Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
GAINS AND LOSSES. YESTERDAY. (jrAINKD. LOST. Unionist 10 0 Liberal f. 9 Labour and Soc. 0 1111 Mr. Grayson's seat.
Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
TOTAL GAINS AND LOSSES GAINED. LOST. Unionist. 81 11 Libe-,al 12 77 Labour and Soc. 3 8 Unionist gains from Liberal 75 >> „ „ Labour 6 Liberal S} M Unionist 10 „ Labour 2 Labour It Liberal 2 „ „ Unionist 1
-6 THE NEW PARLIAMENT. Members already elected 430 Tobeelected 240 Same Seats 1910 1906-9 Unionists 184 U. 114 Liberals 158 L. 223 Labour 30 Lab. 35 Nationalists. 58 N. 58 Of the forty-five Friday results an- nounced up to kite last night the Union- ists gained ten seats .eight in England, ono in Scotland, and one in Ireland. The net gains of the Unionist's in the first week of the election tot,al seventy, reducing the Government's parliamentary majority by 140 na a division. As on Thursday, so on Friday, the feature of the election was the triumph in rural England and in Middle- sex. All the divisions of that county which have yet polled have returned Unionists, and both Brentford and Enfield have re- corded gains. The change in the English counties from which results were received yesterday is thus shown 27 ENGLISH COUNTIES. 910 19C6-9 Unionists 15 7 Liberal and Labour 12 20 I U. ma 3 Lib.-Lab, maj. 13
Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
FRIDAY'S POLLINGS. DECLARED LAST NIGHT, I MIDDLESEX. EKFIELD—28,571. J R. Fretvman Newman .C 12625 *J. Brail-,ii li 11383 Majority 1224 Conservative gain. 19C6.— J. Branch (L), 9790; Col. H. F. Bowles (C). 7674; majority, 2116. 1900.—Bowies (C). 6923; C. S. Crctle (L), 3655 majority, 3268. LA N C A S HI R E. BOOTLE-23,903. *Gol T. M. Sandys 0 9954 Dr. Permewan .L 8369' Majority 1085 No chance. 1906.—T. M. Sandys (C), 7821; Dr. A. Thorna" (L). 74S1; majority. 340. 1895 and (9)o.-Co1. Sandys (C), unop- posed. LANCASHIRE, ECCLES-18,786. "Sir G. H. Pollard .L 7093 G. F. Assinder C 6682 G. H. Stuart Lab 3511 Majority. 411 No change. 1906.—Dr. Polaard (L). 5846: T. Stuttard (C), 5246; Ben Tillett (Lab), 3985; L maj. over C., 600. 1900.-Clare tC), 6153; Fry (L), 5934; ma- jority, 219. LANCASHIRE, PRESTWICK—22.123. "'Sill' F. Cawley .L 11564 C. H. Potter C 8180 Majority 3384 No change. 1906.—F. Cawley (L), 40187; W. T. Hedges (C), 6024; majority, 4163. 1900.-Cawley (L), 7127; Houldsworth (C), 6406; majority, 721. LANCASHIRE, ROSSENDALE—13.217. *Rt. Hon. Lewis Harcourt .L 7185 J. R. Kebty Fletcher C 4695 A. K. Bullcy (Women's Suffrage) 639 Majority 2490 No change. 1906.-Harcourt (L), 6881; Fletcher (C), 4662; majority, 2219. 1900.—-W. Mather (L), unopposed. YORKSHIRE, KEIGHLEY-13,373. *S1r J. Brigg .L 7768 I W. M. Ac worth ,C 4132 Majority 3636 No change. 19%.—-J. Brigg (L), 5322; W. M. Ack- worth (C), • W. T. Newlove (Lab), 3102; majority, 2093. 1900. J. Brigg (L), 5432; W. Bairstowe (C), 4792; majority 640. LEICESTERSHIRE. HARBOROUGH— 17,291. R. C. Lehmann L 8632 I H. MamhalJ U 7561 Majority 1071 No change. 1906.—L majority, 1998. SCOTLAND. INVERNESS BURGHS.—4,547. Z. J. A. Bryce .L 2440 T. MacMicking U 1650 Ma.jority. 790 No change. R. B. Finlay (C), 1846; H. Bell (L), 1596: maj., 260. R. B. Finlay (C), 1829; J. B. Duncan (L), 1469; maj., 360. LEITH BURGHS.-17,351. *R. C. Munro-Ferguson .L 7146 Sir R- Cranston (j 454Q W. Walker I. Lab 2724 Majority 2606 No change. 1906.—Munro-Ferguson (L), 7675; F. C. Cooper (C), 4865; maj., 2810. IQCO.—MTuiro-Fergueon (L) 6043; E T Salvesen (C), 5226; maj., 817. RENFREWSHIRE, W.-13,900. Co!. Gregg L 6480 J. C. Cunningham C 5631 Majority. 849 No change. 1906.—Sir T. Giencoatee (L), 5858; J. C. Cunningham (C), 4490; maj., 1368. 1900.—Rensiuaw (C), 4523; G-lencoaies (L), 4053; maj., 270. i AYR BOROUGHS.—8,067. *G. Younger C 5647 W. Robertson L 3694 Majority 53 No change. 1906.-G. Younger (C), 3766; J. Dofcbie (L), 3505: maj., 261. 1900.—C. L. Orr-Ewing (C). 3101; Brown (L), 2511; maj., 590.
