i ACCII^ON THE; MID- •> ihe m^S~~LWAY' 0ur Newt trAXNt OFF THE LINE, dent t"leprar'u^, (Montgomeryshire) correspon- .riday aft«,. a ra'lway accident occurred Wai1 fr°m Breon^00^' t e. ^-30 P,Tn* Passenger ales RailWav Llanidloes, on the Mid- Ha!1 and Pantvri tlje rails between Rhay- f^.laRe was dl.?' ?,eRr a bri<%e. Considerable n,l1;1tle-dri" One to the engine and metals. The f and thA v! S r escaped without serious
SIR A ^O'SHCOTE AND THE GOVERNMENT. I* Associati!^0^ ^? Carnarvonshire Conserva- Wg, a letter v,'a('r ,at Bangor on Friday even- Statu,, from Sir Stafford Northcote, I VernmA.,f i! coucurred in their view that I f j £ e to reverRQ uVe n &r-^ly actuated by a „e, flr»periaj rmi? means in their power, £ hon, lcy of Lord Beaconsfield. The w°st importar,f m that in his opinion it is looked, f0r that this point should not be over- r attention nf1*f'ers are labouring hard to divert ^Wiire into n-v.; i corititry from the disastrous W°ney their ntf at a vast expense of life and attempts had led them.
THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL gir 0is LIBERALISM. ^ar«es, the Attorney-GI-eneral, was ijiberal Assnr; !lnc'ieon °n Friday by the Bury Sh°retiSS°^OD. Mr R, N. Philips, M.P., Jaenry Jaai t'ie next election in favour of Sir r^Ponding fl> Proposed the latter's health. In upon 'l0 Attorney-General spoke at some P°htical viet??nera* topics, and, alluding to his a result of },;t' fai^ he held Liberal principles as that ev«r 8tu(^ies. His reading had shewn cu"n8 the 8teP °f progress in tins country and since v', eu °f Elizabeth, under the Stuarts, •Co&sors of'ti,38 due to those who were the prede- partyi S ) men who now formed the Liberal £ °uld no of Tory democracy, he said he Horse marino efiae it than he could describe a never exj ?• It was an incongruity which could dpal politics. He considered the Muui- weasUre 1,jns Corrupt Practices Bill a necessary **r^atnen( the act of last session respecting DUl7 elections.
THE KOUTLE ADDUCTION CA-E. REVOLTING DISCLOSURE. At the Bootle police-court on Thursday Thomas Keid, a man about 40 years of age, was changed With having, on the 1st of March last, unlawfully taken away Agnes Jane Cowper Furlow ",11"t)!1, Who is under the age of 16 years, againft -L, id wilhoot the ],>o! mission of either of her parents. Agnes Jane Du" per Furlow Nelson said she was 15 years Of age. She knew the prisoner, and bad known him eleven months, In June last year he came to lodge at her parents' house, At that time they were living in Boston-street, They subsequently removed to Bedford-terrace, and prisoner went with them. After living in Bed- ford-tcirace f-,r liomc time, a familiarity took place between tlu-m, This was about February. Prisoner told her he w as a single man and pro- mised to marry htr, and in the month of January last he gave Iter some mon«y to pay for the publishing of their banns of marriage, llus was done at St. Peter's Church in Liverpool. About the latter end of February last prisoner left her father's house. On the 1st of March Witness's mother sent her out on a massage, and ihe met the prisoner. He told her he had kell lodgings in Stanley-road, Liverpool, and tasked her to go with him to a house in Liver- pool, and she went, Tlis house was 2, Leeds- etreet, and they lived together as man and Wife for some two or three weeks. After that they removed toother to 3, Cobden-etreet, JUanc'aester, where she lived with him as his wife until he was arrested, on the 21st of May, by Police-sergeant Heydon. Witness was never paarried to the prisoner, and up to the time of bis apprehension she did not know that he was a ,1: married man. Neither her father nor mother had ever given him or her permission to go away together.—Cross-examined by the prisoner, wit- Bess admitted that she and the prisoner had slept gether whilst he lodged in her father's house, and that her mother was aware of the fact. The prisoner was sent to the assizes for trial.
A COLONEL'S \Y1 RE SENT TO GAOL. Hetiriett^Louisa6velvanC0U-^ ™ Thursday, yelyan, was charged on i f' conduct outside the resi<d„fw|h ,d,s;)fier,y Beresford, 10, Victoria-square, Pimltn, £ fendant was before the magistrate iSlt' when evidence was given to the tw jiolentiy puiled the bell at Lord M. kresLd's fcouse, Rnd created such a disturbance ?hat the police were compelled to take £ ?r in custody. She Bta/ea Lord Marcug ♦jetesford was the trustee under an agreenaent i^e?Laration between herself and her husband, f^d that he refused to see her or answer her »SHerw Her annuity had been stopped, and she absolutely a nairoer —Mr Brandon, solicitor, ^attended onKalf' of Lord Marcus Beres- £ Stffid. thS the Position of to tajtag husCd "i^^3 Trevelyan was separated from her flnest of both Rnd ^ord Marcus, a t fc6e Py.^this deert separation. ^01* t • .fe P°g a yeaied covenanted to pay to £ 300. in '.but in 1879 this was reauoeu pay the .aU0vv ^8l Colonel Trevelyan ceased to SruBtee, mstit ^ce, aud Lord Marcus, as the as only able Proceedings against him he banded over t« ^ver which sum was My*? now WMd Tre" through his solicitor, abroad and J011 of j?- leave England through ^uld alW hhi Lwifa- If she would go said no proi^^ ''ve in England, ha Sade to hK^tion00^ «■ year. -The defendant jytarcus Bereefo^ had beet,hls sort had ever been and both of the^ was a6^ cruelly treated. Lord Her child had be»wW°J,ked l'lend of her husband, hear nothing 0f ^en tether to crush her. left to starve, and u^ ^eaV.01*1 ^er> and she could the workhous^ wh^ ^oi?iHUt3- She had been Week for her ke^ theJld like to see her m could not permit C^r j^red to pay 7s a jjeresford as she p6r to said he Jjave to findtwo suited ;hn^°y Lord Marcus peace «»d be of ? in £ in0in £ She would The defe"dant 8a,<} ^fhavij;0 64011 to keep the prison. T1 ere was n0 for six weeks.-— She was removed to t^e t^d have to go to
„ "Miooy mi uoi.— •'SPLPHOLINB £ !urinf sk.i" ^'seaj^OS. Mtnce tofade awayU'^olione.,is Sc»vX(,ei'na^ ^eans of pimples, any eruption Xr&Ml »tytn«'frit^8s' w days> and com Weft that have pj > *hii<^chea^ Pa8t cure' 0rdi /st«r ?eFl y t?* old Scurf, roughness ^ecessfuUy attacl{ the he 8115* J^dnring skin dis- Ffaich 'heae ^e,H. ?.ay be, for years, iiow- f /JTays p.^j'sighn ^estr'n Sulpholine' will 'the animalcule, 1 C:hpm,s^ Boh, c&tahle, painful affec- 8 IJva. ?8 2s ^°lino •> ^ealthy, natural j Motion is sold l»y M a^'tf fiO0t 67232 "JwolUy HoMrn; I
EGYPT AND THE SOUDAN. ((< TIMES" TELEGRAMS ) SrAKisi, Thursday.—The rebels annoyed "us again last night, at the same time and place. We turned on them the electric light, aud their fire was returned from the guns of the Albacore, and also from the guns and rifles in the forts. No casualty on our side occurred, and tlw town was quiet. CAIRO, Thursday.—General G-rcnfell, of the Egyptian Army, is leaving for Suakim. On his return he will go to Assouan.
EGYPTIAN TAXATION. CAIRO, Friday.-iNabar Pasha is preparing a memorandum to the powers, with the object of showing that Egypt can no longer support the present burden of taxation, the land tax occa- sionally exceeding the gross value of the crops.
PREPARATIONS FOR THE RELIEF EXPEDITION. The Press Association Woolwich correspondent says -The hired transport Dunlace left Wool- wich Arsenal on Friday afternoon with 1,000 tons of war materials, including mountain guns, trans- port carts, commissariat, and miscellaneous stores for Egypt. She is due at Alexandria on June the 12th. The iron steam store ship Wye, which arrived at Woolwich on Friday from Monte Video and Ascension, is expected, after dry-docking, to em- bark 1,300 tons of war stores for Egypt. For some days past war stores have been despatched to Sheerness for shipment in the transport Humber, which will also take 50 marine artillery- men for Suakim next Thursday.
QUIETUDE IN UPPER EGYPT. [REUTER'S TELEGRAM.) CAIRO, Friday.—IN consequence of the more settled state of the affairs of Upper Egypt, the British authorities have abandoned the intention of sending half the regiment now at Assiout to Girgeh.
THE LATE CAMPAIGN: AWARD OF GRATUITIES TO THE SOLDIERS. The Press Association Chatham correspondent says: The anxiously awaited order from the War Office was received, on Friday, at Chatham, an- nouncing the amount of the gratuities to be awarded to those officers and troops who were en- gaged m military aperations in Egypt in Feb- ruary last. The sum intended to be distributed is divided into shares of L2 each, generals taking 400, lieut.-generals 152, and major-generals 76, with 100 extra in each case of those in chief command brigadier-generals are awarded 57 shares, with 50 extra if in chief command colonels 40, lieut.-colonels 32, majors 16, cap- tains 12, lieutenants 7, warrant officers 4, and non-commissioned officers and privates from 3 to 1 share each, according to their class. Lieut. General Sir G. Graham arrived at Chatham on Friday evening, from London, and was met at the railway station by Col.-Com- mandant Gordon. He was driven towards the house of the latter officer, but on reaching the top of the Barrack-"hill was met by the officers and men of the Royal Engineer Corps, who unhorsed the landau, and dragged the vehicle to the resi- dence of the Colonel-Commandant amidst loud cheering,
GREAT FIRE AT CAMBODIA, [RENTER'S TELEGRAM.] PARIS, Friday.—A despatch from the Governor of Saigon to the Minister of Marine, dated to- day, announces that a great fire occurred on Wednesday at Phuamperk, the capital of Cam- bodia, by which a whole quarter was destroyed, Three' Chinamen perished in the flames, and one French official was injured,
PRINCE VICTOR NAPOLEON. [CENTRAL NEWS TELEGRAM.] PARIS, Friday Morning.—Prince Victor leaves to-day for England, in order to pay his much talked of visit to the Empress Eugenie, and to place a wreath on the tomb of the late Emperor. It is said that the young prince is in receipt of an annual income from his cousin, Prince Roland Bonaparte, of 100,000 francs.
THE UNITED STATES PRESIDENCY. [REUTER'S TELEGRAM.] NKW YORK, Friday.—The National Greenback Convention at Indianopolis has nominated Mr Benjamin Butler as its candidate for the presi- dency of the United States.
FIVE CHILDREN KILLED BY THEIR MOTHER. [REUTER'S TELEGRAlII,) NEW YORK, Friday.- A German woman at Albany became insane and killed five of her children, and then threw herself with another in front of a passing train.
