Original paper

The low-temperature (T<120°C) H2O-RhCl phase diagram Comparison with other water-alkali chloride systems

Dubois, Michel; Weisbrod, Alain; Shtuka, Arben; Martinez-Serrano, Raymundo

European Journal of Mineralogy Volume 9 Number 5 (1997), p. 987 - 992

23 references

published: Sep 24, 1997
manuscript accepted: Apr 7, 1997
manuscript received: Feb 27, 1997

DOI: 10.1127/ejm/9/5/0987

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Abstract The eutectic temperature in the H2O-RbCl system was determined using synthetic fluid inclusions. Two experiments were carried out using a 39.99 + 0.01 wt% RbCl solution. By isolating the last solid (solid RbCl) and freezing the remaining liquid, the temperature at which the liquid begins to melt was accurately measured (-16.4±0.1°C) during subsequent heating measurements. The ice melting (ILV) and salt melting (SLV) curves were fitted using a constrained least-square procedure and the eutectic composition was calculated (39.55 ±0.01 wt% RbCl). The phase diagram is similar to those of the H2O-KCl and H2O-CsCl systems but differ from those including the smallest alkali ions (LiCl and NaCl) which are complicated by occurrences of hydrates.


synthetic fluid inclusionsH2O-RbCl systemphase diagramalkali chlorides