CHASTINED LIBERAL. LEADERS. ASQUITH'S QUALIFYING PHEASE j LLOYD GEORGE NOT SO COCK- SURE. Mr. Asquith, shaking on Friday night to his constituents at Fife- shire, said that the object of the Budget was not merely to meet the actual expen- diture which fell within the year for pur- poses of social reform, but also to provide a reservoir of resources for tihe addi- tional liabilities which the Government had undertaken for the future in schemes for the insurance of workmen against unem- ployment and sickness. Mr. Asquith twice used the qualifying phrase, "If you send us back to Westmin- ster with an adequate majority." In that case the Government intended that Soot- land should share as largely as England in small holdings. He asked for a condem- nation of the action of the House of Lords. Most of the Lords sat there because their fathers sat there before them. (Laughter.) I' wa3 no blame to them. They could not help it. (Laughter.) Heckler Did not the country approve of what the House of Lords did in rejecting the Home Rule Bill? Mr. Asquith: It may have done so, but I do not think it would now. (Cheers and cries of "Oh !") Another Heckler: Is there any reason why we should not have had the English Small Holdings Act made applicable to Sc-ot land'{ Mr. Asquith We have tried to makfe it applicable. Heckler: Was it identical? Mr. Asquith No. certainly not. It was adapted to the conditions of Scotland. After another meeting at Anstrutlier, where lie spoke in support of the Liberal candidate for the St. Andrews Burghs, the Prime Minister had a very mixed greet- ing, being as vigorously hooted as cheered.
LLOYD GEORGE'S MODEST ELATION. WORD OF WARNING: "DON'T GET ALARMED." Mr. Lloyd George, Chancellor of the Ex- chequer,on Friday night addressed the elee- tors of the Carnarvon Boroughs on the eve of the poll. He told his audience not to be surprised if the Liberal party should re- ceive in this election a majority approxi- mating, at any rate, with, "the great khaki majority of 1900." (134.) That would be a good substantial working majority against the Houee of Lords. "I feel net merely gratified, but I feel elated," he continued, "at the results which have come, and the results which I can see coming over the horizon. I have one little word Dr warning for you, so that you shall not get alarmed. I do not think that the results of to-day's pollings will be good. I say so now, before the declarations have come. Bat to-morrow we are going to gat a first-rate time. (Cheers.) To-morrow will swell the Literal majority very con- sidcrably. I think that, by the end of to- day we shall have worked out some of the most hopeless constituencies and we shall then begin to build pretty rapidly our majority. "It is a dangerous thing to prophesy like this, but I am only talking among friends-—(laughter and cheers)—and I think there are no reporters present." (More laughter.) Asked whether the votee in Carnarvon Boroughs would be counted on Saturday, the Chancellor replied, "No; but it is not my fault. T thin-K it is one of the shab- biest things over done."
I PRESS COMMENTS. "THE END OF FREE TRADE." "Daiily Mail" (U.) "Above all the coun- try rteent;. the weakness of Mr. Asquith e leacieiship, and his party hK<s suffered enor- mous disasters at the polls. This election is the end of Free Trade." "VIGTHIS OF OVER-CONFTDEiNOE." "Daity Chronicle" (L.) "Liberal candi- j dates and workers have, in some instances, been the victims of over confidence. If they could maintain the level of 1906 it was assumed that aJl would be well." 'STRENGTH OF THE REACTION." "Daily News" (L.): "If the loss is pro- partdoniateiy less than on Wednesday, it is yet worse than the Libera-ls would have predicted a few dave ago, and, we fancy, than the Tories expected. The rejection of an important Govern meent official like Mr. Pteojse indicates the strength of the re- action." "WHAT HAS TO BE DQNil" "Daily Express" (U.): "It is not enough! to turn narrow defeats into• majorities, or pull down the la.rg-e majorities against us what has to be dona is to strike such a. blow that the sigiiificajroe of it can be mistaken by none." "NOT GOOD READING FOR LIBERALS." "Morning Leader" (L.): That, (the eleven gains of Friday) is not good reading for} Liberals, but they are still wet!! ahead, and there is ample'reason to think that ift) v."ae an exceptional result which will not be repeated." "SURE SFGN OF IMPOTENCE." "Birmingham Daily Post" (F.): If Unionists wish to realise how bitterly an ear success in the counties has hurt the self- Esteem of the Liberals they will turn to the 'v organs of that party. Yesterday morninr some of them were so angTy that t.hey v oeaeed to reason and became mereiy abusive. This is the sign that they realise their imipotence to avert what mtist be to them a catastrophe—narneiy, their abject de- pendence on the Irish vote in Parliaanmt."