THE PAPACY AND FRANCE, [REUTER'S TELEGRAM.] ROME, Friday.—The Holy See has refused to create any new French cardinals while the French Government suppresses or reduces the extraor- dinary allowance formerly made to French Cardinals occupying residential sees in France, _U-
CONFESSION OF MAN- SLAUGHTER. EXTRAORDINARY APPLICATION. At the Worship-street police-court, on Friday, an application was made to Mr Hannay, by an advocate representing a gentleman said to be in 1, the public service," and who had interested himself in the matter of an alleged miscarriage of justice in the conviction of Morris Nicholson, for manslaughter, in 1881, Several previous applications for a renewal of the trial had been made at this court and at Guildford, and they had all proved ineffective. One person, however, has been tried for perjury in connection with the case, and she was acquitted. The pre- sent application was founded upon a written confession of the brother of the convict, James Nicholson, and was for a warrant for that man's apprehension. When a similar application was about two months since it was that James Nicholson had sur- nrii; himself to be charged, but that the struetirw^.Uf not,take the charge, acting under in- that sinna «ro1? tae'r superiors. It was now stated thinKS bad e a8 application a diff3rent state of 'S 'SSINFFIS .>• °,*INB.?> TH\R" This was read,™nd if S.rec?"tly Vntt.en- into the house with h?« h° <Ja™e|) KOID £ Hughes, the deceased, on the staf^' W?V "mon into the first floor bedW t f J 'Dg being prevented by HiJhSI U.Jf annoyed at down the flight if S^Tdfdn't^S injure him, the confession went on to say but I didn't oare if I did, I afterwards told all the people there ^at, u I,af P.usJ?od h>n> In spite of all this, and of other faUs it wae needless to go into, the police still refused to take James Nicholson into custody. As there was 'still an opinion that the convict Morris had been wrongly convicted, owing to certam witnesses having been called at the trial, the pre- not, vpinpgt was pressed. Mr Hannay B6?J: that since the last similar applica- said that throygh the case very carefully 1011 fi.a Viriefs and he found that the case from the briers, was a much stronger against Morris N The matter had °r t525^,ef5rir of the also been tuny K en his opinion Public Prosecutor, wlhoi^ g^ mA ,{ that no renewal of the Home Office had he was rightlyinformedtheuiio also investigated it, and ible that a their interference, 14 w, d taken place miscarriage 01 1(J be done ]jy tlie but, as was obvious, nothing ^lfc o{ the in. magistrate in the fac COuld not under- quiries by the author;it.. gentleman in the stand the motive impel g ted i,jixigelf in this public service who lmd inte „ p0rson case. At all events, the con ^a(j (jone) to who could vary his statements ( war(j could meet every view of the case p therefore de- not demand his credence and for the clined to grant any process of the oouit tor man's arrest. -—
AN EX-BAPTIST MINISTER IN TROUBLE. THE DETECTIVE AND THE DOCTOR. The Rev. Edward Jamas Silvertou, formerly a Baptist minister at Nottingham, and Charles Calthorpe Mitchinson, a member of the Royal College of Surgeons, were charged at Manchester city police-court, on Friday, with conspiracy to defraud. Mr Silverton, who is described as of Ludgate Circus, London, has recently been giving health lectures in Manchester, Mr Mitchinsou accompanying him as his "physician in attend- ance," and free consultations have been given daily. Mr Edgar, who prosecuted, said there were three separate charges against the de- fendants of conspiring to procure by false pretences and the first case was that of Jerome Camiuada, detective inspector,who, seeing an advertisement to the effect that Mr Silverton's physician had performed the most wonderful cures, went to the Free Trade Hall, where the defendants had taken rooms, and represented that his foot was bad. Mitchinson felt his pulse, looked at his tongue, and having heard an expla- nation of the symptoms, said Caminada was suffering from rheumatism. Afterwards, at Caminada's particular request, he looked at the foot, and said the medicine would do him good, and that he had cured thousands of such cases. Caminada took the medicine and pills, and paid 12s ld for them, being an instal- ment of 35s which Mitchinson demanded. Caminada took the medicine and pills to the city analyst, and then went and had his foot examined by Dr. Fox, the police surgeon, who told him there was nothing whatever the matter with it. The pills when analysed turned out to be common rhubarb pilla, and the medicine to 03 merely chloride of iron and acetate of aitim >uia. coloured with a little orange syrup. In anosber case the defendants gave a woman who cams to them some medicine to cure sterilitv-s,me pills and a box of what was called Food of foods." The pills were rhubarb, and the medicine was a harm- less cough mixture, containing some berzoin and syrup of squills, while the Food of foods was composed of wheat flour. A medical man was called, who said the medicine could not possibly do anything in the way of effecting the woman's desire. In a third case, a woman paid 12s for medicine to cure a certain complaint, ani Dr Fox, who was called, said that under certain conditions the medicine given would have a good effect. The defence was that there was no fals3 pretence at all in the matter, and that if the defendants were liable to a criminal conviction for saying they could cure certain diseases, a thousand other people who advertised their wares would be similarly affected. Mr Headlam, the presiding magistrate, took a week to consider his decision.
UNDERLYING MINERALS. In the High Court of Justics, Chancery Divisiou, THi-ii- ^ay, before Mr Justice Kay, the case of rmilips v. Homfray was heard. This was an &d- journed summons on behalf of the plaintiffs asking L!fv, e be ordered to pay the f'm °/ ^>5,537 10s 101, being the estimated value C.C11 C )al a!1(l ironstone taken from under the P mV p" iam b £ the defendants. if ir 1 Hastings, Q.C., with whom was Mr Maclean, appeared for the plaintiffs, and Mr defendants eQ 0dtler repressnted the -«kIr-P8i1?,r» afc,the outset of the proceedings, submitted that tne summons ought not to have been restored at this time, as it was a motion, to a certain extent, to anticipate certain proceedings that were goit)g on before a special referee. This matter h:id been before his lordship in 1882, and was tnen ordered to stand over until the report of the referee had been mada Mr Hastings, Q C., said the summons had been restored to the paper upon special grounds by an ex parts application. b Mr Ostier said he had no wish to oppose the matter, but he submitted there was at present no reason for restoring it. refe^ref?StlCe Kay In what stags is it before the referec ? Mr Astler said at present it was standing order for the plaintiffs to go on but so far they had been doing nothing. The delay was entirely the fault of the plaintiffs. Mr Hastings said the grounds upon which he made the application to have the summons re- stored were these. The farm which these tres- passers had entered upon Was mortgaged for more than its value, and they were at a complete standstill, because they had no funds, the pro- tracted litigation having ruined them. The deteuuants entered upon the property some twelve or fourteen years ago, and shortly after pro- ceedings were taken, at that time Lady liiaiiover instituted,an aclion under which she claimed all the minerals under the property. That action went on, not being finally disposed of until the end of 1881, and it would have been idle to have made an application of this kind during the poncuug of that action, aud it was therefore necessary to wait until the action and the appeal w-r,; (iiiposcd of. That occurred in Nov., 1831, and ijiuly Llanover then had twelve months in which to go to the House of Lords, about which there had been some talk, so that nothing could be done nulil that year had expired. When the time had exnu'ed, tlus summons was taken out, and it was then ordered to staud over by his lordship, until aLeI' the close of the reference which had been directed. The reference went on, but in the meantime litigation revived by proceed- ings to stay certain inquiries. Th3 conse- qu?n.;9 had bs^n that the plaintiffs had be- come ruined, and the brother had died, it was aileged, broken-hearted. The plaintiff's soli- ojtOl" had advanced R5,000, and he could not see his W¡1Y to advance any more, therefore, under those circumstance the portion of matters was dineiciit to what it was before*, because from the admisrion c £ the defendants if was clear that they owed the mousy, and had done since 1870. The learned counsel was proceeding to read the admissions of Samuel Homfray, one of the parties when < •iu i i. out lhat Mr Samuel Homfray tiall died since the feummCns was taken out, and was not now before the court by his representative. Mr Jqst'ce Kay said that under these circum- stances the aummons could not be proceeded with until the representative of the deceased Mr Honuray wad made a party. Mr H astiiigA then asked that the summons might stand over until tlie personal representa- tive of Mr Snmuel Homfray had been made a party. Mr Justice Kay consented, and the summons was accordingly ordered to stand over.
TITHE EXACTIONS. A Cij aaco correspondent writes to s:!Y:- -In these eventful times, when there is a good deal of agitation about the Church, it might contri )u.e tp tho nioritci of tlie case for maintaining the -Katablishuient" to know that « serio-coiuie scene was prevented at Glais a few days ago, when the people of that village missed the fun of an auction tor oithes. One of the inhabitants of that VlaCJ had a "distress" oorved upon him for tithe and arrenis of tithe in that locality for him- self and six others, 1 have heard that he is a Churchman, and was unwilling to pay the de- mand. The "bum "was there, wh) vvas inex- orable, and so the money had to be forked out. A Rood deal of stuff has beau taJked in this place about no ens suffering hardship from the holy exact:ons of the Church. The facts of this case will sweep away much of the trach ta'kod by Jinglifh priests on that subject.
'A'HE MAORI KING A ( BL\JE RIBBONITE." Tawhiao, the Maori King, who is expected to arrive jft Eugland by the Orient Line stea- # kora;ta in a couple of days, was made a member of the Blue Ribbon Army before he left the Aus- tralian shores. This conversion was brought about by Sir George Grey, from whom iawhiao brines letters of introduction to gentlemen iu u England. Tawhiao is accom- panied by five chiefs, and the object of the visit is to interview Lord 13or5 y respecting the grievances of the Maories on the native land question, Farewell meetings were held in pydney, at which resolutions were passe 1 thank- I'}g" Lord Kimberley for having taken into con- siderutiou the pelition which the Maones sent to England some time ago and further resolutions were passed that the visitors would adhere to the faith of the Gospel and be loyal and honour the Queen of England,
ALLEGED STARVING OF A CHILD AT BRECON. A strange revelation was made at tha meeting of the Brecon Board of Guardians yesterday. From the report of the medical officer, it appeared that a child had been admitted into the work- house from baileygloes (Brecon) in a famished and starved state. The little thing, although nine months old, did not weigh 10 lbs. It appeared that the mother of the child had left it with Mrs Jenkins, Baileyglaes (tho grandmother), and from there the child was taken to the work- house. The guardians gave instructions to the clerk to take the necessary steps to get the mother and the grandmother prosecuted.
ECCLESIASTICAL INTELLI- GENCE. r laoming last tha Lord Bishop of Jjjanaaff held a confirmation at Howell s School, ijlandaff, and in the afternoon, at the Palace chapel, his lordship collated the Rev. Benjamin V«yd, B.D., to the perpetual curacy of Mountain Ash, and licensed the Rev. David Bowen, B.A., to the chaplaincy of Usk Gaol; the Rej. William the curacy of Aberdare, and the Rev. Turner, B.A., to the curacy of Ilton, near vJnepstow. Licences for divine service at St. Augustine's, Newbridge, Penmaen, and St. Peter's, Abersanaid, Pentrebacb, were also granted.
A NEW MISSIONARY SEE. The New cf Momhassa, comprising lId territory of Eastern Equatorial Africa, has been offered to the Rev. James Hannington, of St. George's, Hurstpierpoint, by tho Aich bishop of Canterbury, under the advice of tho Ch ,.cb Missionary Society, and accepted by tne rev. gentleman. The consecration will take at Lambeth Palace Chapel, on tils 24th proximo.
THE STRIKE IN THE LAOE TRADE. The strike in the Nottingham lace i-i ex- tending. The union is about to call out a large number of hands additional to those already on strike. The masters show no sign of yielding.
