THE PEMBROKESHIRE ELECTION AND ITS FUTURE. Sues another victory will be a defeat." Well might the banded aristocracy and squirearchy of Pembrokeshire admit this and most significant of this coming event which has cast its shadow ( before it was the imprudent and querulous Jere- miad of Mr MEYRICK at the Tory meeting in the Castle Square at Haverfordwest on Tuesday ifternoon. The ex-Tory member for the Pem- broke boroughs could net, he said, feel exultant it such a bare victory he saw nothing to boast of when" a little paltry country attorney" —as Mr THOMAS MEYRICK presumed to designate Mr WILLIAM DAVIES—could make such an almost successful head against the long unchallenged supremacy of the Tory squirearchy;—headed, as it is, by the Cawdor power, and aided by numer- ous deserters from the old Blue" or Liberal partv of the county, and with the apostate Picton influence as their powerful ally. It was not much of a victory after all," exclaimed Mr MEYRICK, and we heartily endorse the confession while feeling, nevertheless, that Mr MEYRICK deserves, and will receive; the rebuka of every honest heart, and of every lover of honourable fair play,for the offensiveness of his style and manner in referring to the Lib3ral can- didate. Mr THOMAS MEYRICK, of Bush, ex- member for the Pembroke Boroughs, and, in his own longings, expectant member for Pembroke- shire, is the grandson of his grandfather. As the son of the daughter of one of the "real Pembroke- shire MEYRICKS," he inherits the Meyrick pro- perty, and were it not for this lucky accident, to which his own merits, if he possess any, contri- buted nothing, he would have no claim or title to address a Tory meeting in Pembrokeshire and to treat with native discourtesy and coarse reviling a man like the Liberal candidate, so much his superior in every attribute of personal cha- racter, and almost his equal in the only qualification which secured Mr MEYRICK even a hearing at the Tory meeting—property. Mr MEYRICK would himself rejoice to lose by a much larger majority than that by which Mr DAVIES was defeated, if his ambitious yearnings had been only gratified by the Tory selection of himself as a candidate and he would not have hesitated to contest the county even upon Liberal principles if he had had any encouragement from the Liberal party, or had t. been assured of Liberal support. This is the gentleman—the mere accident of an accident- who was permitted at the Tory meeting to treat with insolence and low-bred coarseness the Liberal candidate, Mr DAVIES a man who by the force of manly character, by his sterling ex- cellency and worth, and by his indomitable energy and perseverance and pluck, has won for himself tn honoured name and high position in his native :ounty. To compare Mr THOMAS MEYRICK, who is only known because his grandfather was, with such a man as this,would be to insult ordinary intelligence. The pitiful and silly vanity of Pem- brokeshire Tory squiredom, the flunkeyism of blue blood" pretensions, was never exhibited before, so wretchedly contemptible. The defeat of the Liberal candidate-not much :0 exult over by the Tories, as Mr MEYRICK im- prudently confessed—is felt by Pembrokeshire Liberalism, as our special correspondent said in his yesterday's letter, to be a grand moral victory. To realize the real nature and character of the grave political struggle, of which only the first campaign was decided on Monday, it would be necessary to apprehend the local conditions under which that struggle was waged;—the master- ful might, and the hitherto unlimited supremacy of the Pembrokeshire Tory aristocracy and squirearchy; the deep and inveterate, and mentally and morally benumbing prejudices of a So-called gentry class "-more rife and rampant in Pembrokeshire than in any other Welsh county and the long political serfdom of so many of the farmers to their landlords and masters." Against a power so consolidated, and so widely ramified, imperious in the unchecked wantonness of irresponsible and hitherto almost unchallenged strength, and into whose.sacred order the little squireens of the county, and theso-callecl "gentlemen farmers," who have risen from the ranks, are constantly seeking admission, Mr DAVIES resolved to make head, and to raise the standard of political and religious freedom. But few of the Liberal or perhaps they would be more rightly designated the Whig—aristocracy of the county supported him; but those who did supported him warmly, headed by Lord KENSINGTON—now as ever faith- ful to the glorious Liberal traditions of his house and name. The struggle was said to be a hopeless one for Liberalism from the first, the Tory managers triumphantly affirming that Mr BOWEN would be returned by upwards of a thousand majority at the very least. When we remember the two or three fruitless political attempts which have been made during the present century to wrest the Pembrokeshire representation from Tory rule, the Tory confi- dence in an unprecedentedly large majority seemed to be abundantly justified. The late Earl CAW- DOR utterly failed to shake the Tory power in 1812, though aided by the utmost strength of the Picton influence; and now both of these lordly houses, having apostatised from their old political faith, are found on the same side, fighting against Liberalism. Colonel the Honourable ROBERT FCXKE GKEVIXLE failed to do so in 1831, and Sir HUGH OHEN in 1860-the only three political battles fought in the county within the present century. These three defeated candidates were all representatives of lordly houses," drawing descent from the very bluest of blue blood,' and their candidature did not arouse fierce class prejudices, or create bitter class hostility. But that Mr DAVIES, a man of the people, having no claims but personal ones-mental qualifications and moral worth-should dare to challenge the Tory power to the political fray, and beard the lion in his den, the Douglas in his hall," was more than Tory "blue blood," and especially Pembrokeshire Tory blue blood, could stand. The whole army of squiredom was aroused to bristling rage, and more than "a forty-parson power" of clergymen beat the drum ecclesiastic to summon the forces of Toryism to arms. The struggle was bitter and relentless on the part of the Tories, and the Liberal candidate was beaten. We accept the defeat, and do not refer to the means used by the Tory squires, or tothe cowardly desertion of Diftsenting and Liberal voters from the Tory candidate on the day of the poll. We accept the defeat i-fully and frankly accept it, as an earnest of coming victory. The sacred ground of Pembrokeshire Tory exclusiveness has been invaded by a man from the ranks the stronghold of Pembrokeshire Toryism has been struck with no weak hand, and is shaken to its foundations the close political pre- serve of Tory squires, as close as some ducal pocket borough, has been thrown open, and another Liberal