MOB RAID) LIBERAL HOUSES. WINDOWS SMASHED: EXTFAORDTN- ARY SCENES. Disorderly oftciurred at Downsajn Market, Norfolk, on Friday night after the return of Mr. Richard Winfrey (Liberal) for South-West Norfolk. A dense crowd, ehont- ing and booing, paraded the streets. They visited the houses of local Liberals, indhid- ing the magistrates, and smashed the win- dows. Shop fronts were wrecked, the police being powertesr. to check the crowd. Dis- order continued until midnight, considerable damage ybeing done. d;
For the Rodhesteir and Chatham meeting j of the Bath and West and Southern Counties I Society, May 24-28, JE3,253 15s. is offered in monejy prizes. i
Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
SATURDAY'S RESULTS. RECORD DAY FOR GAINS. J ASTOUNDING SUCCESSES. J I HUGE TURNOVER OF VOTES1 LIBERALISM ENGULFED BY THE LANDSLIDE. CONSERVATIVE GAINS. DORSET SOUTH—J.L400. Hambro C Soaacisbrick .L 4379 Majority. 1432 Conservative gain. 1906.—L majority, 624. HERTS, HITCHIN—10,855. Dr. Hillier C 5761 Fox-Pitt .L 3877 Majority 1884 Conservative gain. 1906.—~L majority, 76. EASTBOURNE (SUSSEX)—14,172. G wynne C 7553 Morrison L 5249 Majority 2304 Conservative gain. 1906.-L majority, 630. RIPON (YORK) Wood .C 6300 Lynch .L 5119 Majority 1254 Conservative gain. 1906.—L majority, 313. ANTRIM (NORTH) Kerr-Smiley C 3-519 Baxter L 3135 Majority 484 Conservative 1906.—L majority, 788. WILTON (WILTS)—9,072. Bathnrst .C 4541 Yerncy L 3894 Majority 647 9 Conservative gain. 1906.—L majority, 724:. WARWICKSHIRE, RUGBY-12.275. Baird » C 6191 Lord Clonmell X 4986 Majority 1205 Conservative gain. 1906.-L majority, 274. Y ORKSHIRE, RICHMOND—10,485. Powlett 5246 Aeiaaad L 4163 Majority 1063 Conservative gain. 1906.—L majority, 102. CHESHIRE, WIRRELL—23,331. Stewart. C 10,309 Peter Jone:s .1. 8862 Majority 1447 Conservative gain. 1906.—L majority, 1701. SOMERSET, WELLS—12.642. Sandys C 6167 Siloock L 4S71 Majoritry- 1296 Conservative gain. 1906.—L majority, 355. SUFFOIX, WOOLBPJDGE—12,808. Peel C (.120 Buxton .L 5:¿26 Majority 894 Conservative gain. 1906.—L majority, 179 SUFFOLK, LOWESTOFT—15.089. Foster C 6530 Beauohamp L 6294 Majority 236 Conservative gain. 1906.—L majority, 605. ESSEX (SOUTH EAST)—24,645. Kirkwood C 11199 Whitehead L 9268 Majority 1911 Conservative gain. 1906.-L majority, 2060. HANTS, ISLE OF WIGHT-15,969. Hall C 7414 Baring L 7123 Majority 291 Conservative gain. 1906.-L majority, 1561. OXFORDSHIRE, WOODSTOCK—10,525. Hammeisley C 5098 Bennett L 4378 Majority 720 Conservative gain. 1906.—L majority, 441. BERKSHIRE, NEvYBURY-13.063. Mount. C 7081 Hedderwick .L 4723 Majority 2358 Conservative gain. 1906.—L majority, 402. KENT, FAVBRSHAM—14,649. Wheler. C 7438 Napier .L 5394 Majority 2054 Conservative gain. 1906.-L majority, 1834. ain. CHESHIRE, KNUTSFORD.—12,142. I Sykes C 6199 King L 5084 Majority 1115 Conservative gain. 1906. —L maj., 700. BUCKS, WTYCOMBE.—16,366. Cripps C 8690 Herbert JL 6134 Majority 2566 Conservative gain. 1906.—L. maj., 1215.
Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
LIBERAL GAINS. LINCOLN. BRIGG—14,048. Gelder .L 6548 Sheffield C 6311 Majority 237 Liberal gain. 19T7.—C majority, 116.
Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
WELSH SEATS. ] ANGLESEY—10 '341. I )Uie Griffiths L 5888 R. O. "lloberte C 5456 I Majority o452 No change. I 1907—L unopposed; liX)6—L maj. 2(18. MONTGOMERY BOROUGHS. Rees L 1,5;39, Pr^-ce-Joues C 1526 :1- Majority 13 No change. 1906.—L majority, 83. PEMBROKESHIRE. —11,750. W. F. Roch .L 6135 E. Marlay Saoieon C 291 Majority — 2944 Majority — 2944 No cliange. 1908—L maj.. 2172. 1906.-L maj., 3280. WEST DENBIGH—9,920. Roberts L 5S54 ITiompson C 2^9 Majority 3035 No change. 1906 and 19*00.—L unopposed. MONMOUTHSHIRE (NORTH).-15,710. McKenna L 8596 Carmichael C 4335 ¡ Majority 4261 No change. 1907.—It. McKenna (L). unoppoeed. 1906—R. McKenna (L), 7730; Aki. Sir C. Campbell (C), 6155; maj., 4575. 1900.—R. McKenna (L), 5139; Femne- 1900.—R. McKenna (L). 5139; Femne- father (C), 3740; maj., 1399. ,5, 1895.—R. McKenna (L), 4965; W. H. Williams (Q, 4203; maj., 762. GLAMORGAN (RliONDDA)—17,640 W. Abraham Lob 12436 Harold Lloyd C 3471 Majority 3065 No change. 1906.—Lab. unopposed. 1900.-La.b. majority, 6509. I
Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
I POLLING TO-DAY 1 I fOR TWENTY-FOUR SEATS. BEST CAEMARTHENSR^HE ALSO CARNARVON BOROUGHS. I The folowing is a full list of the con- st.tuejrc?.cs where polling takes place to- da v — ESSEX (ROMFORD;—G. H. Williamson I (U), Sir J. H. Bet-hell (R); Radical ili3.- jonty, 8,855. ChESHJRE (CREWE:.—Sir J. Harrington Cli). Rt. Hon. James T'omkinson (Ri, F. Rose (Soc.) Radical 'ajority, 2.5G8. CORNWALL (LAUNCIiffSTON)—H. B. GrylLs (U), G. C. Marks iR); Radical J MSJOTlty, 1,922. DERBYSHIRE (HIGH PEAK)—S. Hill- vVooa iU), Oswald Partington (R); Radi- cal majouty, 347. DJC-VON (TORQUAY).Sir H. Y. Buller Lopes (U), Sir F. Layhuid-Barrafct (R) Radical majority. 460. LANCASHIRE (RADCLIFFE-CUM-FARN- I WORTH).—Alderman White (U), T. C. Taylnr (II;; Radical majority, 1.602. NORFOLK (SOUTH).—Colonel Kerrison Li), Arthur Soa.naes. li; liodical major- ity, 1,158. SOMER^SiiT (NORTH)—F. B. Beauchamip 0), J. King (R) Radical majority, 2,246. STAFFS (HANDS WOPTi-I).-E,. C. Mey- sey-Thompson lIT); George Jackson (R); Unionist' majority, 4,771. YORKS (PUDSEY).—J. J. Oddv (U). Fred- erick Ogden (R) Unionist majority, 113. j 1,, YORKS (bIPEN VALLEY) F. A. Kelley (L). Rt. Hon. Sir T. P. V/'hittalver (R), 1. R. Williams (Soc.); Radical majority, 2.8C-4. lOiiivib (SHIPLEY').—W. A. S. Hewins (L), Percy Illingwortih (R) Radical un- opposed. Y O^tKis (SO-WERBY).-W. A. Simpson- Hi'icJiclilTe (U), J. S.! (1:1; Radi- cal urajority, 2,448.
Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
¡ SCOTLAND. I BANFFSHIRE.L Watt, K.C. (U), Capt. I W. Waring (R); Radical majority, 2.009. DUMFRIES BURGHS.—J. D. Duncan'(U), GulJ«ind (R ); Radical majority, I FORFARSHJEE—R. L. Blackburn, K.C. (uT, James Falconer (R); Radical major- ity, 2.452. KINCARDINE SHIRE—R. B. Pe^rnon (U). Cap-tam the Hon. A. C. Murray (H.¡ Iladical ni':jority, 1.698. 'Jo ST. ANDREWS BURGHS. ^~Majcr A!l- atruther.-Grav (U), J. D. Millar tE); Unionist nmjority 23.
Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
WALES. CAR?,L\RTHENSIiIRiE ,'WEST)_W „L Crernlyn (U), J. Lloyd Morgan. K.C. (1.); Radical unopyoaed. CARNARVON I>ISTRICT.II. C. Vin- .f;ent (U), Rt. Hon. D. floyd George (R); mtdiciil majority, 1.224. FLIN I^IIIRJi—Colonel Howard (r). J. Ii. Leas, (R) linajoritv 2 722 MffltlONMBSmRE-B. S,-is (u). H. H. Jones (R) Radical wrroPpcSM.
SCOTLAND V. FRANCE, INVEBLEITH INTERNATIONAL TO-DAY. Scotland, the mcst conaervative of the foot/hail nasioiis, 11<5 been the last too ex- tend a w-ei^oiiie to r raaee, and Oil Satar- day at Edinburgh marked the hrst occa- sion upon which a reeagrused boottish team ;"isll Lcam engag&a it liiiernailioiiiid ouncro- q-sy with Uk; 1 epx eceiuaUves iroan aar friends across the Unarmieti. Some ten years ago a Frencit team engaged in a xn- ozsi vvrufl a selected Scottish 00iabination I at Eainourgh, but the en;ragen>èDt was not I leoognised 01 international! iniporiance. R may be recanted thai, at. one tiice &,DL- lajid treated thtir matches with Waies and lixdand pret.y Auch in t.ire .same way as with France, to that aJthough the Frea;h- men occupy a somevnat lowly portion tn the estimation of liae Rugby world to-day, yet they can think that at one time. Waits and Ireland, to-day amongst the ail power- I fill, played a similaar part of trial. The I Scottish team was regarded as the utmost strength of the narfion, and as the French backs are very ia £ t, the chances were that they would provide an interefsting and ;n- they would provide an interefsting and ;n- structive engagemecL The teams were:- SCOTLAND.—Back, 1". G. Buchanan (Oxford); three-q-aarters, J. Dobe-on (Glas- gow A^adeanicals), A. W. Angus, J. Pear- son and J. T. Sianso-n (Watsonians); half- backs, Geo. Cunningham (captain), (Ox- ford) and J. 1\1. Teaant t!V(,,st of Scotland forwards. J. C. M'Oakum (Wateonians), L. M. Speirs (Watsonians), J. Sowland (Ijon- don IScottishj, J. M. B. iSoott (Edinburgh Academicajis). J. M. !Ma/?ke7izie (Eclinbui'gb University), G. M. Frew (UWgow Hi.h School F.P. ?). A. R. Moodie (St. An- 1 Grows yars-ity), and R. Stevenson (St. ) A nd re w' s Varsity). ) FRANCE.—Back. Coombcs- (Stade Fran- cais); three-quarters, Lesiour '.Stade Fran- rviise), Doaet (Siadf Franeais), Bcrgun (Racing Clnb) and Yareifcies (.Stade Fran- caise^ half-back?. Theui'iet (.SDorting (Sporting Clrb Universitaire) and Martin (Lyon Football Club) forwards, Guillemin (Racing dub). Manriat (Lyons Fooi.ball C-iwb), Tbevenot (Sporting C-ub Universi- t?.ire). Hourdebaight (Stade Borde-a-is), (Vlen;t (Sporting Club Univerpitairej. Laf- fit-te (Sporting Club Universita-irs) Cam- m.meau (Stade, and asse (Stade BoiKllakO. 'I AI'$.