NURSE EDDA'S BABY SOOTHER is unequalled in relieving Infants from Gripas, Wind, Colic. Guaran. bottl"0 nttrc0 (^n absolutely safe cure); la^^or KEATING'S POWDxit.-Kills bugs, moths, fleas, and all insects (perfectly unrivalled). Harmless to everything but insects, i'ins 6d and 1 65617 FAIR white hands Bright clear complexion Soft healthful skin P £ AKSR SOAP—Pure, Fragrant, Refreshing—For toilet and nursery. Specially pre- pared for the delicate skin of ladies and c'uMren and others sensitive to the weather, winter or summer. Prevents redness, roughness, and chapping. Tablets Is. Is 6d and 2, 6d. 685041 "'DIWTDRWYDD Y CYMRY. "—Support the Welsh Industries: ask for the Welsh Hand-Knitted Hosiery manufactured by Parry and Rocke. Swansea, from' their celebrated knitting yarns: all pure weal; nothing wears like them each pair has their name and trade mark label attached none genuine; without this. 49146 Is YOUR CHILD ILL? If so, try Williams Pontardawe, Worm l/Ozeiu'pq, which have been in use ever 20 yeirs, and eclinsel all oilier rDnie "lies, "old ia most chemists at %d, 13^d, and 2s 9J._ Prepared from the original recipe only by 0. Wavies, Chemist, 33, High-street, Swansea. 1 .z' £ ei are fgreci'/ble, an.4 oiiiain n<vV"- 5r.vf<->u#. 65853
GIPSY SMITH IN CARDIFF. AN ACCOUNT OF THE SALVATION MISSION." Popular attention in Cardiff has dnring the week been directed in somewhat unusual measure to the evaugolical labours of Gipsy Smith at Wood street Congregational Chapel. Some curiosity has also been manifested in regard to the position lie and his occupy among the sects of the day. He is known to have a large following in Hanley, and another in Hull. He has been more than once urged to make London his head- quarters, and there is hardly a provincial town of any importance from which at different times invitations to come over and help its spiritual work has not emanated. The man who seven years ago dwelt in the tents of his brethren, and, it may be supposed, lived, thought, and acted very much like them, has risen to a figure in the religious world. How he has done this is a mar- vel. But he has not done it by ordinary agencies. He is very little of a scholar, though he speaks fluently and with a certain respect instinc- tive it must be for the laws of grammar. He has not done it by humoring the weakness of any, for he never abates an iota of all that is in his mind to say, as those who have watched the almost perfect spontaneity of its operations can witness. Nor. on the other band, is he accus- tomed to propound startling antitheses, or to originate equally startling paradoxes whereby what there can be of true light and leading be- comes enveloped in a worse than Cimmerian darkness. Much has been made of his connection with the Salvation., Army, but it must be un- derstood that the "army" did not make him, though ^he helped considerably to make the army. Since his severance he has not copied either the methods or the organization of that body. Nor is lie himself gifted wiih the faculty of organization on more than the commonest princi- ples. He gave nothing in structural type to the army, and he has borrowed nothing from it. The power of the man must be sought elsewhere: in original and impressive rather than striking twfor! a a y 1U Perfect naturalness and ffSLi -iln a £ ui generis personality, imes,ed with attributes that command sympathy and arouse interest; moreover, in a cer- tain grand sincerity of conviction that helps materially to inspire conviction in others, a habi- tude of regarding central truths untrammelled by the conventional aspects of them, and of m-0 poundiug the same with an ordinal colouring is remarkaoly etiective. He rarely, if ever fails toarawlargc, and generally obtains, crowded audiences. He styies his work a "Salvation misson W hatever it may be less than this, it is not more. His theology is large and round enough to eschew angularities. If it is severely dogmatic it is not narrow, and it is doctrinal only in the sense that orthodox religious truth is. The three creeds," as Dr. Macfadyen finely phrases be- lief in the Tanity, is enough for him, aided bv the light which he derives intrinsically from the Bible. And it must be acknowledged that his auditory is usually of a character which can better appreciate this downright way of presenting the Scriptures than refinements that go to strengthen .1. -L- ^temporary view ot the polygtot meanings of individual passages. Stumbling into error in this rough-and-ready manner of making exposition is hardly avoidable, but it ha-, at least, this chief merit, that the error is not emphasized by being continually put forward as a system, or a part or parts thereof. The strong native sense of the English rendering is confirmed, and the minds of the listeners in stinctively reject all that does not appear essential. This much, at any rate, must be claimed for the balvation mission" in its outward results,that it has achieved great good. As has been before in- dicated, it does not employ the elaborate machi- nery of the Salvation Army." It rejects forms with as much sincerity as the Friends reject it It is earnest aud evangelical, and believes in put- ting p ain truths for plain men and women with a plainness of phraseology that the mind of m"sfc receptive listener cannot cavil against on this side. At the same time some pains are taken to make the services attractive and not bodily wearying. There is, as a rule, instrumental music, not perhaps of a quality that would suit a G-odfrey, but_ vigorous at least. There is much singing, not much praying, and no sermon. The nearest approach to the latter is what we sometimes find in out-of-the-way country places a running commentary, or rather glorifi- cation, of occurring passages in the chapter read. Tbe service is seen to be of the simplest possible character, but it would need, one would imagine, a happy fecundity of original expression and use Or mmniiratiroo J?™ 1— it /,t ™au, uy LUö conductor iinere is 110 preacher") to prevent it from becoming flat, and thereby unprofitable, Hut in cases where the most ordinary assistants conduct the worship the f^hng is not evident. True, there is a con- siderable falling-off in the attendance when the favoured individual is not present. But it is then a large congregation judged by the standard of most of cur churches and chapels. The teelmg that one gains as predominat- -mi e meetings is of sincerity alike in leaders and led. Occasionally a little disturbance takes place, and many of the people who attend see at first only the novelty which they seek and designedly foster. But a spirit of this kind, if it cannot be reasoned down, is promptly met in another way, for the men who have come to hear are not generally in a mood to stand persistent and annoying interruption, and the offender finds himself ejected. The organisa- tion in that part which does not come befcre the public eye is equally simple with the rest. The management is vested in a body of trustees, who are held responsible for all receipts and disburse- ments, and who have to make these clear in an annual balance-sheet properly audited. The conductor-in-chief and his assistants are paid regular salaries by the board of management, and interfere in no way arall with purely business matters. The board have, however, very doubtful powers of interference with any doctrinal tenets held by the ministers, but doubtless if one became obnoxious on that score, means would be easily found to facilitate his retirement. What may be called the "business principles" ot conducting congregational affairs has an admirable effect in giving confidence. Then the trustees are men above suspicion. They are usually taken from among leading people in the town, who may be- long to other congregations. Both in H uiley and in Hull the "Salvation mission" works in perfect harmony with other religious bodies. The aim of the founder has been to avoid all sectarianism, and converts are readily parsed over to the churches where they have formerly been, or now desire to be, members. Sometimes it occurs that a person who has been a member has left a particular place of worship, d like totherys fficulty. He does not like to take the mitiauve. missionaries take it for him. They ascertain that the l,erson's conduct for some time has been of a character to justify entrance, and then he or she is received. Notwithstanding that this procedure reduces the numbers on the list, it is always a progressive one, and is large in both instances. But incomparably the best endorsement of the work is the fraternal sympathy extended to it by other denominations and individuals, those who are able to closely scan it, and to whom such de- fects as there are must be visible. It is this sympathy op3rating so distantly as at Cardiff that has led to the services conducted by Gipsy Stni'i during the past week. The result has been crowded attenctences and 150 announced conversions'—a number scarcely, if ever,exceeded in the records of any one religious communion in the town. Whether from the fruits of his work Gipsy Smith will not be induced in time to give a larger and more permanent charac- ter to it remains to be seen. lie himself is known to be disinclined to this course, but his band may, iu a sense, be forced. There will be this danger: that from being a voluntary effortlielpfully co operative, it may drift into another sect, and so lose the individualism and spontaneousness that now characterises it, and give it so much interest ana value to the denominations severally. How- ever, this is a question for the future both to decide and to reveal.
SHOCKING FATAlTACOIDKNT AT CARDIFF. '$; A WOMAN'S NECK BROKEN. 1i1>urfday night, about half-past elevea 0 clock, r.O. Bates was called to the Lord Raglan public-house, Ellen-street, by the landlord. On descending the cellar stairs he found the body of a woman named Ellen Guimey, lying at the bottom, with the head on the floor and the feet resting on the third step from the bottom. He had the b:)dy conveyed to the smoke room, and for Dr. O'Donnell, Dr. Wallace's assistant. He found that the woman's neck was broken, and that she had been dead for a short time. The deceased is a widow, and lived at 14, Ellen- street, In the evening she went to the kitchen of tho public house and nad some beer. The door lead:ng to the cellar steps projects into the kitchen, and it is supposed that she mistook the door leading to the cellar for the one leading into the passage, and fell down before she could save hertolf. There were but few persons in the house at the time, and no one saw her fall. After the house was closed the landlord went down the cell to fetch some spirit from a jar, and then found the body and gave the alarm. INQUEST. Tiie borough coroner held an inquest on the same evening, at the Town-hall.—Catherine Hart- nell identified the body of the deceased as that of the w E/'tWa £ l,Jenkins> landlord of 7,7™ Hotel, Ellen-street, Newtown, stated that at 10.15 he saw deceased sitting in the back parlotir. He went to attend on his cus- toml's, and about 11.15 had occasion to go into the cellar to get some spirits. At the top of the landmg he saw a shawl, and going down the stairs saw deceased rt the bottom. He sent for a police officer, who sent for Dr. O'Donnell.- Elizabeth Smilh stated that she, another person, and deceased, went into the hotel at 9.35. De- ceased was t-.f. alone in the private room, while she and L r companion went upstairs. When they came down deceased was not to be found, t>*ri cottcludcd that she had gone home.— ■r.C;. Bates having given evidence, Dr. O'Donnell said deceased died from concussion of the brain. The Jury returned a verdict accordingly. r--
SINGULA!! CASE OF INOEN- DIARISM. A \c-y > i* being invc £ iiff,xlcJ Vy the E, police. Whilst the Rev. H. J. Dixon was at the Lavonshire Agricultural Exhibition his neighvr us discovered that there was a fire in the house. On entering the premises they found Susan Dr^w, the servant, lyhig on the Coor ap- parency insonsible, and having liar hJh Udjged The fire „„ hs^ the front bedroom on thn a a and although assistance was promptly ° at hand, the whole of the furmt-m-A ir> tv £ y was consumed. When the fire f! th° room got under, the eontents of a back bedroom on the got under, the contents of a back bedroomTn the" th s S. ? h3 ey Pona The furniture in totalT^ oT entirely destroyed, and the io™v- esiirnated at £ 100. The two ■> in wh;ch the firo occurred were totally un- onnected, and the whole affair was a mystery, H I T1JJ ^ay the furniture cf a third bedroom was found to havo been gn'.ted, but the fire had burnt itself out. ■Lne police were called in, and on search being made, several articles of jewellery were found to have been stolen. The servant alleged that in her master's absence she saw a man on top of the stairs trying to lock one of the doors. She was coming downstairs, and on seeing her he ex- claimed, "If you scream 111 murder you." He then walked down into Miss Dixon's bedroom, and she followed. As the man went into the room he turned, caught her round the neck, and put something on her face, tied a cloth round her mouth, and draggel her downstairs, where he left her insen- sible on the k-tchen floor. The girl stuck firmly to her story, and gave such a minute description of the man that the police recognised in him a vendor of ferns named Coram, who was appre- hended. Coram altogether denied tho charge, &nd on Thursday was in a position to prove that on the day of the robbery he was not in that part of the city. She wr.s not present at the magis- terial inquiry, and the man was discharged, but the woman was arrested latar in the dy, Rnfi remanded.