invasion is certain whenever another opportunity is offered. This is the grand moral gain the Liberals have achieved- a sure earnest of future political gain. The Tory victory is but the gain of a loss the loss of moral prestige; the loss of political supremacy; the loss of hitherto unchecked and irresponsible power. The tenants who have been up now afraid to say that their souls, any more than their votes, were their own, have been taught to think no longer as serfs, but as free men and to defy, in the safety and protection of the Ballot, the landlor interest, by voting against it. Men who have dared to be free once will be less afraid, and will be anxious to exercise that freedom again. And time is on the Liberal side the forces that govern human progress are with Liberalism. The feeling of liberty amongst tenant f armers, and of confidence in the safety and secresy of the Ballot will grow and strengthen with every succeeding sun, and the next political battle, which Mr DAVIES has pledged himself to fight, will be fought under more favourable conditions, and with altered issues for Liberalism. We understand that the Liberals of, the county, as a token of their admiration of Mr DAVIES'S pluck and daring, and of their gratitude to him for his gallant attempt to rescue Pembrokeshire from its long night of political thraldom, have resolved to present him with a testimonial which shall be a lasting record of this stubborn and, for Liberalism, glorious political contest. The subscription list was promptly inaugurated, as we learn, on Tuesday afternoon, immediately after the declaration of the poll. This graceful public recognition of the political services of the Liberal candidate is appropriate and encouraging, and must be grateful to Mr DA VIES, as showing the unabated confidence and loyalty of his friends. The Chairman of the Liberal Committee—Mr JOSEPH MARYCHURCH- is the chairman of the Testimonial Committee, and the secretary, Mr SAMUEL THOMAS, of Haver- fordwest, is the treasurer of the testimonial fund. It is intended to present the testimonial to Mr DAVIES at a grand Liberal demonstration, to be held shortly in Haverfordwest.
RAILWAY ACCIDENT AT BEAUFORT. Yesterdrv an accident occurred to a London and North Western train, consisting of about 30 empty coal wagons About 200 yards beyond the Beaufort Station some of the wagons grot off the rails, completely blocking the line. Fcur or five of the wagens were smashed. The road was cleared for traffic in a few hours.
THE SOUTH WALES ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. We are informed that the steamships Glamorgan and Pembroke, formerly running between Cardiff and New York, have been sold to a Liverpool firm for 252,000, and that they will in future be engaged in the East Indian trade-sailing from Liverpool.
THE PAINTERS' STRIKE AT CARDIFF. At a meeting of the master painters held at the Win- stone Hotel, Cardiff, on Wednesday, the 28th instant, the following resolution was passed :—" That, the master paintlrs still hold out against the request of the men for a rise of one penny per hour, but that their shops be thrown open to the men at the old rate of wageq. namely, sixpence halfpenny per hour*"—Signed B. NICHOLS, Chairman.
SHOCKING COLLIERY EXPLOSION AT EBBW VALE, A shocking explosion took place at Ebbw Vale on Tuesday night. Our correspondent, writing yesterday, before all the facts were known, says:- Th. explosion took place in No. 22 pit of the Ebbw Vale Coal and Iron Company, and seven colliers and one horse were burnt very severely. As soon as the accidint became known numbers of people flocked to the top of the pit to render assistance. Amongst the company was Mr James Powell, agent, who manifested lively interest in the fate of the men below. It was soon discovered that all the men were alive, but that some of thetlere more severely burnt than others. They were quickly got to the bank, and as rapidly conveyed to their homes, where they wert attended to bv Dra Davies and Sheehy and their assistants. Mr James Powell and his son, with a company of men, descended the shaft at once, and proceedec to get the inured men out. It was not known,when oir parcel was despatched, whether any lives had been lost but a Press Association telegram says that there have >een deaths. Wthear that the cause of the explosion w^one of the venturing with a light into Daniel Jon# j stall, it is ^^Ynsearch of tools; in this stall th fire caught, SStTp i^b tb. »m. place as it lay when first discovered.
Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
nLFORD HAVEN, REGATTA. This annual event came off on Wednesdaji^ Dock. There was a general holiday, the j Government offices being closed. Atnooi^twelve the was fired from the barracks. At half-p^ twelve the regatta commenced, under the gte^ardship ot Captain Calver, B.A, Captain P^, ^7 House Service; Captain Jones, 1* -r.rwv., Messrs l! B. Wells, E. J. D- Macmurtne, E Morgan J. H. S. Lawton, C.E., Dr Hfi. Keynolds and W. O. Hulm. By the kind permiss3n of Colone^ Govanand the officers, the excellentbaij of tte yoth Regiment was in attendance on board the At aim, kindly placed at the service of the commitee for use as a starting vessel. The weather was very:fi.e,with a good breeze, and one of the best regattas eve held on the Haven, under the management of the cmmittee and secretaries, Messrs T. Scott, Phillips, M. Xicholson, and R Davies (H.M- Customs), who also ischarged the duties of starter, as on former years, withjreat tact and ability- the following programme WI then gone t.tiponch. Viz.:— „ rJ.n Race for yachts of 10 tons and under :18 prIze XO, The Fairly; 2nd .22, The Lilly. Race for open or half-decked boats ine, exceeding 10 feet: 1st prize U, The Lilly; 2nd 30s, Te Rose of the F Race for fishing boats, open or half-deked: 1st prize £ 5, The Fidget; 2nd £ 2, The Lilly ^"d £ 1» The ^^Pembrokeshire Volunteers'Race or 40 feet gigs 1st prize The Comet; 2nd 40s, The flue Bell. Race for apprentices, open 22 feet gig: 1st Prlz0 ^3> The Glaslyn 2nd £ 2, The Nautilus «*rd £ 1. A he MRace for'military men, 21 feet Ri*s it Heather Bell; 2nd £ 2, The Glaslyii 3rd £ 1> The ^Rac"for 30 feet gigs, open: 1st priz^lO, the Hebe; 2lR#ce for'Langum*omen 1st prized, Palmer; 2nd £1, Bryant; 3rd 10s, Morgan. Race for shop assistants, 21 feet gif: 1st prized, the Nautilus; 2nd £ 1, the Glaslyn.' n Watermen's Race 1st £ 2, John Javies 2nd £ 1, James Palmer 3rd 10s, S. Walter Bo«n- Race for Mechanics, 30 feet gigs 1st prize £ 6, the MRace for* ll^ared^uttera 1st ptfe £ 4, the Made- 1CRace2for'working7 gigs not exceechg 23 feet1st prize £ 4, The Talisman; 2nd £ 1 is, the John and liace\open) 21 feet gigs :-lst priz< a,cup and £ 2, the Nautilus 2nd £ 2, the Lamp 3rd £ 1 the Blue Bell- An excellent dinner provided at the ush Hotel.brought the proceedings to a most succesiul issue, nothing having occurred to mar the pleasured the day.