SECOND TEST MATCH. RAIN SHORTENS FIRST DAY'S PLAY. Durban, SmtAtd;ay.-In phasing ooistnast to yesterdays weather to-day w<tc delight- fully fine when play was resumed in the secoc^ ttest mat'/n. between iSoulJh Africa, and England, and there was a fairly large company present. Thr South Afrioajns, who had scored 89 for the -<ms of fear wickets. J ccwitinu'eid tlieir ir^aingo on a pitch, t h*.i had quite recevercd from the recent rain, The net outs. Fa-uikmer 32 and Campbell 5, were fby Thompson and Buokeahain. Both bailsmen startcxi steadily and the cen- tury was s<tfaly reacaedv Twelve ^runs laier Bird went on for Buckensham and at IIf. Faulbaer fell to a catch, by Woolley o{f Thonipaon for a fine ail round innings of 47. SOUTH AFBICANS—1st Innings. I Zdch, b Thompso-n 13 Strieker,' b Buckeniiam 3: Vv hite, c Hobbs b Thonpeon ? Mouree, c S&rjsifcvKk b Buckenham 0 Mouree, c S&rjsifcvKk b Buckenham 0 j Panlkner c Wcoiiey b Thompson 47 I Carcpbel1', out 14 Extras 4 TotaJI (for five wickets) 117 I I .-a rich Scot" South ^ifrioa 153 for 6.
¡ SOUTH WALES COAL TRADE. OUTLOOK AS RKGAJiliS LABOUE Sil 'i Lli.ME.Vl I WESTERN MINIIitS DISCUSS 'l'lli: I SITCATtON. At Ulo menthly meefiing of the Western Miners at Swansea on Satur- day, Mr J. ( (Lxmgihor, presided over a-u aitendaiiice repraseatative of ll.WO men. A vote of congratulation, was parsed to I Mr J. Williaans upon Lis viotury. It was decided, tlia/t Mr Gwilym Davies, ¡ of Erj- neos.»h, es-chau-aiaji of the district, be authorised to go to iinakin Ooiiege under the a-us^ioes of t.he Sooth Wales Miners' Fe-I i'or tie- Wcst-jrn I lie question of time am-d financial support will! be deckled hereafter. A long d:a» ursion ensued upon the new South Wades caafl agTeament, and instm-r, tion.s were given i.-j tae agents who axe members of the Oentra/l Executive, u> opipose the proposals of the owners and to do every- thing possible to obtain the <4emands as laod f dov, >t. by the men. A unanimous vote of confidence wa<* passed in tihe Central JEixecu- tive. The outlook is not at all promisinar at pre sent, as regards au amicable settlein-eiit. It was reported that n settlement of the price liet dillk-oity at tibe Lynch Ooiiiary 'I had not yet been arrived at The &cret:1.rY reported that the unemploy- ment- during the past year averaged 1,640 men. There are at tie present time between 300 and JOG out of ,york and fcflie obie&y II through disputes. The questi")!) of an out-of-work fund was r-jga-iu brcught up; lodges "are to be con- .'ul'.ed.
SWANSEA AND DI3SBKTT N^.P.OXJ BEANCH. Swansea, and District branch of National Scxaeity for tihe Prevention of Cruelty to j Cthildreii inas, during tlie qui^rter ended Itecember, rnQoired ltrto 47 oaaspteinte of negioct, iH-ti»aimeTKt, etc.. of wdaoh 44 were true, affecting 125 children and 60 offenders. Jpctaon was taken as foliowe:—36 ezjitez warned, five pmaacnted iroavicoad' five, dis- charged nonei. and six otherwise doPa-It with. The Society's Inspector made 202 visits M supervision.
At tlie reoesrefc examination held in co ? neriion with the College erf Violinisl, Master Clifford Dtavies. Qnaenstree. Neath, and Master Willie George, Brod. awel. Betfrwe. AmmanfcHxl were euocessfnl in passing the Associate A.C.V., the former ¡ yith honours, obtaining 95 inarms out of a poeerible 100. Both are pupils of Mr. Waiter Whittaker (diploma Leipzig Conservatoire, I.S.M.). 5. FmBbury-tcrrace. Swansea. 396e>l-22 1
pqa 1-Vrivana«h iXi-ilh. N Muui-ft. 1. i 'ot'iw a!i< (»od in IJI i: change. M :.iii'-( .:«»] s ii i: ''i h"! ii; -1: t v -No M.'VO N cLangv ( !liner N na !ku!i .N't!V\V.-t;^ 10497: Kii.n-t fC. 5227: maj.. 5270. N1 ■ i i.. ANdt r- n L b189: • <x-!t'wai e 'O SMil H' ov\ r. L:1f. :8.- ir:t.j- /<'■■■ L \T! 1": r í iOWK!^ ¡ T T E •. ]j\r y,v. k.l. 'j'wi-is. inetnau iw>j. dire -1 '<• -I'i\ n'hl,. vho died 1* ember. h.'> a -i at 1^- i'1 vV'til i ;:fl 5-s. 9c. n>NSKRVATl\n-M'AiNS i O-l'A'i Sniortiay 4o ivm — There are n; >9 <■ .• er \Al ■■ Til; bj-ings the strength ,.f the parties tu :-0 Conservatives. 216: .Li"oral? and Laboitr 215; Irish. 62. Torks, BiK'krose.—No change. •TTALF-TTME SCORE .N%E\A'PORT- 1 try. SWANSEA— NH. • • > ) I 'j < i I i | 1