REMARKABLE DISAPPKARAVCE of all dirt "rom everything by using Hudson's Extract of Soap Re ward Parity, health, perfect satisfaction ,y its regular dtniy use. N. is a pure Dry S:a.p in flue powder and lathers freely iu hut or cold w^er « R»f„ tltinns—insist upon 'F^d^n's.' WtV
CHARGES AGAINST A NEW- PORT CAPTAIN AND ENGINEER. On Friday, at the office of the Bristol Local Marine Board, charges of misconduct against the master of a Newport steamer, and the engineer of another vessel, were heard. The members of the board present were Capt. Thompson (chairman), Mr Herbert Thomas, Capt. Ryder, and Capt. Tozer. Mr J. Inskip acted as legal assessor to the board; Mr E. E. Salmon represented the Board of Trade; and Mr J. H. Clifton the defendant. The first charge investigated was against Siunuel John Moore, that while acting as master of the British ship Claudia, of Newport, on a voyage irom Newport to foreign ports and back to a final port of discharge in the United King- dom, between the 9th day of ApriLJast and the 10th day of May, and particularly at Bilbao and on several days after leaving Bilbao, he was guilty of gross acts of misconduct and drunken- ness and neglect of duty.—Daniel Hendry, second mate, was called, and he said they left Newport for Gibraltar. At Bilbao he saw the defendant come on board, and he could tell by his appear- ance that he had been tasting spirits. He could go about without assistance from any person. After they left Bilbao tlie defendant was in Iiig berth, but what was the matter with him it would take a medical man to tell. Wh?n they left Bilbao the defen- dant could not get any spirits, as there were none on board. Witness attended to the navigation of the steamer while the defendant was be;ow.-By Mr Chfton Witness obtained the courses :for the vessel from the defendant while he wa-; below, be- tween Bilbao aud Usbant. The courses were right, and the courses which the chief mate wanted to give were wrong. Defendailt told him that he had a dispute about demurrage at Bilbao, and he recovered £ 25.—By Mr Inskip He would not mind the defendaut navigating the ship out of Bilbao. He thought the defendant suffered from drink.—Mr Clifton objected to the opinion of the witness being stated, as he had said it would take a medical man to say whether or not lie was suf- fering from drink.—John Thorn, chief mate of the steamer, was next called, and he said at Bilbao the defendant sometimes had a glass, but he always thought lie was iu a sensible condition. He took the courses from the captain when they left Bilbao.—Mr Salmon: What wis tha matter with the captain?—Witness: I cannot tell; I am not an expert, He said there was something wrong in his inside.—Archibald Macpherson, chief ergineer of the vessel, was next called, and in answer to Mr Salmon he said at Bilbao the captain had some driuk, but he was not druuk. Witness went on shore with him, at the suggestion of the chief mate. He bad a glass of liquor with the defendant at a restaurant. At the close of the examination of this witness Mr Salmon said he could not call any more evid- ence that day. Mr Clifton stated that he had a witness to call if the board thought there was a case to answer. The room was cleared, and the members of the board deliberated for a quarter of an hour. They then stated that they would re- port to the Board of Trade that the defendant had not been nrnv-o.l +,-> h, "1-1- ,f I — BUIIOJ, UI AUY ^lOSS aCIS OT drunkenness or neglect of duty. The defendant had his certificate returned to him The next case investigated by the board was a charge against Arthur Collier, that whilst Toting as second engineer-of the British ship Roebuck on a voyage trom North Shields to foreiJiTnovU and bac«c to the United Kingdom, to Newport' and particular^ between the 18th and 25th davs of March 188i, inclusive, at Alexandria £ leaving Alexandria harbour, and on the 19th day of May, at Newport, he was guilty of gross acts of misconduct and drunkenness, and neglect of duty Mr Clifton appeared for the defendant. Gottlieb Tliomsen, the captain of the vessel, gave evidence of the defendant having been under the of liquor on several occasions. On the 17th of May they got to Newport, and on the 19th of May the defendant went ashore with the chief engineer without permission. The defendant was intoxicated on that day. After hearing other evidence the board decided to report to the Board of Trade that the charges were proved, and they suspended the defendant's certificate for 12 months.
GARDEN PARTY AT MAINDIFF COURT, ABERGAVENNY. The festivities of Thnrsdav, in honour of the of Mr aud Mrs Gordon Canning to 5 v. ?' Were' S0 far as Thursday was con- "v. 1M a grana nnaie by as beautiful a pyrotechnic display as has fallen to the fortune of Abergavennians to see. On Friday, the hospitable squire of Maindiff entertained a large number of guests at a garden party at Maindiff Court. The 1st Breconshire Rifle Volunteer Band was in attendance, under the directorship of Bandmaster Davie" of Ebbw Vale, and played a choice selection of operatic airs. In close neighbourhood to the lawn tennis court was erected a larg-8 and well appointed marquee, in which, with his usual princely liber- ality, Mr Bailey had provided an excellent luncheon for his numrous visitors. After the luncheon the follo wing presentations were made The present given by the Monmouthshire tenantry, exhibited in the window of Mr Last, jeweller, High-street, and was a beautiful clock in black and ormolu, and two handsom side figures to match. The clock chimes on eight bells in imitation of the Cologne Cathedral chimes, and four in imitation of the Westminster chimes. The centre of the dial bore the inscrip- tion-" Presented to Mrs W. J. Gordon Canning by the tenantry of the Monmouthshire estates of her father (Crawshay Bailey, Esq., J.P., D.L.), on the occasion of her marriage. 29th May, 1884. The next gift, a silver epergne, over two feet high, was also obtained by Mr Last. Mr Last also exhibited the present given by the choir and organist of Llande'.vi Skyrrid Church, consisting of a case of 24 silver knives and forks', beautifully chased. The case boro tha inscription, Presented to Mrs W. J. Gordon Canning, by the Llandewi Skyrrid Church, on the occasion of her marriage, May 29th, 1834." Mr Clare also displayed the gift offered by the townspeople of Abergavenny, which comprised a gold necklet, set with diamonds, sapphires, and pearls, with pendant and broach en suite. This present was selected by the committee, to whom the selection was en- trusted, from a lot of jewellery submitted by Mr Clare worth between two and three thousand pounds, all of which cal.ed forth the highest praise and the warm thanks of the committee for Mr Clare's good taste in his selection of goods for their choice. The committee may certainly be congratulated on their good taste in the selection « Of a nregent so chaste and elegant in "design and r workmanship. The parishioners of LJantillio Perlholey had selected a massive silver salver, bridal sunbeam pattern, which was greatly admired by numerous spectators. In the centre of the 3alver was in- scribed Presented to Mrs Gordon Canning on her marriage, by some of the parishioners of Llan- tillio Pertholey (not being tenants or employes of her father, Crawshay Bailey, Esq., Maindiff Court). May 29th, 1884." Messrs Hampton and Bromley, Frogmore- street, presented a case of cutlery of their own make and of a Facial de ;:gn just introduced by this fjfm. The case was of black walnut and brass mountings, and fitted internally with com- partments lined in bltH cloth. The case con- tained 24 table knives, 24 dessert, two pairs of carvers, one game carver, and fluted steels, &c., all mounted in fine African ivory handles, with the family crest engraved upon them, and a silver ferule beneath the shoulder five-eighths of an inch deep. The carving blades were scimitar shaped, very systematically formed. The case bore the inscription, Presented to Mrs Gordon Canning, on the occasion of her marriage, by M-rS Hampton and Bromley. 29th May,
LOCAL COLLISION CASE. In the High Courts of Justice, Court of Ad- miralty, London, > i Friday —before the presi- dent, Sir Jani-s Hannen, and Trinity masters— the case of the owners of the stsamship Rbeola v. the owners of the steamship Antwerpia was again before the court, vhea the farther hearing was resumed and concluded. The plaintiffs, Messrs Edwards, Robertson and Company, of Cardiff, were the owners of the steamship Rheola, and by their action they sought to recover damages for the injuries caused by collision with the defendants' vessel, the Antwerpia, on the 3rd December, 1883, in the Kings-road, off the mouth of the river Avon. At the time of the collision, the Rheola which was a steamer of 915 tons register and manned by a crew of 23 hands, was on a voyage from Smyrna to Bristol. She passed Portishead Pier about 6 a.m. on the morning in question, liehta^f°» gSt 0ti .vr-s,selsobserved the masthead light of a vessel, which afterwards proved to be off A?^erpia, distant about two miles. When off the Firefly Busy, the llhsola took on board a P ?t f°r the Km*'E-™ad and Bristol, f," Tt? m tow by a taS- Proceeding up fho cjla"nel» those on board the Rheola observed e Antwerpia under weigh, without any lights, and in such a position as to cause danger of collision. The engines of the Rheola were reversed, and the Antwerpia loudly nailed to do the same, but the b [Ler vessel came on, according to the statement of the plaintiffs, at a high rate of speed, and with her stem struck the Rheola on the port side just before the fore-rigging, cutting her down to the water's edge, and causing her considerable damage. The Rheola was subsequently taken into Bristol, but was only kept afloat by the cargo being shifted to starboard, and the starboard boats being filled with water. The plaintiffs alleged that those on board the Antwerpia were to blame for negligently getting under weigh when so doing was dangerous to other vessels that she failed to exhibit the proper regulation lights that she im- properly neglected to keep out of the way of the Rheola and that she negligently proceeded at a high rate of speed. Tbe Antwerpia, it appeared, was a steamer of 1,445 tons register, and at the time of the collision vas Lound to Sharpness for *flth07a c,arsj of and barley, and a hands. Counter allegations of o cavitation were made by the defendants against the plaintiffs, and they so said that a good look out was not kept on board of lior that fi TftS llnln'.0P-riy navigated across the Lor.? of tne Antwerpia, r.ud that she did not comply with article 18 of tho Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea. Dr. Phillimore, Q.C., and Mr Raikes appeared lor the plaintiffs Air Myburgh, Q.C., and Mr Stul)bs represented the defendants. On the conclusion of the reception of evidence and the arguments. Sir James Hannen, in giving judgment, said that the Rheola was solely to blame for this colli- sion by her attempting to cross the bows of the Antwerpia with such an amount of suddenness that there was nothing to call th3 attention of those on board the Antwerpia to her sooner than they did bestow it. Judgment woulj, therefore be pronounced in favour of the Antwerpia.