The proprietors of the chiei unj. iiu' ifg factories in county of Durham are about to ask ttfr workmen eithet to accept 10 per cent, reduction on pr#nt 'wages or to sub- mit to ten hodrs per day instead ofmne. It is thought th mechanic? will resist the reducti? will agree to work ten bant per day.
CONGREGATIONAL ASSOCIATION. The following resolutions, amongst others, were unani- mously passed, yesterday, at the conference of the Con- gregational body, held at Cymmer, near Pontypridd, in connection with the Association of the four counties of Glamorgan, Monmouth, Brecknock, and Radnor, the Rev D. Price, Aberdare, in the chair That this Conference begs to tender its sincere thanks to William Davies, Esq., of Haverfordwest, for hia spirited attempt •to rescue Pembrokeshire from the disgrace of Tory domination and earnestly trusts that the late con- teat will prepare the way for the speedy tri- umph of Liberal principles in bis native county." That this Conference of Congregationalists, represent- ing over i!60 Congregations, comprising over 80,000 members, at the association of the four counties of Glamorgan, Monmouth, Brecknoch, and Radnor, views the education Bill of Lord Sandon. now before the House of Commons, with considerable distrust and fear, on account of its reactionary character, endangering the liberty of conscience, neutralizing the action of school boards, giving undue advantage to Church schools, and, in effect, giving them power to compel Nonconformists to send their children to schools which they conscientiously object to and unless the obnoxious clauses conferring compulsory powers for educational purposes on boards of guardians and town councils, and for subsidising sectarian schools managed by irresponsible persons be repealed in comm;ttee, fears that it will compel None. n- formists to use all legitimate means to hinder its opera- tion especially in small towns and country districts." The association continues its meeting to-day.
CO^TEREKCOFJNGLMIBAPTISTS. The annual Con ference of the English Baptists of Car- marthenshire and Glamorganshire opened on Tuesday, at Greenfield chapel, Llanelly, under the presidency of Mr W. Thomas, llanelly. The secretary's statement showed that the progress made by the churches this year had been greater than last year. A discussion having taken place on the proposed amalgamation of the three Baptist Collêge in Wales, it was resolved that the con- ference upon the subject, held last year, and which then fell through, should lo resuscitated. A total sum of X572 10s had been received for the foreign mission fund. It was resolved to accept an invitation to the association to meet next year at Cudiff. The meetings were continued yesterday. In the morn- ing, at seven o'clock, a prayer meeting was held, and the Rev A. F. Mills, of Netth, delivered an address. There was a conference at nint a.m., when thy recommendations of the committees were adopted. At eleven the Rev W. Landels, D.D., of London, preached from Ephesians, 4 ch. 15 v., "Speak the truth in love." The ser- mon, a very excellent one, was listened to throughout with rapt attentioli by a large congregation. At 2.40 p.m. the ministers having dined at ths Stepney Arms Hotel, by the invitation of Mr William Thomas, the president, the conference was recommenced with singing and prayer. The names of the members of ( lom- mittees for the ensuing year were read out. On the motion of the Rev A- TILIY (Cardiff), seconded by Mr WILLIAM SAMUEL, the vote of money to Tonypandy was increased from C5 to £ 10. Mr RHIS JCNKS then moved.the following resolution, which was carried utabiwon,Iy TLat this associa- tion regards it as a reproach to the national character that any portion of the revenue of India should be de- rived from themanufactiire of opium, and as an addi- tional diagracethat a country, the Government of which is opposed to its importation, should be compelled to receive it as ar article ef commerce that a copy of this resolution be f(rwarded to H. Richard, Esq, M.P. for Merthyr, and to the members of Parliament for the counties of Glanorgan and Carmarthen." The followi resolutions were also carried :-Proposed by the Rev IIlly (Cardiff), seco-ded by Mr Llewellyn: "That this association deeply deplores the reactionary features of Lcrd Sandon's Elementary Education Bill. and especially that it aims at making the attendance of children compu'gory in district where there is no unsec- tarian school wi-.bin the reach of such children that it gives power to «ompel attendance to bodies not purely elective, and allows them to transfer their power to irre- sponsible persons, who will in many cases be the managers of denominational schools; that by giving to the magistrate power to send a non-attending child to an industrial scaool it associates education with crime, and will wound the conscientious parent through his child: that by doubling the grant made to denomina- tional schcols it will in many cases make them independent of voluntary support, and vio- late a promise to which both sides of the House were parties that voluntary school should not, except upon certain specified conditions, receive mort than 50 per cent of the amount of the annual income." Proposedby the Rev Mr WILLIAMS, of Canton, and seconded bj the Rev T. COLE, of Bridgend That this association views with feelings of alarm the; preva- lence of drunkenness in the country, and considers it as a great calamity that the legislature is so unwilling to adopt efficient means for its repression-" ProposfdbyMr CORY, of Cardiff, and seconded by Mr C u irzg, of Neath That this association regrets the delay in the passing of Mr Osborne Morgan's Burial Bfflt and sincerely hopes the hon member for Denbigh will continue to press the motion until it be- comes law." The CHAIRMAN then called upon the Rev Mr Davies, of Cardff, to read the letter to the churches. The sub- ject of the letter was "The duty of churches in regard to younr converts." It was a Ions and interesting docu- ment, aid a vote of thanks was passed to the author. The Chairman next called upon the Rev C. Williams, of Accnngton, to address the audience, Mr WILLIAMS said he was very glad to come before the meeting for the purpose of pressing the