Electronically adjustable bandpass filter

Terblanche, Phillip
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis presents the study, analysis and design of electronically tunable filters, that can be tuned over a wide frequency range (20-500MHz), for use in a direct sampling receiver. The final design does not have to be a single filter, but may be comprised of a filter bank which enables switching between the filters. The band of interest is too low to use normal transmission lines and lumped elements have to be used. Different topologies that can implement Coupled Resonator filters with lumped elements are investigated. Devices that can be used for tuning are also investigated and varactor diodes are found to be the most suitable tuning devices currently available. Two filters, one at the high-end and one at the low-end of the band, were designed and built, both using varactor diodes. These filters perform well in terms of tuning range, but achieving low losses with current technologies in this band remains difficult.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis meld die studie, analise en ontwerp van elektronies verstelbare filters, wat verstelbaar is oor ’n wye band (20-500MHz), vir gebruik in ’n direk-monster-ontvanger. Die finale ontwerp hoef nie ’n enkele filter te wees nie, maar kan bestaan uit ’n filterbank wat skakeling tussen die filters toelaat. Die betrokke band is te laag vir die gebruik van normale transmissielyne en diskrete komponente moet gebruik word. Verskillende topologieë wat gekoppelde resoneerder filters implementeer met diskrete komponente is ondersoek. Verstelbare komponente word ook ondersoek en varaktor diodes blyk die mees geskikte verstelbare komponent wat huidig beskikbaar is in hierdie band. Twee filters, een aan die hoë kant en een aan die lae kant van die band, is ontwerp en gebou, beide met varaktor diodes. Hierdie filters het wye verstelbare bereik, maar dit is steeds moeilik om verliese te beperk met die huidige tegnologie.
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2011.
Electronically tunable filters, Wide frequency range, Coupled resonator filters, Varactor diodes, Filter bank, Dissertations -- Electronic engineering, Theses -- Electronic engineering