l-A i' NIGHTS GAZETTE." PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED. n°n i ? and John Hill, trading as Sa-rgant and Hill, at Swansea, county of Glamorgan, mechanical and marine engineers and iron founders J. Ilill retues. FIRST MEETINGS AND DATES OF PUBLIC T EXAMINATIONS. J ;uies Symington, 26, Pandv-road, Tonypandy, Ystrad- yfodwc, tailor, draper and hatter first meeting on Jun» 9th, at noon, at the official receiver's office, Merthyr Tydfil; and the public examination on June 10th, at two p.m., at the Pontypridd Court. William Harris, of G.irchest farm, JRbyding. near Neath, pi<> dealer: public examination on June 17tn, at 10.30 a.m. ADJUDICATION. Tames Symington, 26, Pandy-road, Tonypandy, near Pontypridd, tailor, draper^andhatter^
THROAT IRRITATION AND COUGH. — SORENESS and dryness, tickling and imta-tion, inducing cough and affecting the voice. For these symp tonis use Epps's Glycerine Jujubes. J'i contact, with the glands at the moment tLcy aye cited by the act of sucking, the Glycerine in these agreeable co;J^:tions bocomcs actively healm Sold only in boxes, 7*d, and tins Is l £ d, labelled Jainef Epps and Co., Homoeopathic Chemists London-' A letter receive Gentlemen,—It mav' perhaps, interest you to know that, an ext* d trial, 1 have found JUI' Glyccrine Jujubes of insider able benefit ( it]- or without medical treatment) iu almost s 11 forms of throat disease. They soften and cleir the voice.—Yours faithfully, Gc'doii Holmes M.D., Senior Physician tn the .Municipal Throat an ], "-lift lipps's Medicines are sol i I,y W. J(Illl"l t5v J)'1; 1"iq
CARDIFF. £ ILAIYPAJFP CATHEDRAL. Whit-Sunday, In residence, the Rev. Canon Hawkins. Services Holy Communion, 8, and mid-day. Morning Barnby in E j Kyrie and Nicene Creed, Wesley in E; hymns, 154 and 207 preacher, The Succentor. Afternoon: liitany (Tallis) anthem, Come, Holy Ghost (Attwood) hymns, 156 and 210; preacher, the Rev. Minor Canon Downing. — EEXEST SKHIMSHIRE, Succentor. PKESBTTEEIAN CHURCH.-The Rev. J. Douglas rv^ 1S* £ ^mg a series of special addresses on Old Testament characters on Sunday evenings. The subject for to-morrow evening is Daniel, a Sermon to Young Men." School Anniversary Services will be held in Charles-street Congregational Church to-morrow (Sunday), when the Rev. W. Hope Davison, of London, will preach morning and evening. Special hymns will be sung by the children at each service. Collections on"behalf of the school funds. 69591 HAMADRYAD" HOSPITAL SHIP, CARDIFF.- Report for the week ending the 28th day of May, ISSI.-Nurnber of patients remaining last week, 47 admitted since, 15; discharged, 13; died, 1 out-patients treated, 97; remaining on board, 4-8.-W. HUGHES, medical Eui)erintendent.- The medical superintendent begs to acknowledge, with many thanks, the gift of £ 2 from Benjamin Main, late carpenter of the s.s. Topazs, of London. ACCIDENT.—A child named Florence Eliza Carey, four years old, the daughter of people re- siding at 10, Castle-road, Roath, was on Friday evening run over by a four-wheel cab. She and another child were playing uuderneath a trolly in a lane leading into Castle-road, when she ran out into the road just as a cab was being driven over the spot. She was knocked down, aud the side wheels passed over her body. The poor child was removed to the infirmary covered with blood. She is in a very precarious condition. Apparently the driver could not have averted the accident, and he was not, according to the testimony of an eye-witness, driving beyond a gentle trot. SALE OF OIL PAI-NTI-NGS.-Tfie second day's sale by public auction of a fine collection of oil paint- ings and water-colour drawings, which have been on view at the Loan Exhibition, was conducted on Friday at the rooms of Messrs Gottwaltz Bownng, and Hughes, 11, High-street. Amongst the pictures disposed of was Lennard Lewis's water-colour, "The Pena," the summer palace of Don Fernando, King Consort of Portugal. This grand drawing, which was very favourably alluded to when on view at the exhibition, fetched 55 guineas. G. Freedman's oil painting, The Coming Storm," was knocked down for 9& guineas, whilst a like sum bought a painting of Lions on the Coast of Cornwall," by J. G. Philp, and Helena Maguire's picture called a A New Plaything.' A water colour, by the latter artist, named Hi First Shot," was knocked down for eight guineas. A View of London from Dulwich," by W. F. Woodington, A.R.A., was sold for 14 guineas'. For the oil painting, "Contemplation," by C. S. Liddesdale, 60 guineas was bid, but the picture did not change hands, as the reserve price was fixed at 75 guineas. A large number of works found purchasers at prices ranging from two guineas to seven guineas but between 30 and 40 pictures remain unsold, and are all on view at the sale-room, where they may be treated for pri- vately. DISORDERLY AKD ASSAULTING THE POLTOE.—At the police-court on Friday—before Mr R. O. Jones—Jeremiah Shaw was charged with being disorderly in John-street, and assaulting P.C. Porter on the 28ch. Tbe constable found the de- fendant creating a disturbance in John-street, and requested him to go away. He refused, and threatened the constable who, on persisting that defendant should go away, was struck by him violently on the eye. He was knocked down and then beaten. Another constable came up and found the partiesr struggling on the ground. The bnch sent defendant to prison for one month with hard labour. „ ?° ST,THBOAT OWNERS.—Geo. Allen, „i having the appearance of a tramp, was on blSl?hh tn\\e11^ Bristol to Cardiff, on tlip S"?' without paving his fare, that he wi ^itness f"r the stated the i nnlf2K>Ulted to isftue t,cket* aud collect ant secreted u^rVHyagf' • He found the defend" for h;ffare the and on being asked f sj"d he had no monev On the vessel arriving at Cardiff, he endeavoured io make Ins escape.—Mr Jones declined to punish him tnr traveiiing witnout paying his fare, considering that when steamboat owners admitted parsons on board indiscriminately, and collected the passage money on the voyage, the county-court was the proper place for such proceedings to be taken Railway companies acted differently, as there the passenger was expected to take his ticket before entering the carriage. He sent defendant to prison for five days as a vagrant. ASSAULTING A SCHOOL BOARD ATTENDANCE OFFICER.—Henry Stewart, a baker, of 31, System- street, Spotlands, was summoned for having as- saulted and made use of threatening and abusive language towards Mr John Arnold L>:< vies, one of the attendance officers acting under the Cardiff School Board, while in the execution of his duties on Tuesday last, the 27th inst. He was fined 20s and costs, or in default, 14 days' imprisonment. THE CounT MINSTRELS.—The troupe of the Livermore Brothers, the original negro minstrels, commence a seven days' engagement this (Satur- day) evening at the new Public Hall, Queen- street. GUILDFORD-STREET METHODIST FREE CHCBOH. 1 he Kev. Tlios. Truscott, of Sierra Leoue, will preach to-morrow (Sunday) evening. Service commencing at b.60 p.m. £ >77 Ms P KKKK has all the modern appliances suit able for out-door photogtapky, and work entrusted to him will be execnted promptly, artisticaJl v, and ohoan. --A. Freke, 12 Duke-street. 60400 JUST PUBLISHED, Catalogue of Artistic Furni ture. Post free. Trapnell and Gane, 6, Croc .herb- town, Cardiff. 68960 JUST RECEIVED. Special extra delivery of Summer Millinery and Costumes. Newest designs in Mantle. Jackets, Jevseys, Silks, Fancy Gown Fabrics, L»ce Goods, Sunshades, etc., at M. Samuel, b6, Croci.- herbtown, Cardiff. 693 ALEXANDRA PARK, CARDIFF. r) v at 1.30. open flat and hurdle races and a trotting handi- cap. Large entries received. 63232
NEWPORT. BOROUIH rOLICE-CO-URT.-At this court, on Friday—before Mr H. Phillips and the ex Mayor -James Brien, a loafer," was charged with assaulting his aged father and sister on Wednes- day night. The father, who lives in North-street, Baneswell, told the magistrates that his son was a blackguard, who was in the habit of getting dru.ik and using towards him the worst of language, Tiie son was creating a IJW in his step-sister's room, and b3 interfered. The result was that the son became so violent that the witness had to hide himself in another part of the house. Two passers- by, seeing the prisoner behaving so badly, col- lared him and kept him until two policemen came. On the way to the station, pi-isonor assaulted Browning, one of the officers, and cut his lip.-The bench fined prisoner 21i, or 14 days' imprisonment. -Jas. Evans, blacksmith, George- street, was summoned for furious driving in High street on Wednesday afternoon. The defendant was riding a pony which, as he alleged, shied at a tramcar. It knocked down a boy named Huntley, and defendant did not, or could not, stop to see what hurt the boy had sustained. Fined 10s 6d.—Two foreign seamrn, named Tussa and Jugory, were charged with deserting from the Austrian barque Oac on Wed- nesday night. One of the defendants said be deserted because the ship was going to Jamaica, which was one of the places specially excepted in the articles; and the other declared that for several days petroleum oil had somehow become mixed with his food-a mixture which he did not approve of.—The bench ordered the men aboard, and gave directions that if they asrain attempted to desert they should be locked up. Gwilvm Evans' quinine bitters To children growing, and to nenple suffering great weakness th»yare invaluable WHITSUNTIDE HOLIDAys.-Cheap Sea Excur- sions, Monday, June 2nd Cardiff, Penarth. and Penarth, Kate, and La Beile Marie every 20 minutes SAO a m. to 4 'D p.m. Mon- day and il .Oa.m. to 6.0 p.m., Tuesday WHIT-MONDAY.—Newport Athletic Meeting, at 2 o'clock. Good entries. Two bands. b&ool
PONTYPOOL f or indigestion, nervousness, and depression of spirits n Er*ns' Quinine Bitters is highly "e(ommendelf.. WHIT MONDAY. Pontvpool Park Annual Fete and Gala. New and attiactive programme; splendid display of fireworks. &c. For late trains, see handbills. ————— 6909G
MERTHYR. If your liver is oat of order, appetite, and general languor take Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters. 63522 PORTRAITS sketched in and painted from life luthont any photograph Harris, Merthyr. 63367 NEURALGIA, TOOTH-ACHE, FACE-ACHE, &C.— Remarkable Testimonial.. daily to the efficacy of lievan's Specific. Propriator: W George, M.P. Swansea. ———— 43922
GROESWEN. LECH-HE By Da Rims.-On Thursday evening an interesting lecture (in Welsh) was delivered at Gr"swen, by the Rev T. Rees, D.D. (chairman elect of the Congregational Union of England and Wales), on The late Rev Griffith Hughes, of Groeswcn and his Contemporaries." Principal mnv onC9> University College, Cardiff, pre- sided. The venerable gentleman, upon rising, received quite an ovation. He began by giving the histury of the formation of the church at Groeswc-i, which was founded in 1742. Its first inu.i. ter was the Rev W. Edwards, the exmo^rt architect and builder of the old l^dge at Pontypridd, or as he was called, the builder fyr both worlds." His fame as an architect and builder attracted such notice that many of the great and highest personages in the laud consulted him on architectural matters. Mr Edwards was quite as renowned as a Christian minister, and was the means of founding several churches throughout South Wales, which are flourishing and prosperous to this day. He was the grandfather of the two eminent medical gentlemen, Drs. Edwards, of Taffs Well and Cardiff. After giving a vivid /.f church and its wide influence at that lecturer came to the history of tne -K-6*- Griffith Hughes. He was born »t a small village called Caledfwlch, Llandilo, Carmarthenshire, in °? *?1S father when very young. At 14 years of age he was apprenticed with one tvan Khydderch, to learn the trade of a cooper. He soon joined the Congregational Church at Crugybad, which was then under tbe care of Isaac Price, of Llanwrtyd. He soon displayed such extraordinary Christian diligence and talent that the church en- couraged him to commence 1 iching, which he did with wonderful effect. V,'hon about 20 years of age, he paid a visit to Groeswen, where his rTSl £ aVVUC* satisfaction thot he received tcoardial, .cal] to become the pastor. ordained at the beginning of 1798. He at once threw himself into the duties of his sacred office with enthusiastic earnestness and wonderful success, and as a preacher filled the country with his fame. People from long distances attended Groeswen every Sabbath to hear him. It was a grand sight on a Sunday morning to witness hundreds of people of all grades attending il,m 16 different parishes to hear the word of God proclaimed. The lecturer gave some examples of his descriptive powers, expressing the opin' jn that he was equal, if not superior, to the illustiiou* triad of ^the Welsh pulpit, viz., Christmas Evans, Williams of Wern, and John Elias. Tho doctor severely rebuked the Church at Groeswen for keeping, through their own kindness, Mr Hughes so closely at home, whereas had he been allowed to itincrate like the above, his fame would have filled the Principality. How- rei,. !,c Ii" duties in his ( -• well, and the Great Day will show the results. He was looked upon by all classes as a prince. He died at the age of 64-after a most peaceful and successful ministry of 43 years-and although he had been buried for nearly 45 years his memory it full of fragrance this day. The lecturer made » rew remarks upon several of his contemporaries in the surrounding district, which were much an. plauded.-A vote of thanks to the lecturer Was proposed by Mr Ivor James, the registrar of the South Wales Lniversity College, and seconded/by Mr Theodore, of North Wales, which was carried by acclamation. The rev. lecturer, after acknowledging the vote, proposed that the most hearty thanks of the meeting be accorded to Principal Jones for presiding on the occasion. This was seconded by Mr Idris Williams, Porth, and carried with the characteristic warmth of the congregation. The audience was large, apprecia- ti ve, and representative, and the proceedings throughout full of enthusiasm. Fvans. quinine bitters. Cablegram from Ame. clueT consignment to hand They are much appre-
SWANSEA. THE BARARXG FATALITY AT CWMBWRLA.—There seems to have been no foundation for the rumour Sria ?Eied S TiUtK,a5' O" Spit fl u *?3ys were drowned. Tha inquest on the two bodies recovered (John Wil- ofTr' f]°n collier, and Hopkin Williams, soa vtrrf[r* held on Friday evening, and a verdict of Accidental death" returned The lhs fataIifcy occurred is without a Lnce, and a great resort for small boys during the warm weather and it is suggested that it saould be enclosed. The police have reported many cases of trespass, but hitherto no further dente t0 PreV6Dt Similar a'ci- SWANSEA SAVINGS BANK.—The half-yearly meeting of the trustees and managers of the Swansea Savings Bank was held at the bank offices on Friday morning, under the presidency of Mr J. T. D. Llewelyn. The report, whico showed a favourable state of things, having been, on the motion of the Chairman, adopted, the accounts were passed and conbrmed.-On the motion of Dr. Hall, seconded by Mr J. C. Fowler, Mr Frederic Edwards, the general manager of the Glamorganshire Banking Com- pany, was appointed co-treasurer in the room of Mr Horman Fisher, wh > had resigned, and a vote expressing the sense of those present of the valuable services rendered by Mr Horman Fisher was also passed.-The proceedings ter- minated with a vote of thanks to the chairman, II 0F PAK LODSE —On Thursday evening ierT anniversary of the Heart of Oak Lodge of Carpenters' and Joiners' General Union was celebrated at a dinner at the Vernon Arms, Caer- street. Mr James Fisk presided, and Mr John Francis occupied the vice-chair. After the loywi toasts, that of the ministers of all denominations w^.s given, and the Rev. T. D. Mathias responded, Mr John Walters gave "The Town and Trade of Swansea," and the Mayor (Mr Burnie) re- sponded. The toast of the evening was given by Mr John Francis, and responded to by Mr John Burgess. Mr Lewis gave Success to the Swan- sea Chamber of Commerce, and Mr Livingstone responded, while The Heart of Oak Lodge was given by Mr Humphreys, and responded to by Mr Beavan. CASTLE-STREET CHAPEL. The Sunday-school Anniversary will be held in the above chapel sext Sunday, June 1st, 1884, when the Rev. J. M. Gibbon. pastor, will at 11 a.m. preach on Religious Culture f, at 5 p.m. deliver an address at 6.30 preach on Re. Business." Special hvmns will be snn;; by each servic?, Co.lection in aid of school 1 unas. 69345 J. IIARRISO-N GOLDiE begs to inform his patrons \vh;/< Hir^ t Studios will be open durina the Whitsun Holidays from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Acknow- ledged to produce the best and most artistic work in the principality. -7, Temple-street, 8 wansea. 692 .5 Mr CHAPMAN'S bTUDio, High-street will be open all the Whit un holidays from 9 a.m. 'till dusk. The only studio of note in the Principality. 46701 To LOVERS or REAL LACK GOODS and Choice Crewel work we are offering a rich stock, Half usual prices. Send for list.—Boii Marehe, Swansea. 69063 FLETCHER'S MONSTRE SPORTS on Whit-Monday, in the Vech Field. Swansea; 100 prizes to be given away FOR EVERYTHING Black Charlie will run in the one mile race; open W &11 comers. Third Glamorgan Volunteer Band ALL DAY ON THE GROUND. 601 To restore health and vigour after lingering illness Gwilym Quinine Hitlers is unequalled 68522
PEMBREY. SCHOOL BOARD.—Tiie monthly meeting was held on Friday, Rev. H. Evans (vicar) in the chair, when Mr Mitchell brought up bis long. promised scheme for the payment of teachers' ^aries. Thi scheme, based mainly upon the attendance of children, was adjourned for the con- sideration of the members individually.