urgent claimBof the Baptist Union Fund. A grave retlectiori had been passed on the union, because it was eaid that it had not undertaken real denominational work. The question came before them in a very remarkable manner. The Rev Mi Biddulph, of Liverpool, having retired from the ministry, he was presented with a large sum of money. He wrote a latter the next day to the speaker, saying that he felttery much for those ministers who had no private mean3 when they retired, and he wished to de- vote £500 towards providing a fund for their support. He explainel the objects of the committee to be- first, to provide for those ministers who were ncapacitated through ill health; 2nd, for those who, on account of age, are obliged to retire; 3rd, for the wives and children of those who are taken away by death. Some of them received salaries of less than X120 per year, and it was utterly impossible for them out of such a sum to make provision for their families. He proposed that the ministers themselves should contribute one third of the fund by annual subscriptions, and that the remaining two thirds should be derived from voluntary contributions. The total sum required would be 250,000, of which they had already received 212,000. The Rev Dr LANDELS said he was hopeful that they would be able to do great things that afternoon. He must plead with them in favour of the Baptist Union Fund, and he could do so. perhaps, with greater effect than Mr Williams, for he commenced his ministerial duties with a salary of only 10s per week. If there has been any such union in those days he should have been glad to join it, but he was afraid he could not have afforded 21 per year. They expected to receive from the churches in London alone £ 15,000 to R20,000, and if such was the case nearly the £ 50,000 ought to. be readily raised. The Rev Doctor concluded a very eloquent speech by urging his hearers to subscribe liberally to the fund. j Slips of paper were then given out to be filled in with the names of intended donors, and the amount of dona- tions, and on their collection it was found that promises to the amount of J61,045 had been made. This did not include a sum of £ 500 which had been promised pre- viously that day. The following resolution was then carried :— That this association rejoices at the auspicious com- mencement that has been made in providing a fund for granting annuities to retiring pastors and widows and orphans of deceased ministers, and staongly urges upon the churches the necessity of rendering to it their most hearty and generous support; that the committee make arrangements to bring the matter before the churche?. Mr R. CORY, of Cardiff, offered to add 5 per cent to all subscriptions promised. Tea was providee in the schoolroom in the evening. At 7 p.m. a public meeting was held on behalf of the home missions. The Rev C. Williams, A. Tilly, J. Hier, and Dr Landels were the speakers,
'UNERAL OF LORD SANDHURST. Yesterday the remains of the late General Lord Sand- fttirst, P.C., G.C.B., G.C.S.I., D.C.L., were removed from the King's-cross Station of the Great Northern Railway en route for Digswell, near Welwyn, Hertford, where the interment took place. There was a large muster of the friends and relatives of the deceased, the hearse-and-four 4Xid seven mourning coaches having gone down the first thing fn the morning. The mourners were conveyed to the spot by tbite saloon carriages, specially engaged and attached to the ordinary train. Among them were the following Four Mr. Mansfields (brothers of the deceased) and four sons, viz., Mr. W. K. Mansfield, Mr. H. R. Mansfield, Mr. J. R. Mansfield, and Mr. W. R. Mansfield Mr. Philip Millbank, and Mr. Millbank (his son), Sir H. Havelock, M.P., Sir Thomas Gladstone, Mr. W. Gladstone (his son), Sir W. Codrington, General Holditch, Sir H. Maine, Colonel Crawley. Captain Byng (late aide-de-canip of the deceased), Sir B. Simeon, Colonel Dyott, the Ron. R. Dutton, Captain Crenlock, Colonel Tendall, Colonel Flood, Colonel Lowe, Captain lieedbrm, Mr. Fellowes, and many others. Four soldiers of the 53rd Regiment, in which Lord Sandhurst entered the service as ensign, came Bpeeially from the Curragh, lreland,where this regiment is niationed, to be present at the funeral. It is understood that they were in the Indian Mutiny with the deceased. Their names are Sergeant-Major Devaston, Colour-Ser- irsant Hopper, Lance-Cciporal Challibey, and Private G. Butcher. The coffin ot deceased was of polished oak, tfcifch gilt handles and ornaments. On the lid was a name- niate which bore the following,inscription :—' W. Rose Mansfield, £ oi4 ^audbuijt. JiMi» 1819-died June. fJi6if! ,{
POLITICAL DEMONSTRATION. The issue of the contest in Pembrokeshire caused much disappointment at Cardigan. After dark a band of Tones, principally of the "rough" class, paraded the streets, headed by a young fellow dressed in a soldier's dilapi- dated uniform. They howled and yelled most inhar- moniously. Hearing this the Liberals were promptly represented, and by force became masters of the situation. Blows were freely exchanged, and the crowds were not dispersed until after 11 p.m.
— —— LOCAL LAW CASE. In the Court of Appeal, Common Law Division, on Tuesday, the Master of the Rolls, Lord Justice Mellor, and Mr Justice Denman heard the case of Parnell r. the Great Western Railway Company and another. This was an appeal from the Queen's Bench Division of, the High Uourt ot,lustice. The plamtiit Darnell, a working carpenter, was walking under an aqueduct of the Great Western Railway, at Usk, when some timber was thrown over, and one of the pieces struck him, injuring him severely. At the trial the question arose whether "slr Harries, contractor, of Gloucester, Was responsible. The jury, however, threw the liability on the railway company, and gave the plaintiff V250 damages. Appli- cation was made for a new trial, which was refused, and the defendants appealed, but the Court of Appeal ordered the case to stand over that Harries might be brought in. After hearing arguments the court now reversed the decision of the court below, and granted a new trial, the costs of the appeal to the court below, and of the former trial, to follow the result of the new trial.
