"This revised edition of the 'Northern Territory Dictionary of Biography' brings together the entries from the original three volumes, published in 1990, 1992 and 1996. The 'Dictionary' spans the period from the early British and French explorers of the Northern Territory coast to the mid 1990s and aims to provide a broad reflection of life in the Territory rather than focusing on eminent public figures. In some cases this has meant that some subjects are included about whom relatively little is known. Authors come from the widest possible cross-section of the community and there is a considerable range of writing styles. The principal interest of the volume is the Northern Territory. In all cases, the Territory experience of subjects, however eminent they might have been elsewhere, is thus the focal point of entries."--Provided by publisher.,
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Table of contents
First published as three volumes in 1990, 1992 and 1996. Published as revised edition in one volume in 2008,
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this website may contain the names, voices and images of people who have died, as well as other culturally sensitive content. Please be aware that some collection items may use outdated phrases or words which reflect the attitude of the creator at the time, and are now considered offensive.
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