Original paper

Influence of the (4H)Si defect on dislocation motion in crystalline quartz

Cordier, Patrick; Weil, John A.; Howarth, David F.; Doukhan, Jean Claude

European Journal of Mineralogy Volume 6 Number 1 (1994), p. 17 - 22

33 references

published: Feb 3, 1994
manuscript accepted: Oct 13, 1993
manuscript received: Jul 23, 1993

DOI: 10.1127/ejm/6/1/0017

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Abstract Previous studies showed that the glide motion of dislocations in crystalline quartz is enhanced in the presence of "water"-related point defects, as long as the thermodynamic conditions (T,P) prevent the precipitation of these defects. However, the detailed nature of these defects could not be elucidated by near-infrared spectroscopy. EPR measurements reported in this study provide some evidence that these defects are in fact the hydrogarnet defect (4H)Si. Models of water speciation and hydrolytic weakening are re-appraised to take into account this observation


quartzhydrolytic weakeningEPRwaterhydrogarnet defect