Original paper

Phase equilibria of Hornblende Garbenschists from Hohe Tauern, Eastern Alps

Hoschek, Gert

Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie - Abhandlungen Band 173 Heft 2 (1998), p. 155 - 187

66 references

published: Jul 7, 1998

DOI: 10.1127/njma/173/1998/155

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Metamorphic PT conditions and reactions have been constrained for hornblende garbenschists from the Western Hohe Tauern, Eastern Alps. Maximum PT values of mineral rim formation based on various geothermobarometers are around 570°C, 7 kbar. Slightly higher P (0.3-1.4 kbar) and lower T values (24-46 °C) are indicated for the earlier garnet core formation following differential thermodynamic calculations with the "common hornblende garbenschist assemblage" (hornblende + garnet + biotite + muscovite + plagioclase + chlorite + epidote + quartz + H2O). Additional model calculations, mainly in the NKCFe3FMASH system, helped to constrain the stability field of this assemblage and modifications due to rock composition, additional components and different mineral solution models. Textural observations and calculations are compatible with a final reaction.


Hohe TauernEastern Alpshornblendegarbenschist