentes, Pilar
Flecha Fernández de Sanmamed, Ainhoa
Keywords: Professors novells
Pràctiques pedagògiques
Formació del professorat
Comunitat i escola
Persones desfavorides
First year teachers
Student teaching
Teacher training
Community and school
People with social disabilities
Issue Date: 1-Sep-2020
Publisher: MDPI
Abstract: Teacher induction has been an object of interest in teacher education and professional development, mostly as a result of the analysis of the difficulties faced and the coping strategies developed by newly qualified teachers. However, the specific mechanisms to facilitate teachers' induction when being appointed by schools working under challenging contexts have been less explored. This study aims to explore the potential of a community-based school model named Schools as Learning Communities to induct new teachers and to help them embrace the school's project. A single case study was conducted in a high-poverty school located in Barcelona (Spain). Data collection included observations and interviews with teachers and the school management team. Findings highlight two main features of the school model that facilitate teacher induction: the dialogic approach to teachers' professional development and the participation of family and community members in the school, which operates as a pedagogical resource. Furthermore, our results reveal this model as a successful pathway for the new teachers to embrace the school mission and to become agents of transformation who contribute to the project's sustainability. The study offers lessons on how to support the induction of teachers who join diverse schools serving students living in poverty.
Note: Reproducció del document publicat a:
It is part of: Sustainability, 2020, vol. 12, num. 17, p. 7146
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ISSN: 2071-1050
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Didàctica i Organització Educativa)

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