LONDON AND NORTH WESTERN (SIRHOWY RAILWAY TRANSFER) BILL. This Bill came before the House of Lords Committee yesterday, the Earl of Airlie presiding. Mr Pope, Q.C., in opening the case for the promoters, said the object of the Bill was to authorise the London and North Western Railway Company to acquire the Sirhowy liae. That railway was authorised in 1865, the Act empowering them and the Great Western Company to enter into working agreements. Last year negotiations were entered into for the leasing or working of the Sirhowy Railway by the Monmouthshire Railway—then a neutral com- pany—and the North Western, and an agreement had almost been come to when the Monmouthshire sold itself to the Great Western. The London and North Western proceeded alone, and entered into an agreement for the working of the Sirhowy line, which was opposed before the Railway Commissioners by the Great Wes- tern and Monmouthshire Railways, and by Lord Tre- degar, but was, not withstanding, confirmed. With the addition of certain running powers to the Great Western and Monmouthshire Railway Companies, the North Western had been working the Sirhowy line since the 1st July iast, but they now proposed to acquire it. There was no objection to continue the running powers granted to the Monmouthshire Company by the Railway Commissioners for their Newport traffic; but the Great Western having just acquired Hall's Tram- way in the same valley, it would give them a route of their own. The running powers from Tredegar to Nine Mile Point granted to them were not proposed to be continued unless they asked for them, and piomised to use them in the interest of the public. Mr Basil Jayne, J. P., managing director of the Brynmawr Coal and Iron Company, and Mr G. W. Jones, of Tsewport, gave evidence in support of the Bill. The committee afterwards adjourned till to-day.
GREAT WESTERS RAILWAY BILL. In the House of Lords, yesterday, evidence was heard by the Select Committee, in favour of those portions of the Great Western Railway Bill relating to the acquire- ment of Hall's tramroad, in Monmouthshire, and the construction of a short line to connect it with the Great Western system near Tredegar. The committee decided to proceed with thab part of the Bill.
AFFAIRS IN THE EAST. [SPECIAL TELEGRAMS DATED JUNE 27.] ATHENS.—From Times'' correspondent Accounts from Constantinople dated June 22 state that nocturnal meet- ings are held in mosques, and eminent Turks attend. Arms are still being purchased. BUCHAREST.—From correspondent of the gourv- The Roumanian Government has dissolved the Bulgarian Committee formed here. and has con- fiscated the arms and money transmitted to European consuls by the revolutionary agents at Athens, The documents published in certain English and Italian papers, to the effect that a strong war feeling prevails in Greece, and that volunteers are being enrolled by Deputy Grivas, are untrue. Greece does not contemplate war. BERLIN.—From correspondent of TimesA manifesto of the Bosnian insurgent chiefs declares Prince Milan of Servia King of Bosnia. A corresponding manifesto of the Herzegovinian chiefs recognises the Prince of Montenegro as their chosen leader in the campaign for the annihilation of the Turks. From correspondent of Morning Post To-day's news from Servia is of an alarming character. At the present moment war is con- sidered imminent, even by persons who have hitherto believed in the preservation of peace. The Turkish Government affirms that it has 200,000 men to pit at once against the. Servians. Should war actually break out, it is understood that both Russia and Austria will ris mass considerable forces on their frontiers. The corres- pondent of the Daily Neics says :—If the present appear- ance of things in Servia may be trusted, decisive news will arrive to-morrow. A declaration of war was to be made to-day, the anniversary of the battle of Amselfeld, but no report of such a proceeding has yet appealed. The reports of the day may be summed up in three items —That Prince Milan has gone to the front; that the Bosnian insurgents have proclaimed him Prince of Bosnia; and that the Herzegovinians have invited the Prince of Montenegro to become the head of the insurrec- tion. VlEXNA.—The Times' correspondent says :-There is but little hope of the Powers succeeding in restraining Servia, and the only question seems to be whether the Servians will attack or provoke the Turks into attacking them. From correspondent of Daily Aeics .*—Montenegro is reported to be in movement. The Minister for Foreign Affairs has returned from Ems. Prince GortschakofF s instructions were that Monte- negro was free to act at her own discretion and upon her own responsibility. From corre- spondent of the Hour:—The Porte having demanded the immediate payment of the Servian tribute for three and half years. Servia has replied that she has no money available for that purpose. The correspondent of the Standard says :-The Tiews that large numbers of volun- teers are entering Bosnia has not been confirmed. Fifty Circassian raiders have been entrapped by a battalion from Belgrade, and killed. PARIS.—From the correspondent of the Standard:- Great uneasiness continues to be felt respecting the move- ments of Servia. The Utiion. professes to have received the following communication from an authorised source, but prints it under all reserve :—" The Emperors of Germany and Russia have just been informed that war is immipent betweenTurkey and Servia,Prince Milan having despatched to Constantinople an ultimatum which the Porte will not accept." I am told that this ultimatum calls on the Porte to break up the entrenched camp at Nissa, close to the Servian frontier. From the Times' correspondent:- Great efforts are being made at this moment in order that iiingJana and Russia may come to an agreement on the con- tingent measures which the acts of Servia might necessi- tate. it has been rumoured this evening that a convention has been signed on the subject, but this ie at least, prema- ture. News received this evening announces that thE Servian army is already in want of provisions. The Austro-Servian frontiers were for two days strictly ciosed and narrowly watched on the side of Austria. The cor- respondent of the Daily Telegraph says :—According to an opinion which prevails in diplomatic circles here, Servia does not really intend commencing hostilities. The warlike rumours, which have to a great extent been put in circulation by her own agents, are merely intended to encourage the insurgents. If she eventually commits the lolly of striking the first blow, she eventually commits the lolly of striking the first blow, she will soon be crushed by the Turkish forces, who are well- disciplined, and armed partly with Martini-Henry rifles. In case of aggression they would, I hear, enter Servia by 11 different points of the frontier and march straight to Belgrade- As to the report that Russia would guarantee the integrity of Servian territory, I am infon, cd on the highest authority that whatever hap- pens Tuvkey will not seek to annex any part of .Servia. She might possibly occupy Belgrade ana other fortresses until she obtained ample guarantees for Servia's keeping the peace, but she has not the remotest wish nor object for territorial aggrandisement. Moreover, Russia knows per fectly well that the first gun fired by her might overshoot the mark therefore she is not likely to interfere.
IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT, j HOUSE OF COMMON S.—WEDNESDAY. The Speaker took the chair at half-past 12 o'clock. THE REAL ESTATE IXTHSTACY BILL. Mr POTTER, in moving the second reading of the Real Estate Intestacy Bill, stated that its object was to aesimilate the law affecting real property with that relating to personal property in cases of intestacy. The Bill aimed at the removal from the Statute Boon: of the law, which gave an unwise and unjust preference to the eldest son over the rest of the family, in case of the death of the father without having made a wil-a law which kept the present system in the same state as was the case in feudal times. He entered into the past history of the measure, the second reading of which was; carried in 1869, and he argued that the state of things with which it sought to do away ought to have been abolished when the feudal obligations connected with the laud were done away witn. Mr E. LEATHAM seconded the motion, remarking! that they were told by the opponents of the Bill that it would destroy the small freeholds, Now he understood: thai most of the small freeholds were heavily mortgaged, and the village usurer was only prevented from fore- closing by the knowledge that under the present law of intestacy the property may descend in a lump. It was not clear how he could know this, as the holder might make a will; but the question naturally aro?e, how far was it desirable to keep such freeholders on their legs, for if it were true that the peasant proprietor was a man whose land was habitua lly mortg aged,his interest in the property was goje. The hou, gentleman denied that there was anything in the Bill that would upset the law of primogeniture, with which, in its broad aspect, he did not desire to interfere, and he contended that while it would only occasion a devolution of ownership in one out of 500 small properties, all the large estates were so thorougely tied up and protected that they would not be affected. Mr GREGORY moved the rejection of the Bill, arguing that if passed it would bring about sale or parti- tion of a large number of small estates. He deprecated the proposed reversal of a law that had existed from the time of the Norman Conqueror, and without denj ing that there were cases of particular hardship under the present law, said the cases were comparatively few, and it would be unwise because or their occurrence, to abro- gate a law that received the general approval of the country. Mr B. HOPE denounced the measure as a bare-faced attempt on the part of English plutocracy to render it L easier than it was at present to absorb and gobble up the small properties throughout the country. Mr BAXTER maintained that the passing of this Bill would make no perceptible difference iu the size of freehold sstates. He asked the House whether the mode: in which personal property was now distributed among the widows and children of deceased persons was not a fair, rational, and christian-like method, and he would ask whether the right honorable gentleman (Mr B. Hope), if he had to draw up a new code, would propose to hand over all the property of a dead man to his eldest son, and leave the rest of the family in destitution. The Act would help to mitigate the evils which rose from the undue advantages given by the law of primo- geniture. He held that it was a great loss to anv nation, when great tracts of land were held by particular owners in different parts of the country, as the possessor must be to a great extent absentee, and consequently unable to fulfil his duties to the contentment of his own people and the prosperity of the nation. It was said that if they passed this Bill a great many small properties would be merged in and annexed to the larger properties in their neighbourhoods. Ivo doubt this would be so to a certain extent, but at the same time he agreed with the hon member for Huddersfield that nothing could be worse than that a large number of small proper- ties should be held by persons who were deeply in debt. He would afford every facility for the easy sale of land, and enable, by the passing of this Bill, many families who had been plunged into destitution by the death of a father, who had invested all his means in land, and had not made a will, to escape from their difficulties. Mr GOLDNEY opposed, and Mr O. MORGAN supported the Bill. Air HENLEY was of opinion that the Bill would work mischief by annihilating, as it inevitably must in the course of a few years, the large and valuable class of small freeholds, held by what were called forty shilllng freeholders. Sir W. V. HARCOURT said the question was whether it was just that when a parent had died intes- tate, and the whole of the property was invested in land, the widow and children, with the exception of the eldest son, should be left in a state of destitution. It was not proposed to interfere with the right of a man to dispose of his property,but that when he had failed t<> do so, that the law should step in and see that justice was done. Mr LOW hi approved of the Bill, which he thought ought to be regarded from a common sense point of view, as calculated to produce a just and equitabl alteration of an inequitable law. He also stated toat he could see no reason why the measure should be opposed by the Conservative party. The ATTORNEY GENERAL submitted that taking a large view of the interests of the com- munity it would not be either wise, expedient, or politic, to press such a measure. He admitted that there might be a few cases of hardship under the present s3'stem, but he contended that this fact did not constitute a case suiiicientiy strong to justify a proposal such as the sweep- ing away of the present state of che law. He concurred with those who had argued before him that the effect of the Bill would be highly detrimental to the holders of the smaller freeholds. The House divided, and the numbers were- For the second reading 175 Against 210 Majority 3.5 The Poor Law Amendment Bill was read a third time, as also was the Friendly Societies Act (1875) Amendment Bill. I The House adjourned at 5.55.
FORTUNATE NEXT OF KIN. Referring to the recovery of i-iuO.OOO from t h Crown by means of a next of kin advertisement. Mr.Edward Preston writes The recovery of so large a sum from the Crown as that above noted is. I believe, without precedent, and deserves a passing notice. An order for repayment out of court was made by the Vice-Chanc-e'llor 31alins last week, under ths following circumstances. In December, 1871, Mis. Maria Mangin Brown, then of Hertford-street, Mayfair, died intestate. leaving per- sonalty of the value of over £ 200,000. and with no known next of kin consequently the thsn Solicitor to the Trea- sury (Mr. Gray, Q.C.) took possession of her estate on behalf of the Crown, and paid all expenses of administra- tion and her debts. Advertisements were then issued by the Crown solicitor to ascertain who were Mrs. Brown's next of kin, and fourteen persons came In thereunder. Four of them (Italians) have just proved their claim to the satisfaction of the court, and the illatt-er came on bv petition, praying payment to the retitioner, Filippo Tomasso Mattit Freccia, of Jie balance of the above sum of E200,000, after providing for succession dnty and costs. After some discussion between the counsel, the Vice-Chancellor made an order 11.1 the terms of the prayer of the petition.
