The Numidian formation and its Lateral Successions (Central-Western Mediterranean): a review

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Título: The Numidian formation and its Lateral Successions (Central-Western Mediterranean): a review
Autor/es: Belayouni, Habib | Guerrera, Francesco | Martín-Martín, Manuel | Le Breton, Eline | Tramontana, Mario
Grupo/s de investigación o GITE: Evolución Geodinámica de la Cordillera Bética Oriental y de la Plataforma Marina de Alicante
Centro, Departamento o Servicio: Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra y del Medio Ambiente
Palabras clave: Westernmost Tethys | Maghrebian Flysch Basin | Numidian Formation | Lateral Numidian Successions | GPlates kinematic reconstructions
Fecha de publicación: 18-abr-2023
Editor: Taylor & Francis
Cita bibliográfica: International Geology Review. 2023, 65(22): 3570-3602.
Resumen: The widely debated late Oligocene-middle Miocene Numidian Fm (NF) consists of supermature quartzose sediments deposited in the Maghrebian Flysch Basin (MFB) outcropping from the Betic Cordillera to the Southern Apennine passing by the Maghrebian Chain. The NF is commonly composed of three lithostratigraphic members and is characterized by two vertical successions (Type A and Type B) corresponding to different sedimentation areas in the MFB. It is noteworthy the occurrence of widespread lateral successions of the NF (Types C, D and E) indicating in some cases an interference of the Numidian sedimentation with other different depositional systems and supplies. The Type C ‘Mixed Successions’, deposited in depocentre areas, are composed of supermature Numidian supply interfingering with immature siliciclastic materials, coming from the internal portion of the MFB. The Type D consists of supermature Numidian materials supplied from the Africa Margin (external sub-domains) deposited in sub-basins on the Africa-Adria margins, outside the typical Numidian depositional area. The Type E, which stratigraphically overlies both the South Iberian Margin (SIM) and the Mesomediterranean Microplate (MM), represents the migration of the Numidian depositional system to reach the opposite margins of the MFB. The occurrence at a regional scale of all the above-mentioned lateral successions reveals a great evolutionary complexity resulting also from further constraints, which must be considered for palaeogeographic and palaeotectonic reconstructions. Another important point deals with the diachronism of the top of the NF, observed eastward from the Betic-Rifian Arc and the Algerian-Tunisian Tell (Burdigalian p.p.) to Sicily (Langhian p.p.) and up to the Southern Apennine (at least Langhian/Serravallian boundary) which can be related with eastwards delay in the MFB closure. The palaeogeographic reconstruction of the Numidian depositional area presented in this paper, which is also included into a global kinematic model, represents a first attempt to use the software GPlates for this subject.
Patrocinador/es: This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (Research Project PID2020-114381GB-I00).
ISSN: 0020-6814 (Print) | 1938-2839 (Online)
DOI: 10.1080/00206814.2023.2199429
Idioma: eng
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Derechos: © 2023 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (, which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed, or built upon in any way. The terms on which this article has been published allow the posting of the Accepted Manuscript in a repository by the author(s) or with their consent.
Revisión científica: si
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