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Title: Farmacología y toxicología en I+D+i: adquisición de competencias a través de un ejemplo de desarrollo de un fármaco
Author: Alegret i Jordà, Marta
Escubedo Rafa, Elena
Janer, G.
Llobet Mallafré, Joan M. (Joan Maria)
Merlos Roca, Manuel
Pallàs i Llibería, Mercè, 1964-
Keywords: Competències transversals
Educació superior
Ciències de la salut
Generic competences
Higher education
Medical sciences
Issue Date: 10-Jan-2013
Publisher: Universitat de Barcelona
Abstract: The implementation of the subject Pharmacology and Toxicology in R+D+i in the Pharmacy Degree, has led to the launch of a new methodological approach and teaching performance with the aim of developing the generic skills of the University of Barcelona (e.g., self-learning, team-working). An additional objective was students' integration of knowledge from different subjects in the degree which form the basis of the preclinical and clinical development of a drug. For this purpose, the teaching strategy used in the development of the subject was based on: 1) re-developing the content that students had been taught previously or were being taught in the same semester as a part of other subjects, and framing them in the environment of the pharmaceutical industry, 2) introducing new and previously unseen contents to do with drug development and toxicology, 3) developing a battery of activities to be undertaken by teams of students relating to the R+D+i of a particular drug. During the development of these activities, students have to acquire generic skills in addition to the subject-specific skills. The results obtained from the student survey give us grounds for satisfaction and allow us to consider that we have reached the goal of improving students' learning in Pharmacology and Toxicology applied to drug development in the pharmaceutical world today.
Note: Reproducció del document publicat a:
It is part of: Edusfarm, 2013, vol. 6, num. 1, p. 29-42
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ISSN: 1886-6271
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Farmacologia, Toxicologia i Química Terapèutica)

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