1 SWANSEA ACCIDENT. CONDITION OF MB. D. J. LJvOYP. ;-y matiy Swansea peopLe will be glad te. ,lorn tJiat Mr. D. J. l^loy-d, Newton, Hum !»'cs, maaaeiDg director for Mr H. Billing r.itc'er. etc., is slowly progressing. It will be reuKanbered tlkat Mr LloYd w: accidentally ruu over neaj St. Gabriels 1. Dt Veale, who wae driving a mote* -.a.r. Th: cor had. to be lifted before Mr Lloyd cotfd be got ouu but fortunately no bo-nt-s were broken, altiroag'h some ugly cuts 011 the face j and ha-ntote were treated at tbe hospital. Mr Lloyd wae for yea<rs euperint-eudent at (a<le-street Sunday S;hoo], 1
FOCTBALL_ FTXTUBBs! j Xarberth A.F.C., e verage age 20. require m«1."h, ftwev, Easter Monday: moderate guar- j an tee.—Lawrence Prior. 345sl-22 J
TRAIN WRECKED. 0 ROLLED INTO A RIVER. 140 CASUALTIES. (Reuters Foreign Special). SauH,. Saifflte Marie (Michigan), Satur- day.—According too repoft? received here, 48 pOTSons have been ki-led in the wreck of a Canadian Pacific train rear Espanola, C'-aoada. and 92 injured. CARS ROLLED OVER ..EMBANK- MENT. Toronto, Saturday.—Reportc hero state a C.ctaadian Pacific train robed over the em- banLmant near Webbwood. One car wae Totally and another parfeallv sabinerged in Spanish River. Estimates ot t-he dead van.- from ten to fortv. According to one report fee car caught fire, anid a number of people were burned. 1
SPORTING. LING FIELD RACES ABANDONED. "Paere was a very bard LrOSiL I-at- nigiU, and aiticougii tlie sun oante out. brig'h.tly this utom-, ing, it rafldbe lLrtre impreseKHj, and ratfing w€is not pc&si'ble when at l»lf-]>ast twelve the Sijeiwards an-hoo. By then tbere was a bic c:>iapany from town awaiting tiie ojiening of rye pates, but the Stewards ¡;W:1(\1i came to c-ceiaioc to abandon tiie meciaEg. OFFICIAL SCIiATCHIIvGS. Ail engagements in Mr. C. Bewioke's napfc— Mjoct.rum. All pahJafebed handicaps.—lahelfre&u .Se-llmg Handicap, Kemptoc.—Achaicus. Cot land. Steeplechase, C^.twick.6Wardsto!irn. All engagemenie— Persinas id-aad). .A-
CASTLE WARD (SWANSEA). DATE OF CASUAL ELECTION FIXED. An election of a, Gounciller for the Gasile Ward, Swansea, will take plaoe on Wednft^- day, February 2nd next. Ncmatation papers must be seaii in by 5 p.m. Tuesday, Jajiuary 2ouh, and the Mayor wiH aSXemd on tlie ioiiowing day to reoedve withdrawais.
g AYAN&EA HARBOUR TRUST. BOILERS FOR SALE. FIVE MULTITUBULAR BOILERS, I01-. 6m. long x 6ft Oin. diameter, with all Fittings and Monnitiirgs oocnplete. Certi- fied by one of the leading Insurance Com- panies for a working pressure of 77 lbs. pear square inch. Full particulars, may be obtained on appli- cation to Mr. A. O. SCHENK. Engineer to the Trustees, Harbour Offices, Swansea. 4294 4294 I, SWANSEA. Sata of Leasehold Pro^rtie- at Absrdybsrthi- 8-reel., Haiod, and Bat-on-rcad, Bryni-yfryd. Dfr. A. B. Davies Has been instructed to SELL by PUBLIC ArC- TiON, art the Commeavifcl Inn. Pentre. Swan- sei, on WED NT ESD A Y, JAM'ARY 26th, 191C. tae following Leasehold PROPERTIES, viz:- Ijo:, 1— All .'that 3>a-je>eold Messuage, Dwel- ling House and Premises, situaite and being No. 105 (formerly No. 12) ABERDTBERTH1- STREET, HAFOD. Swansea, nenv in the OOCUIKI- tion of Mr. B. J..Grey on & quarterly ten- ancy a' the rental of 6s. per week. LdL 2.—All that Leasehold M'fesuage, Dwel- ling Houea and Premises, situate and beiIlcp No. 106 {iormerly No. 13;, ABEKDYBEBTKI- STPvETTT. HAFOD, S'vmnseG, no>w in the ocOap^ tion oi MT. Rcykuis 4t a moiitjjy^rciitai Of £1 Is. « Lots 1 and 2 are hüld on Lease for a "term of 89 years froui the -5th dart of March, 1859, a; t-J1.e tnnctal gxotind iatt ce E,2 155.. whioh wiiil be divided equally tvatween ttie lots. Lai 3.J. those Dwelling Houses and Premises, situate i-nd being- Nds. SO and 51, EATON-EOAD. BKVNHYFItYD, now in the occupation of M"?e6r?. Kobertis and others, and producing a weekly rental 07 9s. 3d. Lot 5 is held on Lease, with other Property, for a term of 999 years from March 25th. 1382, at the annual ground rent oi £ 2 5s., ol,Whioh sum 4.'i 2. 6cL per annum is payable injFBaipect of trie's Lot. < Sale to commence at 7.30 o'clock in the evening. The Mines and Minerals are reserved.. Further particulars with Conditions of Salfl of Lnts 1 and 2 may 00 obtained of K. Arthur Jones, Esq., Solicitor. 