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Title: Polyconductivity in polypyrrole: The correlated electron glass
Author: Gomis, V.
Ferrer Anglada, Núria
Movaghar, B.
Ribó i Trujillo, Josep M.
El Hachemi, Zoubir
Jhang, S. H.
Keywords: Polímers
Camps elèctrics
Electric fields
Issue Date: 2003
Publisher: American Physical Society
Abstract: p-toluensulfonate doped polypyrrole ~PPy!, undergoes an electric-field induced reversible transition from an insulating state to a highly conductive one. The spatially average field can be as small as 200 V/cm, when the temperature of the sample is below 20 K. The applied electric field leads to a sharp jump in the value of the current to a value which is nearly five orders of magnitude higher than before. When the applied electric field is reduced to below a critical value, the system switches back to a low conductive state. The effect is reversible, symmetric in voltage, and reproducible for different samples. The switching is, we believe, an electronic glass melting transition and it is due to the disordered, highly charged granular nature of PPy.
Note: Reproducció del document publicat a:
It is part of: Physical Review B, 2003, vol. 68, num. 11, p. 115208-1 - 115208-5
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ISSN: 1098-0121
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Química Inorgànica i Orgànica)

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