A COOL SETTLEMENT OF HOT WORDS. A duel was fought without seconds on the 8th of June at River Bend, Colorado. Two dealers in cattle, in a large way of business, Jessup and Davis by name. having had hot words, walked out together on the prairie, ana the newspaper report says When about 500 yards from the station they shook hands and took positions 50 paces apart. Before the spectators, who now saw what was about to occur, could reach the duelling ground the firing commenced. Jessup. who shewed some excitement, fired his three shots wildly, neither ball touch- ing his adversary. Davis, taking steady aim each time, fired two shoots from his rifle, the second one piercing Jes- sup through-the heart. He fell forward on his face. and the spectators reached the spot just as he fell dead. Davis, who displayed remarkable coolness, helped to carry the body to the Station. He refused to divulge the nature of the difficulty between himself and Jetsup, simply saying that the latter challenged him to a duel at fifty paces, three shots, eaah man to choose his weapon. Davis had an improved Winchester rifle, Jessup a Colt's improved revolver. Jessup is said to have been quiet and peaceable. Davis rode off from the neighbourhood after dark."
INTERNATIONAL TRADE COURTESIES.! A- short time since, says the Manchester Guardian. Messrs. Ra-oul Duval and Balsan visited this country for the purpose of making inquiries on matters relating to commerce between Great Britain and France. These gen- tlemen are members of the Cons>»il Sr perieur dti Commerce, a committee appointed by the French. Government to ex- amine and report upon commercial questions. With the sauction of Lord Derby and by introductions to the chambers of commerce. facilities were afforded to them fur visiting the chief localities of our tex- tile manufactures and making such inquiries as theydeemed needful for a comparison of the cost of production of our manufactures with that, of their own. The successful re- sult of this visit has led to a desire on the part of English manufacturers and merchants. for similar information respecting French industries, which might be of consider- able importance when negotiations are commenced with a view to the revision of the French Commercial Treatv. Communications have accordingly been made with the Foreign Office, and it is probable that a small deputation of gentlemen, nominated by chambers of commerce, would re- ceive an introduction to her Majesty's Ambassador at Paris and other facilities for prosecuting their inquiries. Seeing that the deputation must necessarily be a very small one to be effective, it has been suggested that the various chambers of commerce interested in trade with Franca might supply the members of the deputation with ques- tions likely to elicit information on the specific point* »|>«B which wiah U» obtaia further knowledge,
[FROM OCR OWN CORRESPONDENTS, REUTER.'s AGENCt PRESS AbSOCIA HUN < AND C £ NTHAL NEWS J THE EASTERN-DIFFICULTY. CONSTANTINOPLE, Monday.—The apprehension of au armed coniiict with Servia. continues, and large Turkish forces are at Risch and Novebazar, but they are only to cross the frontier if provoked by Servians.
THE ARCHBISHOP OF COLOGNE. BERLIN, Wednesday.—The ecclesiastical tri- bunal has pronounced sentence of deposition. against the Archbishop of Cologne.
PARDON TO FRENCH COMMUNISTS. PARIS, Wednesday.—A decree of Marsha! Macmahon crants pardon or commutation of sentence to 87 communist prisoners. It is stated that the measures for the suppression of the in. surrection of 1871 may now be considered accom* plished.
TWO CHILDRENJBURNT TO DEATH. At Croydon yesterday, two children were burnt to death in a shed. It is surmifed that in the absence of the parents, the children played with lucifer matches, -and -no set the shed on fire.
THE UNIVERSITY SPORTS. The Oxford and Cambridge bicycle race of fifty milet was won at the Alexandra Palace, yesterday, by W. Crofton. of Oxford. J. Julien was leading, when he fe and was badly cat The Oxford and Cambridge cricket match was won by the Cambridge team, with 9 wickote to spare.
THE REDUCTION ORTHFNATIONAL DEBT. A pIan for the reduction of the National Debt has been mbmitted to Sir Stafford N orthcote by Messrs Walfskel Brothers, bankers, Liverpool, and is under the consideration of the Government. It is stated that if the plau be adopted taxation can be reduced some mil. lions annually.
ACTION AGAINST THE~"TV0RLD." „ Yesterday afternoon the Queen's Bench division of th High Court of Justice graoled Mr C. Lttwis, M.P. for Londonderry a rule ntsi for a criminal information for libei against the Worid.^ lhe libel was contained in a series of articles attacking the hon. gentleman in tha discharge of his duties in Parliament, and his connection with a so-called rotten investment company.