CYCLISTS IN CAMP. ¡. Cyclists are rapidiy becoming a power in the Svate, and Friday was the commencement of ft new departure tnat seems likely to assume very large proportions in the future. To adapt their own description, it is the first grand animal in- ternational cyclists' camp and race meeting." The idea is that cyclists shall assemble in their hundreds or thousands, as the case may be, go under canvas in an organised camp in the Alex- andra Palace grounds, near London, and carry out a series of cycling and lawn tennis competitions under conditions which, as- suming fine weather, promise to be in the highest degree enjoyable. The camp will have all the charm of a prolonged pic nic, plus luxurious accessories, that ought to satisfy people much more difficulty to piease than men whose chief pleasure admirably fits them for camping out under the most Spartan regulations. The camp organisation is under a retired major of the Royal Engine-,rs, who will enforce just M much of exact military discipline as is necessary for the comfort and well ing of the campers themselves, and for teaching a valuable lesson ia the art of living under to the nun-volunteer portion of those who take part in the meeting. One very essential factor in the success of such an enterprise is that the commissariat arrangements should be satisfactory, and special care seems to have been taken that substantial well cooked meals, at fixed hours, shall be provided under con- ditions Wimbledon experience has proved to be suivauio f-Z F'? For j, dail £ _ex- pense of 8s, campers are entitled to tnree u.e, per diem, with the one-sixth part of a regulation bell tent, two blankets, mattress, pillow, and waterproof sheet. As this is more than double the space allowed to a soldier, in camp, the greatest nonce ougrht to be able to make himself perfectly comfortable. But to those of too Sybarite a turn of mind to be satisfied with such comparative luxury as this, there are special tents and furniture with which they may satisfy every wish. To meet the contingency of wet weather, when in our British climate existence under can- vass ceases to be enjoyable, the building has been fitted so as promptly to provide any number of comfortable sleeping berths. In addition to cy- cling and lawn tennis, as amusements, there is ample accommodation for cricket and bowls, together with a swimming bath containing 500,000 gallons of water, a piano, and a couple of billiard tables. Several tents are provided for the sale of newspapers, and for post-office purposes, as well as for the exercise of the functions of barbers and shoeblacks. To-day the camp opens, and after the arrival of the 'cyclists time will be given for them to shake down into their places, when a lawn-tennis tournament will be fought out under the rules of the M.C.C. and the A.E.L.T.C. There are two competitions-oue a single-handed tournament, open to any 'cyclist in camp, for a prize of two giiiues and the other a four-handed inter tub tournament, (opes to teams of two members of any 'cycling club in camp. Besides these, there are competitions in swimming, musical competition (the best national song), and literary composition- an essay of 1,500 words dealing with sport as a health restorer-and a photographic competition. V\ hit-Monday the piece de resistance will be bicyue and tricycle racing, and on Tuesday another lawn tennis tournament, the tug-of-war and breaking-up camp. On Sunday afternooo there is to be a cyclists' church parade st St. Michae. s, Wood Green, the sermon being preached by the Rev. J. Beeby, chaplain to tb8 Bishop of Bedford, who would have attended himself but for having to hold a confirmation ia the afternoon in the extreme east of London. A military band will accompany the procession, which leaves the grounds at 2.45 p.m.
CHURCH DEFENCE MEETING AT CRICKHOWELL. A crowded meeting was held at the National School-room, Crickhowell, on Friday evening, when Mr W. E. Helm (of the Church Defence Association) delivered a reply to Mr W, E. Matthew's (of the Liberation Society) recent address at the British School-room. The various points raised by Mr Matthews were discussed in a powerful and argumentative speech of two hours' duration. At its close questions were put to the lecturer by the Revs. 1. J. Evans (Baptist), J. Evans (C.M.), and J. Parry (Independent), the answers to which were received with cheers and interruptions from the two parties represented, the questioners expressing dissatisfaction at some of the replies. These questions and answers • occupied about an hour, and considerable excite- ment prevailed. No resolution bad been sub- mitted to the meeting at the close of the question- ing. The Rev. J, Parry (Independent) asked pernpssion to propose a resolution in favour at disestablishment, which was, however, refused. The meeting closed at about eleven o'clock, a vote of thanks being passed to the lecturer and chair- man.
lJaNVILLIC B OLD IRISH WHISKY IS recommended by the nl« £ 'icaIi.p?!? 5!8\on in Preference to French Brwriy.The? hold the largest stock of Whisky in the Wd. Supplied m casks and cases for home use and TTWtoil a v « ^"Tilleries, Belfast. 6230Q « vaIled Half-Guinea Gent's Sho £ -«- Crockhei'h wn, Cardiff. ,e I'remier," the best 3d Cigar. Fit# Oi Is. Munday, 1, Duke-street, Cardiff. 672b4 S X ARRT AND ROCKE, SWANSEA.—Welsh Knitting fast^ ^Peciahty—Navy JHue, Indigo-dyed^ perfgjtly LET those who suffer from Indigestion, Ijownee- of Spirits, and Loss of Nerve and Brain Power, try Cole- man's Dandelion, Sarsaparilla, Podophylline, an4 Quinine Pills Is lid and 2s 9d.-A. Colemaa, 66, St Maiv-street, Cardiff. 65161 A WOMAN sat careworn and weary and sad, Disappointed and troubled was she, For the stockings she knitted one short week since Were now useless, she plainly could see' The se-ret was this: She had bought the yarn cfecij) So had knitted her stockings with bosh, And found that her labour had been all in vaiit For they shrunk and lust colour first wash. Unscrupulous makers oft put in their varus 4 Trashy stuff, quite unfit for the bodv, Of wool you will find the percentage but ten, The balance of Ninety is Shoddy. So saddened, yet wiser, she rose from ls«? stXt, And donned her best bonnet and frock. Then went to a store where she purchased a HMqt With the Brand of famed Parry and Rocke, Then getting to work with her fingers so deft, Of good stockings she knitted a pair, And f >und, after washing, the colour undiumofl, And the hose Everlasting for Wear. Tis now the pet theme of her everyday talk That Pure Wool from the Fleeciest Wethers U6M Is made into Hanks bv famed Parry loud lioeke, Aud their Trade Mark the Welsh Plume of Feathers Nothing wears like PARRY AND ROCKWIS .Swansea < Welsh Knitting Yam—all Pure Wool. Note,—Each hank has their name and trade mark attached. 69110 If vou c-atinot obtain these yarns in your district write to the Manufacturers, Pivvry THE Gent's Euknemida Boot wc-ilty House, Crockherbtown, Cardiff.
XIATEST-W& TELEGRAMS. Osborne arrived at Sheerness TR"ri;nVv, a^morn^g. She embarks the Duchess of it t f°r on Monday. A 084,111 ^tei^General has ordered the taken di& *or England and Scotland to be at G, to Liverpooi, instead of being landed rendprpHKi -Wn' -^is arrangement has been obtained °win" to the great speed now The CI l steamers. snindlA °' m^'s> Oldham, containing 17,000 FridaytotallJ' destroyed by fire on The co maSe amounts to £ 10,000. t returned r°ner s Jury at Manchester on Friday J«eph Don«Iifdict of wilful murder a?aiust r The Ce f, v ^o cut his sister's throat, The Central News understands that Mr Court- fche post oA • ■been an(* has accepted, A Pool? t im'nistrator of the island of St. Lucia, decided to & f^ram sa5's it has been definitely €kmgervati n ^^e election petition. The against the°T•»?**? bee" advised t0 I)roceed alleged that 'T, 8 ^or maintenance, it being scribed f., fi, °, rs ^an the petitioners have sub- The p'^ costs. telegraphs fk sociation Dublin correspondent the Nation ,^ftlie lord "lieutenant has proclaimed 5 demonstr meet,ing and the counter-Orange Newry, 10n' arran £ ed for Sunday next, at The for riotous83"'01? atT3sted on Thursday evening were cha^ on board the steamer Dodo, WelST2,at Wstown, on Friday, with 25s, or itnn^- °ut ticljets, and fined from 20s to Star Steam? mri0' and Co" of the Whifce I Liverpool r Company, have informed the r that there .0rre,^)ondent of the Press Association no foundation for the and Norther °n ^r'day ^'at the London Cluded tm „ estcrn Railway Company have con- fihortly r,,n an £ exnent whereby steamers would the 1 etween Holyhead and New York, the Ju(Ue Bankruptcy Court on Friday, billing in confirm the offer of one Corn e Pound made by Francis McGinity, forcitigljt haUt' °n gr°un(l that the failure was Other peoa i0^ hy hazardous speculations with not hope ? s money> which the bankrupt could given. pay if he lost. Notice of appeal was
REWARD FOR HUMANITY Th AT SEA,» olasul-G, of Trade have received, through the |?edfd whi^1?1 *01' Sweden and Norway, a gold pwedejj «a«'been awarded by the King of Waster 0f th -n .°?"way to Mr Alexander Mair, C°?nition 0f British schooner Norseman, in re- Waster an> his humane conduct towards the wh; 9refw of the Swedish steamship *0th decernin t}ie Atlantic on the
t TilP, i TAW OF BETTIING. r t III th IAIP()RTANT JUDGMENT. of iV<Hu"t of Appeal, consisting of the and^Lords Justicea Boyen W tlie r^' ^RO'ent was* given on a nua7 m juung the fi c ^cad v. Anderson on an appeal by Just:, e e"l^ant from a judgment of Mr "u"tlce W.raiafiH an •air>«w XIIC vaoo -— law (l«e.-ition with regard to the nav the liability of principals to *thl ^heir agents the amount of beta made by agents and paid by them. The plaintiff was a r,i,. C0nimi8.sioii ag.nt, and a member of Tatter- «nd the defendant a licensed victualler at ? !Uh Shields. The plaintiff instructed the attendant to make certain bets for him on a horse race. The bets were lost, and the plaintiff paid j&em, Lut before be did so the defendant revoked MJs authority. The question was, whether in «?ch;circunistances the defendant v;as liable.—Mr liable00 iIilwl5in decided that the defendant was ^a3ter °f the Polls now held that the lia- » t'ie pluiutiff to the persons with whom he aa made the bets not being enforceable at law, ue cculd not recover from the defendant. i-iords Justices Bowen and Fry were, however, of a cortrqry opinion. fK F iudgtneut of Mr Justice Hawkins was, cnereture, a (finned, and the appeal was dismissed, with costs,
EMIGRATION TO MANITOBA. Cable advices from Canada to the Liverpool Journal of Commerce state that all the Atlantic steamship lines have reduced their railway fares from the Atlantic seaboard to Manitoba to twelve dollijjs'. The railway fare for emigrants from the Atkatig seaboard to lyidnipeg is now some three dollars less than to uincago, £ };« muSt of HSuSo-" eity have a most beneficial effect upon the settle- ment of the north-west of Canada.