21- York-street, Swansea: I a'Ll:; Lot 3 of Messrs. PICTOX EVANS and JONES. Solicitors. St. Mary-stneei. gvanaea; and as to tlio whole Lots, from tbe AUCTION Ei"Ul. 58, Wind-street. Swan«aea. 1 TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION. (Continued from Page 3.) HANDSOME Wainnt Sideba&rd and Saddle- bag -Suite for Sal^, £ 7 lot. the lot.—-Appiy Suite, "Daily Post," swansec 40iel-3fl TO LET, immediaiteiy. 6-ioomed Howac. 7, J- Wuroasier-terra.oe, MTirtnu-raad, New on, Mambies.—Apf*! 7 li-fevid Parr> Baiaer, N«w<ou, 40591-23 ERRAND Boy Wanted, able to drive Pony. and make Uimseif r-seiul; gA>d «««•- (iirooearj Stora», Dyvatiy-street, Swan- Siê*. S»e1-29 \"OV Lady requires pasT, in bu&j #^ce- A us Sihcrij-and-'i^pist; few cioiithl' es- perlenoe.—Apjdy Typist, "Daay poit," ssa. 2^1-1^2 T^X\TEDr~LAdy_Canvasser, to .Sell Bleh- clasii Pianos; go.xl saiesv.oman required- —ApjUy J. Brader and aun&» wnid-sIS"031" S^nsea. 391-el-zg 1 P. Gross-street H wan33a.—Three Rooms, J-VJ fir t floir, to Le:. as Offices.—Ap#ly J Popkin Morgan, Solicitor, 10, Swansea. lJ3cl-27 "Tt7ANTED to Purchase, Tobacconist aQd Fancy or any ii«ht &nes,. ine acoommodauou required.. W r-te "D«!ly Posfc," Swansea. 1 TTTJ-ill-FURMSHHD Sitting-room and Bad- j soiii to be Lei; bat £ 'hot d '2° gas stove; good view.-A.pfu;- to 22, lajidis-tarrace, Swansea. — T~AJ»y] raiding' in best ol Sw&D* XJ wishes to share her Furniched small family; without a-Ueudaac*. • "Daily POSIt," w" "a TO Xrewde&men aiid oA<ers. Aeoounts ool^ lectod on icoderate 00mmission, by of' y»«.e £ it Collector: alsc rents, e.t 4 Gash renutteo same day locoived.^1 CWltector, "Daily Post" Swansea, « QKATING RINKS.—For Sa>- b ing junk Companies, pving of 30 to 50 i>eir oont. or. pr^nt Pn^V able rnomhly. 21. Beery Iredaie and 1>sa" J90. ,.23 WaWc-sUwe«, Livonxw-' T^lJllNITO^—Notice tc tb« I Swu»ea.-Wheth«r yoa *ot« SS ? WL- AJSSR. popul^Uon »f gwaas** 6 J^Xhing to be t&wktul M.. WW» Fu Isle ft. Hantteome Saddlebag "-t -A "'Th«r«fore when von require Furnl- ||
SWANSEA BOBOCGE MEMBE*. „ Boiou?h member. Mr. Morfd. ™ intends votin* Northwich or. 7\ms- M.'po present in t-ce evening at ube anu r^varaber of (»Ein> e(rc.e banquet, a« Griffith Thomas- is to be the chief be inated address.
The Mayor of Swansea (Aid. David Matthews), and the Town Clerk (Mr. Jno. Thomas) ware present at the funeral of the ialto Mr. Howel Watkins, J.P.
Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
UNCHANGED. NOTTS, NEWARK—11,320. Starkey C 5497 Wallace L 4613 Majority 879 No change. 1306.—C. majority, -323. ORMiSKIRK (LANCASHIRE)—13.511. Stanley C 6919 Lever L 4679 Majority 2240 chonge,. 1906.-C majority, 2317. EA,ST RIDING (YORKS)—10.597. Harrison-Broadley C 5425 Norris L 41S6 Majority 1237 No change. 1906.-C majority. 613. NORFOLK (EAST)—11,560. Rico L 5592 Fitch C 4348 Majority 1244 No change. 1936.—L majority, 2196. WORCESTERSHIRE, BEWDLEY- 10.638. Baldwin C 6618 Brookes 1j 2370 Majority 4243 No change. 1908.—C. unopuoctd. 19Ü6.-C majority, 3194. MIDDLESE X. UXBRIDGE.. —17,634. Miiffls C 10116 Pocock 5408 Majority 4708 No change. 1906.-C majority, 145. RANTS, PETERSFIELD—11,110. Nicholson C 6 £ 79 Baker L 3o94 Majority 26% No change. 1906.-C majority, 96. CUMBERLAND, NORTH. Howard L 4504 Lowther C 4-470 Majority 34 No change. 1906.—L majority, 237. ROXBURGHSHIRE. Jardine j, 2943 Scott- c 2526 Majority 317 No change. 1906.-L majority. 315. KENT, \IED\L\Y-15,181. Wards (' 8093 Cairns L 5085 Majority 2800 No change. 1006,-C majority, 106. CAM B RIDGESHIRE, CHESTERTON. Montagu L 5261 Morrison-BcJl C 4735 Majority 426 change. 1S06.—L majority, 513. WARWICKSHIRE, TAMWORTH—18,278. Newdegate C 10313 Brampton L 4799 Majority 5514 No change. 1909.-C tuiopposed 1906, C maj. 2719. BEDFORD, BIGGLESWADE—14.031. Black L 6631 Pro-there C 6020 Majority 611 No change. 1906.-L majority, 2614. -P NORTHAMPTONSHIRE (MED)—14,189. Manfield L 6559 Paget C 6003 Majority 556 No change. 1906.—L majority, 1240. STIRLINGSHIRE—20.144. ,I Chappie .L 10,122 Harne C 6417 I Majority 3705 No change. 1906.-L majority, 3669. SOUTH MONMOUTH. Sir Ivor Herbert L 9738 Forestier-Walker C 6910 Majority 2828 No change. 1906—L majority, 1287. SURREY (WTII-BLED0N}-Z7 ,810. Chaplin — C 14445 Holland L 8930 Majority 5516 Nío change. 1900-C. ffiiatjarity" 6994. DEVN (SOUTH MOLTON)-8,700. Lambert t L 4419 Perowtle C 3398 Majority 1021 4 No change. 