A SCOTCH TOMBSTONE CASE. A Scotch deputation upon a rather peculiar snMrfs says the London correspondent of the Leeds just arrived in London. The deputation in question'oon! sists of three clergymen and a layman of the URit44 Presbyterian Church, who were recently aDoaintJl l!» the synod of that body to take action in i tombaton. case. This case is of a somewhat peculiar character and I have no doubt, before the last is heard of it it will have become as famous as that one in which tK« Bishop of Lincoln played so prominent a rJuT •Some time ago, certain members of the United Presbyterian Church resolved to erect a monument ov2 the grave of the Rev. Thomas Gillespie, who was buxiS in Dunfermline Cathedral in the year 1774 Hr Gille, spie s claim tothe gratitude of those who desire to'DenX tuate his memory is that he was the founder of tW original secession Church, which body was ultimate^ incorporated with the United Presbyterians. Tbi reason of his secession arose ovrt of an eoclemal! tica! squabble. Whilst he was a minister of the Established! Church ol bcotland he took part in what is known beyoS the Tweed as a "forced settlement » at InverkeithiW-Z in other words, I suppose, he resisted the settlement ia I of a clf«-man nominated by th. patron, and upheld the cause of the pepular favourite The ralnlt was he was '• deposed," or. in other woida pelied, from the Establishment-the result tn. he headed a secession which has in time grown into one of the most powerful ecclesiastical bodies (J a— Out of reverence to his memory his friends of thiTa™ tion resolved to erect a stone over his grave. The sfconew*^ prepared and the inscription duly written, but when tbW former was about to be setup the Board of Works,as CUSUM iians of the Abbey, interfered. They objected to tC « deposed by authority of the Gene^l Assembly for tXS part in a torceu settlement at Inverkeithinr W»Tr2 corded on the slab, and the consequence is it K been erected. The representatives of the svnod that these words must either be retained or else have no memoria1 stone at all. They kv. com. ti London to laj their case berore the Government. or a I
An explosion of coal gas occurred yesterday mormnfoa board the German bng Johann Frederick, GapuS Kiel lying at the Jsew Quay pier, North Shield*. Tht ressel received considerable damage. A seaman named Hermann Elcke was very much burned about the l £ S ^pred*09" 111 aster and a lad were alao slightly ia* KAY 3 TIC PILLS, a specific in Neuralgia, Face-ach# T^v 'rlfct,vi,Ti9's- tk*v £ ros- Sto^t 5^2 TENBY. Tne Medica Journals highly RMY>mn>aiu7 V>?f j A11{allne Sfclihe, being infinitely raDe^ar £ ',CnM. Citrate of Masnerfa/Seidlitz » i n owinf.tois unique properties ot beoooiimB Alkaline during effervescence, which renders it imnvaIkdl«sS Antacut and Alterative for Bilious Constitutions. ConrntiMtin? Acidity, Impurities of the Blood, Eruptive Tev«n, mJiS position to Gout, 4tc. In Bowles Is 6d 2» 6d «ch
SPREAD OF CALYINISTIC METHODISM. In connection with the annual general assembly at the, Welsh Calvinists of Wales and various parts, of England, including London. Manchester, Birmingham, Liverpool, die., there has been tissued a series of statistics shewing the progress and position of the denomination during the past year. From these statistics it appears there has been an increase in almost every department of finance, and pioof i* given of the growing numerical strength of the Church, the increase in tha number of church membei a during the year being 5,167. The total amount of money received for all purposes was £ 154,04317s., being an increase of £ 3.009 12s. 9d. over the total of the previous year. The increase in the number of church members and also N in regular collections towards the maintenance of means is spread almost over the whole connection. The denomination has increased 10,000 in number during the past two years, and its present numerical strength stands at 100,742. It is intended, ac- cording to a report appended to the statistics, to establish a more uniform system of ke*;pipg aocottati «ad ttthfx 6- Lmmig .1..
THE GOVERNMENT- AND DEAN FOEST. We learn on good authority that the Government has decided to pass the Commons Bill Wfore again attempt- lufe s^ecihc legislation for Dean 5'orest. The session ia r,Q!rf- 'VaKCei &D, e Com»'-ons Biil in such a com- paratueiy backward state, th<?.t nothing can be done fop the Forest till next year. T'ae Dean Bill will then be reintroduced in an mended form.
THE SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE IROIX TRADE. WOLVERHAMPTON*, Wednesday. — A considerable «n~ quiry has sprung up for tirst-class merchant bars, and cne firm has this week received enqvjries representing toES Ot 8Uch iron rhp foiWEht W Price, are tg\!S £ ? I twelvemonth ago for the finished prodnct. No alteration twiwiH Quotations is anticipat/ed, though the generally sadly need oraers. Collieries are being shut down. There is distress amongst the allien S rent prices of ye coal are unremunerative.
THE RIVERS POLLUTION BILL, Yesterday afternoon-un iulrortaut conference of mtdl-t hers of the House of Commons took place respecting th produced by the Government dealing with tha 1 °- m?ri 1 Conference was summoned by y number of representatives from 1 cturing constituencies. After some discussion PiiV? wU ,ad°P^eci condemning that portion of tha Bill which deals with pollutions arising from manufac- mines. I he ounsiceration of the first and second portions °f the Bill, which dealt with pollutions from sond matter and from sewage, was adjourned.
LORD GRANVILLE ON HIGH CLASS EDUCATION. Lord Granville laid the foundation stone vesterdav of anew wins? to the Dover College. He^ SrJed that all SSiE'tn co'^e. 01™ «?«' inTWr H whlchr*s instituted five years ago in Dover. He also expressed an opinion that athletic regretted tbat noKf•en?°uraoed ia all public schools, and Kch schS eCjCTy waB not studied mora naid to k Ued \hat oa » recent visit that h« paid to the Library at Lton he found that thev did not posses, a copy ot Adam Smith's Wealth of 5'ations^ and wishing ts present the book to the library he tried! various bo,tellers in the town, but failed^obtaSt copy.
Jr THE PPTOSPECTS OF CHPISTENDO-IF. at Fere Hyacinthe* introducing theFatb^b^f08^?1 JU- Ckrl8teDdom." 1^ whoseS the CS ^scribed him as a pulpit orato* fill and o £ rance bad found no one to, "ie of tb. P**8ooally had £ ciothe indicated as th..1"' restore the (hurch to unity-the recognition bytS, Church of Rome of civil marriage the reform of sion into the form it took under the apostolic dispensa- tion; reform of celibacy among the clergy, by penpittinc hC'7Zrm'&lrf nL the ^utS tranalati^ everywhere fulfilled >ue* k*11 these conditions were Catholt tVe .a of the three branches of tha Oath oil c Church not only possible, but certain.
A telegram from Paris states that a decree has been issued by Marshal "Maemallon l'ranting pardon or commutation of sentence to 87 Com- i uiuniscic prisoners. It was stated that measures t for tiie suppression of the insurrection of 1871 may now be considered accomplished. It is reported from Berlin that the Ecclesiastical Tribunal has pronounced a sentence of deposition against the Archbishop of Cologne.