AN IRISHWOMAN'S PATUIO- TISM. During the annual training of the East Kent Yeomanry at Margate, now just completed, some extraordinary proceedings occurred owing to the extraordinary conduct of a woman, a shopkeeper, who is a native of the Emerald Isle. It seems that for some unaccountable reason she displayed some green flags from her premises with the motto "Home Rule" on them, waving a similar flag herself as the troops marched past, She also had in her window several placards the reverse of complimentary to the officers of the Yeomanry, some of whom are Irish landowners. No notice f was taken of the occurrence at first, although it was regarded as an insult by the regiment; but on the next day, when the woman again repeated the offence. one of the men rode forward and struck down with his sword the Home Rule ensign she was flourishing. The flag was picked up by some person in the street and handed to the trooper, who returned with his trophy to the ranks. After they were dismissed, several of his couaradee pro- ceeded to the house which, in the meantime had been closed, One of them entered the premises by the fan-light over the door, proceeded upstairs, and removed the flags, and threw them into the street, amid considerable excitement. The objec- tionable placards were also torn down from the window, ———.————
MASSACRE oFA BOAT'S CREW Information which has just come to hand from the South Sea reports another massacre of several men belonging to a labour-recruiting vessel. It seems that the schooner Jessie Kelly arrived at Queensland from Noumia, and reported the mas- sacre of a boat's crew belonging to the schooner Albert Vittery, The latter vessel was employed in recruiting labourers from the islands in the South Pacific Ocean, She touched at Ambrym, one of the New Hebrides group of islands. It appears that the mate, in charge of a boat belong- ing to the Albert Vittery, and manned by a, number of the crew, put off from the vessel, The boat reached the island, but whilst the occupants were engaged on shore in carrying out the object of their visit, the natives, for some reason not mentioned in the information, attacked the sailors, murdering all of them, It was also not mentioned in the despatch how many the boat's crew consisted of, but generally they comprise some half a dozen hands, From Queens- land is also received intelligence that Captain Nicholas, of Cooktown, had been charged by the Rev. W, Wyatt Gill with the shooting of three natives at Defaure Island. It was reported that the reverend gentleman was taking the proceed- ings on the authority of two missionary teachers, who alleged that Captain Nicholas, having had a quantity of tobacco stolen from him, fired on the natives in question,
ASK for Silver Eagl* Best value Sd THE LADIES' TKNACIOWJ LAWN BC(IWC]Ity jin,IFe,
DYNAMITERS AGAIN AT WORK. WEST END CLUBS WRECKED. GREAT EXCITEMENT. GREAT DAMAGE TO PRO- PERTY. SEVERAL PERSONS SERIOUSLY INJURED. (CENTRAL NEWS TELEGRAM.] LONDON, Friday, 10 p.m.— At 9.16, this evening, a sound as of a volley of musketry was heard in Whitehall, raud larga volumes of smoke and dust were observed, chiefly caused by falling masonry. The explosion took place at the corner of Scotland-yard in a police building, opposite the chief police offices. A public-house opposite, called the Rising Sun, has all its windows smashed, and otherwise sustained great damage. There is a cab-stand adjoining. Several cabs were blown down, and two horses buried in the debris, which extended right across the road. The driver in charge of one of the vehicles and two or three other men were seriously injured, and were immediately conveyed to Charing-cross hospital by the night watchmen of the Board of Trade offices adjacent. Two or three policemen and some firemen from the station in Scotland Yard at once started removing the debris, with the object of rescuing any persons that might be beneath, but no one was found. The police at once formed a cjrdon, and prevented any one approaching the scene. The cause of the explo- fcion is not vet known. Almost immediately after the Scotland Yard explosion another and most violent one occurred in Pall Mall, near the Carlton Club, The whole of the club windows were smashed, as were also those of other club buildings in the neighbour- hood, and at the seat of the explosion the pave- ment was torn up for some distance. The streets in the neighbourhood are crowded with an im- mense concourse of people and large bodies of police, and many fire-engines have arrived. As we telegraph a rivnour is current that the Victoria Station is blown up. [PRESS ASSOCIATION TELEGRAM.] LONDON, Friday Night.—About 9.25 this even- ing an explosion occurred at Scotland Yard, the headquarters of the Criminal Investigation Department, which, judging from the nature and extent of the damage caused, was the result of malice. The spot where the explosive wa placed appears to have been in a urinal, which is let into the wall at the rear of the large isolated building standing in the centre of the yard, and devoted to the use of the detective force, and there is little doubt that the plot was directed against the lives of the chief officers of the Metropolitan police. The offices of these gentlemen are on the first floor, but for- tunately are in the front or west side of the building, so that if this suggested intention were entertained the outrage did not succeed in itsimme- diate object. That great darin, was exhibited by the author of the crime will be recognised from the fact that not only'is this the centre of the Criminal Detective Department in the metropolis, with, consequently, a large number of police officials always on duty, but since the first dynamite out- rages at tho Local Government Board and the Times office, special officers have been on duty day and night at the quadrangle to guard against any attempt of this kind. The yard, however, is a public thoroughfare leading from Parliament-street to Northumberland-avenue and the Embankment, so that there are constantly people passiug through it. No doubt advantage was taken of this fact, and it may explain how the police-officer on duty was not able to arrest the criminal before he had carried out his plot. Passing into the urinal, which is, or rather was, for it is now utterly destroyed, at tho north- east corner of the building, the man probably hastily deposited the material and was able to got some distance away before the explosion took place, That a considerable quantity of dynamite was employed is shown by the results. The corner of the thick brick work has been blown off and outwards for a height of 30 feet, taking a portion of the sile walls, and revealing an aperture of about half that distance in width. Very many cart-loads of debris lying around attest the strength of the explosive, whilst the broken beams and twis- ted pipes in the interior show how serious might have been the injury to persons if that portion of the buildiag had been occupied. The debris lies right across the open space on that side of the quadrangle, and still stronger evidence of the intensity of the explosion is seen on the south side of the building, bricks and stunes having been bhnvn through the interior, and out at the windows on the opposite side, where also the roadway is thickly strewn with broken glass and masonry. Standing outside the public-house, which is just opposite the point at which the explosion occurred, was a brougham, which now lies an almost shapeless wreck, half-covered with ddbris. Considerable circumspection had to be exercised Liy fr. Dersons admitted to the yard and by the officials on duty, as it was feared that some more exnlosive material miedit be lviner around. It was stated that just after the outrage a man j was arrested in the neighbourhood, with a black bag in his possession, but the authorities naturally observe the closest reticence, and whether the man in question had any connection with the crime could not be ascertained. The loud report which accompanied the explosion was heard at King-street and many other police- stations in the neighbourhood, and apprised the officials there that somethings rious had occurred. Almost immediately afterwards telegraphic in structions were flashed from Scotland-yard to these district stations not to allow any man to go off duty, followed by orders to put all available men on duty for the night. Drafts were directed to be sent from the outlying stations, and within a very short time cordons of police had been drawn round Scotland yard,closing the thoroughfare to the public, in order that the officials might care- fully examine the place. The chiefs of the de- partment who were not on the spot at the time were summoned, and measures were taken for sending extra police to the scene] of the other ex- plosions, news of which had been re- ceived, The debris in Scotland Yard was carefully guarded, so that it might remain in exactly the same position as that in which it fell for examination by Col. Majendie and the officials of the Home Office and detective department, Two carriages which were smashed also remain in the position in which they were struck. One horse was somewhat cut, and it is remarkable, considering the position in which it was standing, that it was not killed on the spot, A coachman sustained injuries, which necessitated his removal to the hospital, The police-officer referred to as having been on special duty at the spot received the greatest injury, for he was blown across the open space 'L,4- .1. 11 L 'I UOMLtlrjP tue wan opposite witn great violence, and also had to be taken to the hospital. Some oth'.T persons in the vicinity received cuts from the portions of glass which were blowu in all directions, but the injuries were not of a serious nature. The following cases are being treated at the Charing Cross Hospital i-William Jones, 26, Peter-street, Westminster, incised wound on the side Ai thurPreddo,42, Arlingford- road, Brixton, scalp wound and concussion. In the neighbourhood of Charing Cross and Par- liament-street intense excitement was caused by the detonation, which was increased when it be- came known that a daring attempt had been made at the veiy centre of the police system. The rapid mustering of police and the blockade at the en- trance to Scotland Yard added to the excite- ment, which again was further increased as intelligence of similar attempts in other parts of London became known. Op- posite to the urinal, at the rearmost extremity of the yard, is a public-house called the Rising Sun. This building, which is in the occupation of a Mr Duncan, has a frontage of some 50 feet, and was fitted with large squares of plate-glass. Every window in the structure was shattered to atoms by the concussion, and in the bar, which occupies the whole of the front portion of the ground floor, pots, glasses, jugs, plates, and bottles were hurled from their B ielves on to the floor, aud the mirrors lining the inner walls were cracked and broken up. The partitions of wood and glass in the outer bar were hoisted and curled into most fantastic shapes the gaseliers and brackets were snapped asunder, and their ornaments destroyed. Such liquids as stood in open vessels were dashed on to the floor, The very beer engine was shifted fromits position, Mr Duncan, the proprietor, has been indisposed for some weeks past, and at the time of the ex. plosion be was in one of the bedrooms with his wife. Mrs Duncan was sitting near the window conversing with the invalid, when suddenly she was startled by a loud report, such as might have been caused by the discharge of a. heavy piece of ordnance in the near vicinity, A second or two afterwards a still more terrific detonation took place. The glass through which Mrs Duncan had been looking was shivered into infinitesimal fragments the gas was extin. guished, and the occupants of the apartment found themselves almost smothered in the debris caused by the fallinsr plaster and wood- work. Fortunately neither Mr nor Mrs Duncan sustained any injury beyond a few Blight scratches, though the lady's nerves were naturally unstrung. In another bedroom two barmen were engaged dressing. The scene here was very similar to that witnessed by the proprietor of the house, and here also no serious bodily in. jury resulted. Downstairs, in the bar, there were from 15 to 20 persons. Miss Collins, the barmaid was at the end nearest to the spot where the ex- plosion was most seriously felt, talking to two gentlemen, who were standing in the compartment reserved for the use of customers of the better class. She was half stunned by the report, and was cut about the neck by the flying glass and splinters, but wonderful to prelate, escaped without worse injuries. Her interlocutors fared worse. One of them was hurt badly enough to justify his removal to the hospital" and the other one was also severely cut :and bruised. At the other extremity of the bar, Master E. Duncan, the son of the landlord, was leaning on the counter, talking to a fireman'from the adjoining static and in the public portion of the bar there wore a immbsf of tM