1906 a.nd 1900-L unopposed. NOR':HUMBERL.VXD. MID-WANSBECK —-Id.9c8. IWwick LJb-Lajb 10872 PcK-y C 4650 M^ority 6S22 No change, lS.Jj.-Lib.L3b majority, 7176 SHROPSHIRE, OSWESTRY—10,181. c 5003 Pcwjaii L 4379 Majority 624 No change. 19v6.—C. maj., 5Ct5. KIXT, ST. Al'GUSTJSE'S.-ló.614. I Aisrfi-Do'ug'Ias c 9500 Lsng L 4114 L L Majori t y S586 j No cha-nge. 19)6.—C. Maj., 2861. W If x HT OV\ N SB IRE. —5,683 • W If x HT OV\ N SB IRE. —5,683 • Ifeirymple c 2777 Macpherson J, 2142 Majority 605 i No change. ISC"—C. maj., 739. LIMERICK tRAST)-7.455. Lender Nat 3077 L'.i.nett Ind. Nat. ^Hl8 Majority „ 159 No r-hangc. I mJ.- Sat.. majority, 978. I POR REMAINDER OF < TO-DAY'S ELgCTIOX DliCLA RATIONS SEE "DAH.Y POST- FOOTBALL EDITION.
Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
IRELAND. I DOWN (EAST).—Capt. James Craig (U), ..J??' ,ood 5 Unionist majority'. 670' (EACTi— .John Murphy (Nat.)," 1- OSuIhvun (Ind, Nat.); Nationalist majority. 54.
THE LIBERAL PROGRAMME. OUTLINED BY SIB, HENRY NOEMAAT. .rpeakjng at u iAbci-al meeting in West v i/fToidshire on Friday ni-ht, .Sir Keary Jormau B^istant Posrtmaster General), who! JU,S! "en ciefeateidi, estimated, that the Liberals would return to power with a nza- jority of between 60 a.nd 12.0. r.Ti;e ^a,7ty whon returraed would of aul deal with the xTouse of I^ordt? secondly pass the Budget, thirty pass a Bui for one man one vote, fourthly a Bill to provide for ail elections to take place on the same day. and iastfry to make the Corrupt Practices A* t nxuoh stronger. POLLING DAYS IN WALES. r< „ Jaauarv varmarrhen^hire (Wrest) 22nd Carnarvon Borough? 22rd Carnarvonshire (Arfon) 25th (Carnarvonshire (Eifion) 27th Cardiganshire 27th
ANTHRACITE ftuNERS AND THE AGREEMENT. AN IMPOfiTANfr PROVISO. At the meeting of the Anthiracite Mmers' Association at the Grogvenor Hotel QIJ. Sat,- j urday. Councillor T. Morris (Caxnaint), was elected chairrman for the year and Mr W. Lloyd (Ystalyfera. vice<Anairmaih. ) The most insportaat Question was the new agreement and it vroÆ idieceded. to prase for the division of the iboaus in the aiiape of one and one-fifth of a turn for every turn worfced On(L liaJess thiiis is conroeded the agroememt will not be ratified. This principle has been adopted; in tlbres colherree, but it is non-existent in 80 otbers. The long standing dispute a.t Cross Hands, it was reported, liad been settled saftisfao- tcrily. The onfly barrier ia the wiay o? signing the price list at Ponthenry is th,-e cartia" divixite. Bon.h sides atre hointsng wit. The prire list in odspute in the Gras vein has been finally settled.. T3ne erbginemen and stokers dispute has been referred to the Executive Council at Oandiff and application will be matfe for the appointment of a, su-h-cornmittoj to deal with -ti)p the matter. If a. settlemvit cannot bp ef- fected by the joint committee is all proba- bility all the enginemen and stokers in t,b.e anthracite district will tender notices an-1 as a consequence all collieries will b2 ren- dered idle.
GLAMORGAN PLAYER FOR BPOUGH-| TON. It was announced yesterday that Brotyrh- ton Rangers had se.-oi-ed the servioee^of Dai" Mead, the wedl-known. half-back of the Llwynypia club. Mead played hit season four times for Glamorgan Cotmty, and is useful as a scrummage or a stand-off hruf-back. He is 22 years of age, ll^st. in weight, and stands 5ft. Sin. 4"
GRAND THEATRE, SWANSEA. NEXT WEEK'S PERFORM A NCES OF • THE DAIRYMAIDS." Thk, enormously tacoes^ful pLy is again to visit the Grand Theatre next week, and the anticipation of a veiry iine week'* bust neisp is ;ic^ured. That there is no healthier and tventer entertainment than this scream- ing fai-cical rnnrsical play has been proved again and again. 'Tine Dairymaid. is always weloame. and more especially when played by a go-\i company. Mr. Robert Macdoxiald, who ie responfdbie for it<8 produrt ion, knows thss. and from mahenal at our disposal there can be 110 doubt at all that th« cotmpany wiil be excellent. The press in every town has pronounced it as being the most elaborate production ever sent out of London. All t-he original scenery and dcetvaee from I the Qnoen's Theatre, London, are t.mveilod and more sumptuous could not be desired. No trouble or expense has been spa;red to I make this visit a record one.