Die uitbeelding van omgewingskwessies in geselekteerde tekste uit die Afrikaanse kinder- en jeugliteratuur : 'n ekokritiese perspektief

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT : This thesis is about the portrayal of environmental issues in Afrikaans children’s and youth literature and of the potential of these types of texts regarding environmental education. The study responds to the question: To what extent is Afrikaans children’s and youth literature capable of exposing the mysteries of the natural environment and of existing environmental issues about the development of an ecological awareness in young readers and making them more sensitive towards the natural environment and human relationship with nature? It is my assumption that fictional texts have the potential to develop awareness of ecosystems and of the natural environment, and I therefore argue that children’s and youth literature can be a tool in environmental education, and that it can inform learners about environmental concepts and about the interrelatedness of all things. From an ecocritical, socio-ecological perspective I reflect on what the eco-text is, and how it, as a form of art, can make sense together with ecology and the biological sciences. The chosen Afrikaans eco-texts were analysed against the background of the human-dominated geological epoch, the Anthropocene, and as this is an interdisciplinary study, I applied ecocritical theories, as well as pedagogical theories on ecoliteracy and environmental education as guidelines during the study. This is a thesis presented in the form of three articles that are prefaced by two introductory chapters and ended with a concluding chapter. The introduction outlines the context of this research study and includes a description of my personal narrative as researcher. The second chapter is a perspective on the era of human history, and chapters 3-5 are developed from the mentioned articles, of which the first two were already published and the last one was recommended for publication. The last and conclusive chapter draws together all the findings presented and identifies possibilities for further research journeys in the field. Based on the research done, I conclude that Environmental Education is as Sauvé (2002:1) stated, not merely an instrument in the solving of environmental issues, but that it is also an important dimension of basic education, focused on a sphere of interaction that forms the basis of personal and social development – a sphere of relationships with our environment and with our shared living space. Eco-texts have the potential to make young readers aware of, to educate them about and to develop a deep sense of caring for other life forms and in doing so, the socio-ecological gap can be narrowed and possibly bridged. It is my wish that this research will contribute to the acknowledgement of the pedagogical potential of the eco-text, and that it will lead to the use of these types of texts in classrooms. I infer from this research that you can reduce the socio-ecological divide and that environmentally oriented children’s and youth literature can contribute to the development of young readers into what Schreuder (2002:9) called “rooted and literate world citizens”.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Met hierdie navorsingsverslag word die uitbeelding van omgewingskwessies in Afrikaanse kinder- en jeugliteratuur ondersoek en wel met betrekking tot die potensiaal van hierdie tipe tekste tot omgewingsopvoeding. Die ondersoek reageer op die vraag: In watter mate word die geheimenisse van die natuurlike omgewing bekend gestel en omgewingskwessies in Afrikaanse kinder- en jeugliteratuur onder die loep geneem ten einde kinders ekologies bewus te maak en hulle meer sensitief te stem teenoor die natuurlike omgewing en die mens se verhouding tot die natuur? My aanname is dat verhalende tekste oor die potensiaal beskik om ‘n bewustheid van, ‘n omgee vir en deernis met ekosisteme en die natuurlike omgewing by jong lesers te kweek en ontwikkel. Ek argumenteer dat kinder- en jeugliteratuur ‘n instrument tot omgewingsgeletterdheid kan wees en dat dit leerders kan inlig oor omgewingskonsepte en oor die noue vervlegtheid van alle bestaansvorme op aarde. Vanuit ‘n ekokritiese, sosiaal-ekologiese perspektief word daar diepgaande besin oor wat die verhalende ekoteks behels en hoe dit, as kunsvorm, saam met ekologie en die biologiese wetenskappe sinmaak. Die gekose Afrikaanse ekotekste is ontleed teen die agtergrond van die mensgedomineerde geologiese epog, die Antroposeen, en aangesien hierdie ‘n interdissiplinêre studie is, het ek ekokritiese teorieë sowel as pedagogiese teorieë oor ekogeletterdheid en omgewingsopvoeding as riglyne gedurende die studie aangewend. Hierdie proefskrif word aangebied in die vorm van drie samehangende artikels. Die artikels word voorafgegaan deur twee inleidende hoofstukke en eindig met ‘n samevattende hoofstuk. In hoofstuk 1 word die konteks van die navorsingstudie gestel en my persoonlike narratief as navorser word gegee. Hoofstuk 2 bied perspektief op die era van menslike geskiedenis. Hoofstukke 3, 4 en 5 het ontwikkel uit die genoemde drie artikels, waarvan twee reeds gepubliseer is en een vir publikasie aanbeveel is. Daar is uiteindelik ook ‘n samevattende slothoofstuk waartydens navorsing en al die bevindinge geidentifiseer en aangebied, nabetrag en oordink word en waar verdere moontlikhede vir navorsingsreise in die studieveld uitgewys word. Gebaseer op die navorsing wat ek gedoen het, is dit my bevinding dat Omgewingsopvoeding, soos wat Sauvé (2002:1) dit stel, nie bloot net ‘n instrument in die oplossing van omgewingskwessies is nie, maar dat dit ook ‘n belangrike dimensie van basiese onderwys is, gefokus op ‘n sfeer van interaksie wat die grondslag van persoonlike en sosiale ontwikkeling vorm – ‘n sfeer van verhoudings met ons omgewing en met ons gedeelde leefruimte. Ekotekste beskik oor die potensiaal om jong lesers bewus te maak, hulle op te voed en by hulle ‘n diepe omgee vir ander lewensvorme te ontwikkel en so die sosio-ekologiese gaping te verklein en dalk selfs te oorbrug. Ek vertrou dat my navorsing sal bydra tot die erkenning van die potensiaal van ekotekste tot omgewingsbewusmaking en dat dit die benutting van hierdie tipe tekste in klaskamers sal bevorder. Aan die einde van hierdie navorsingsreis is dit my gevolgtrekking dat die sosio-ekologiese gaping verklein kan word en dat omgewingsgerigte kinder- en jeugtekste kan bydra tot die ontwikkeling van jong lesers in wat Schreuder (2002:9) “gewortelde en geletterde wêreldburgers” noem.
Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Dept. of Curriculum Studies
Thesis (DEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2017
Environmental education -- South Africa, Children's literature, Afrikaans, Ecocriticism in literature, Young adult fiction, Afrikaans, Afrikaans literature -- 21st century -- History and criticism, UCTD