customers of the house. Inquiries made by our reporter elicited no information tending to show that any of these persons were seriously injured, a remark- able fact considering their close proximity to the wrecked premises. It is estimated that the damn^e done to the public-house will not be covered by a less sum than £ 1,000. The whole of the frontage of the bar is a complete wreck, and the upper floors have not a vestige of glass left in the window- whilst the woodwork is broken and torn away in many places. Persons conversant with the dis- ciplinary arrangements in connection with the Criminal Investigation Department will be r.ware that the chief superintendent's offices are open night and day, night duty being taken by the in- spectors in rotation. This week InspectoVRobson is in charge. After the departure of the regular staff, and in accordance with an older resulting from recent Fenian plots, two other officers re- main in the building all night to be ready for any suddenly arising emergencies such as the Jpresent. The only other officials in the yard at the time of the explosion, save the constables on their beats, were the inspector and two or three subordinates in the police office near the Parliament-street entrance. Detective In- spector Robson ha.d just come out of the building, and was proceeding across the yard to the police office when the detonation occurred, but as has al- & ready been pointed out, had he been in the de tective's room he would have sustained no in- jury. As a matter of fact, the two emergency detectives in the building escaped unscathed. To the left of the Rising Sun public-house. extends a range of stabling, devoted to the use of the Second Lord of the Admiralty. A number of horses were stabled here, and, in one or two cases, the coachmen and grooms were located on the upper floors; but we have not been. able to ascertain that any injury to persons has been done in this quarter, although most of the windows are broken, and the inhabitants, both equine and human, were much frightened. To the right of the public-house is a fire-station, and facing that, on the other side of the street, is the office of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. In both cases the damage is slight, and can be easily repaired by the glazier. As the uews spread, the crowd in Parliament-street, Northumberland- avenue, Whitehall-place, and oth, r thoroughfares in the vicinity of Scotland Yard increased. At 11 o'clock, when the theatres and other places of amusement emptied, it was further augmented. But a large force of police was hy this time in attendance, and by their exertions the traffic was Very little impeded. It has bLen ascertained that the following are being treated at the Charing Cross Hospital W. Mine-ay, 3, St. James-street, Notting-hill-gate, fracture of bones of right forearm and crushed body; complains of his ribs. Henry Groves, 8, Little Scotland yard, incised wound. Elizabeth Horsford, 38, Charles-buildings, contused arm. Fre(lerick Neale, Upper Grosvenor-street, scratches on the face. George Weatherbogg, 41, Spriuaf-gardens, incised wound on right hand and abrasions. About 12.30 Col. Majendie arrived at Scotland- yard and made an investigation of the wreck. As a portion of the upper part of the building now overhang- the gate in a rather dangerous manner Instructions were given to the police to prevent all persons approaching the spot until the matter has been remedied, It is now definitely stated that no arrests have been made. Immediately the chiefs of the police arrived on the scene, an informal inquiry was held, and the deposition was taken of every person who was in the yard at the time of the explosion. The explosions in St. James's-sqnare, combined with that at Scotland-yard, threw the West-end into a state of wild excitement su\;h as, probably, has not been witnessed for many a year. Imme- diately after the occurrence of the outrage, thousands of pedestrians and a continuous stream of vehicular traffic began steadily to converge upon Pall MttI, and so great was the crush that the large bodies of police stationed at every approach had the utmost difficulty in keeping back the surging masses of an indignant populace. The consterna- tion was universal. The club world concentrated around Pall Mall stood aghast at the dastardly outrage, while the consternation know no bounds. When,shortly after 11 o'clock,the theatres emptied, matters became worse than ever, and the efficiency and patience of the police were indeed sorely taxed. There can be no question that the first of the explosions occurred in St. James's- square, and every incident in the whole affair points to the conclusion that the desperadoes engaged in the exploit arranged for simultaneous action. It was from a quarter to 20 minutes past nine—for the statements vary considerably-when this chapter of outrage was opened in St. James's- square. A few seconds—or as some say, a minute -elapsed, and then a second loud explosion occurred in the same immediate locality. Another short interval, certainly not more than two minutes, followed, when, to the terror of the already panic-stricken occupants of the houses in the neighbourhood and the passers by, a loud but evidently distant report, accompanied by a rumbling noise like that of artillery, conveyed the appalling fact that the deadly work of devastation was going on in some other quarter of the metropolis. This was unquestionably the explo- sion that took place at Scotland Yard. In the midst of the cnCusion and excitement consequent upon the explosions, it was a ni^.tor of c,ifficulty-on, might almost say impossibility—to gather any coherent details with a view to a connected narrative. Some avowed most positively that both explosions-for it is beyond doubt that there were two distinct m tb& bQ- ment at the rear of the Junior Gailton Club, on the south side of St. James's-square. On the other hand, inserted that the first report took place outside the Army and Navy Club, which in quite adjacent on the west side of the square between the coffee-room of the club and the half-pay offioo in connection with the War Office which adjoins, A general concurrence of evi- dence, however, points to the basement of the Junior Carlton (il ub as the scella of the first explosion. Indeed, in this matter, little room is left for doubt. Both the Junior Carlton and the Army and Navy Clubs are massive, spacious buildings, yet so sharp and heavy were the ex. I plosions that th3 structures seem to have been shaken to their foundations. The shock was felt with almost equal severity throughout the square and the vicinity, though with but one or two exceptions no damage was, fortunately, done. Eye-witnesses—for there were several-state that first there was a flash of fire, then a report which had a peculiarly clear metallic ring, followed by a volume of smoke having a strong smell of sulphur, At the time when the two explosions took place there were probably some 20 cabs drawn up in the rank at the rear of the Junior Oarlton Club, on the side of the road nearest the picturesque and well-laid-out ground which ornaments the centre of the square, Many of the cabmen were at that moment partaking of refreshment in the cab-shelter close by, One of the cabmen, whose name has not transpired, but who was standing outside when the first report was heard, states most positively that he saw a man of short stature, and carrying a light coat on his arm, bend down just outside the Junior Carlton Club and strike what' he took to be a fuz, as if for the purpose of lighting his pipe. The dynsmitard for such he must have been, at once ran away, and immediately after a loud concussion sVir. the neighbourhood, A flash of light was seen, heavy masses of sulphurous smoke filled the air, and there was the noise all round of shattered and falling glass. The horses in the cabs became restive and frightened, and it was with difficulty the animals were restricted from bo!ting. This prevented the men from following up the scoundrel, who rapidly ran into the open- ing by the Intelligence Department of the War Office, into Pall Mall, where he disappeared without leaving the slightest clue behind him' As usual when outrages of this description fnd discoveries of dynamite have taken place, many false rumours are afloat of explosions at public buildings other than those mentioned. It was stated that the Wellington Barracks, St. James's Park, had been blown up, but on inquiry at the barracks it was ascertained that nothing unusual or suspicious had occurred. It was also rumoured that an exp^on had taken place at Paddington untrue mVeSl'gafcl0nthiSWaS als° proved to be
CONTINUED DEPRESSION IN THE SHIPPING TRADE. O.viug to the continued depression of trad, two other shipbuilding yards on the Tees have been closed, and a. number of workmen at Messrs Railton Dixon's yard has been ref-lticed from 2,500 to 2,000, The SunderlandEcho says:-The sudden and general fall in freights was, we have no doubt, the real cause of the sudden decline in shipbuilding and until an opposite movement takes place in the freight market, there can • 5° .chance of any better business uVi-J3 PulldlnfiT-yards. There is a strong pro- bawhty, however, that a movement of the latter kind will be witnessed before the present year is much older, and we entertain the hope that more or less of a stimulus will be given to shipbuilding before the winter sets in. Of course, no one ex. pects that the state of briskness lately seen will be experienced again for a long time to come but that some improvement upon the present condition ofthingsmaytakeplace within theperiod indicated is certainly not anunlikelycontingency.Notonlythe probable rise in freights, but other circumstances are tending to bring this about. Losses are daily taking place in all parts of the world and despite the existence of foreign competition we may rest safe in the assurance that nine- tenths of the vessels lost will be replaced from the yards of English and Scotch builders. Old vessels, both of wood and iron, are continually being taken off the register, and for these also it may be assumed that substitutes will have to be provided. On the whole, we are disposed to think that the depres- sion in the shipbuilding and allied industries is already at or near its worst, and efiould we be right in that conjecture, it will naturally follow that a change for the better must soon take place, we are not sanguine as to the extent of the cnange, but basing our opinion on a careful con- lderatlOn of the circumstances, we feel justified In repeating our belief that some improvement wSB state of things will b cxl)eri,)nred the end of the year.
WEATHER REPORTS. [SPECIALIST WMICD AT 9 O'CLOCK LAST NIOHT 1 l „ YM0P™> Friday Evening. — To-day has fiue and clouded. Rain is stifl very 56 to 4fi 2 £ 98> faliing J temperature, 00 to *6 J humidity, 64; wind, S.W., 1, OCILLT. — Barometer, 30, falling? temnera- tare, 65 to «j wiad, E.N.E., Book —Barometer, 30 07, falling temnaraturo
LADlES' CASHMERE BOOTS AN-r) SHOES (very chl",11). 130(1 Wei
LLANISHEN. ELECTION OF AN ASSISTANT » 'VERSEKR -Owin to the resignation of Mr R. H. T nomas, sch. of- rnaster. the p-tst of assistant overReer of this parish became vacant. At a vestry meeting b")d last Thursday, May 22, there were three candi- dates nominated for the vacancy, viz MrHopkin Llewellyn, Cwm Farm, Llanishen Mr Thomas Wride, Blue House Farm, Llanishen; and Mr Herbert, Williams, of Laurel Cottage, Llanishen, who i ;t- h&ut&nt d'Hector fog £ jt John's parish, Cardie The Votmg was ll {2- f'e«;e1]yo, 18 for Mr T. Wride, and 22 foi Mr Williams. Mr Llewellyn's namj was there- upon struck out, and the votes taken between the other two candidates, when 20 voted for Mr Wride, and 29 for Mr Williams. Theieupon the friends of Mr Wride demanded a poll « f the rate- payers, which took place yesterday (Thursday) at Church I in between the hours of 12 uoon and 9 p.m. The result of the election was as follows Mr H. W. Williams, 76 Mr Thomas Wride, 40. A,-aipist east winds and climatic changes, brace UJL. the system taking G wil vm Evens' Quinine Bjtters«8t><&
GOWER ROAD. ORDINATION.—On Monday and Tuesday last meetings took place in connection with the ordi- nation of the Rev. J. G. Thomas (Llanellv) as minister of the Independent Church at Gower Road. Amonerst the minister" whn toflc-inart- wece the Rev. Dr. Rees (chairman of the Congre- gational Union), R. A.. Bertram, Thomas John (Lianelly), J. Thomas (Bryn), D. Lewis, W. T. rl Davies, J. Stephens, Johns (Pembrokeshire), J. Be van (Waunarlij'wd). Large etimbens of people attended the services from Llaneliy, where Mr Thomas is highly respected.
LOCAL ADMIRALTY APPOINT- MENT. The London Gazette of Friday night contains Of following :— COUNTT-CGURT OF GLAMORGANSHIRE HOI-DEN A* SWANSEA—Admiralty Jurisdiction.—jyauticai. Assessor appointed in the place of H. J. Godfrey. Lieutenant B.N., Commanding Officer Swansea^ Horace John Moore Pugii. W«.ot E.N..Divisional Officer of Coastguard, Swansea dated 21st April, 1884.—Jcmn Jones, Begistrar, appioved, James Hannen, May 10th.