DFATH OF MR. CRAWSHAY BAILEY. It will be learned with great regret throughout South Wales and Monmouthshire that early on Sunday morning Mr Crawshay Bailey, of Maindiff Court, Abergavenny, died at Dublin. The intelli- gence to hand merely records the fact of his decease, giving no supplementary information, and it thus may be inferred that the deceased gentlemon de. parted this life somewhat suddenly. This belief is further strengthened by the fact that no intimation had been given previously as to his being ill. Mr Crawshay Bailey was born in 1841, and was the son of the late Mr Crawshay Bailey, J.P., D.L., the well-known ironmaster. The family is one which is widely known throughout the commercial world. Mr Bailey's father, in conjunction with a few other leading spirits in South Wales, may be said to have practically founded the huge iron and steel indus- tries which have arisen in the locality, those with which that gentleman was most intimately associated being situated at Nantyglo and Blaina. During his lifetime he purchased a large quantity of landed property in the two Rhondda Valleys, and as the great future before that district could be little fore- seen, the ground was acquired at a comparatively cheap rate. His son did not carry on the iron manufacture inaugurated by Mr Crawshay Bailey, senr., but devoted himself principally towards developing his landed estates. Those in the Rhondda Valley were in the course of a few years rendered of almost priceless value by their mineral wealth, as, amongst others, the National Colliery at Ynisher, the Gelli, and part of the Ocean Col- lieries were situated on his property. At Aber- gavenny, where the family residence is located, Mr Bailey was also the proprietor of a large estate, but this was principally of an agricultural character. In 1883 Mr Crawshay Bailey married the Countess Bettina, daughter of the late Count Metaxa, and his family consists of two daughters-one unmarried, and the other married to a son of Mr Gordon Rennings, of Gloucestershire. Mr Crawshay Bailey was a Conservative, but was not an ardent politician in connection with political matters. His tastes were rather of a domestic and philanthropic turn, and he was, from the exercise of these qualities, highly respected and esteemed by all who came in contact with him. He was a J.P. and D.L. for the counties of Brecon and Monmouth, and was high sheriff of Monmouthshire in 1874. He took a keen interest in the religious and social welfare of his tenants and the inhabitants of the district in which he lived, and to his munificence many a struggling mission church and chapel owed its maintenance and final success. Mr Crawshay Bailey was an active participator in the volunteer movement, and until recently he was a captain in the Brecon Rifle Volunteers. He was connected more or less directly with several of the most important commercial enterprises in the princi- pality, notably the Penarth and Barry Docks, and also with several local railways. When the news of his death arrived at Abergavenny on Sunday, it created a great sensation in the town. Mr Craw- shay Bailey was deservedly popular owing to his benevolent and genial nature, and it was therefore only natural that an intense feeling of gloom should prevail amongst the townspeople. Abergavenny especially will suffer a severe loss from his death, as he was ever ready to support in the most generous manner all the charitable institutions and projects in the town, which already abounds with lasting monuments of his benevolent munificence. As a token of the deep regret felt at his sudden demise the minute bell of the parish church tolled all the afternoon. Mr Bailey's death will cause great regret to all those who recognised his many sterling qualities.

NARBERTH. PASTORAL.—The Congregational Church here have unanimously decided to give the Rev. Sirhowy Jones, St. Ishmael's, Milford Haven, an invitation to become their pastor. BOARD OF GUARDIANS.—At the fortnightly meet- ing of this board Mr R. H. Buckby was re-elected chairman and Messrs. J. Robbins (Narberth) and W. James (Penllwyn) were re-elected vice-chairmen for the ensuing year.

HAVERFORDWEST. PEMBROKESHIRE HUNT BALL. The annual steeplechase ball was held at the Assembly Rooms, Haverfordwest, on Friday night. A quadrille band, under the leadership of Mr Johnston, gave an excellent selection of music, and dancing was kept up to a late hour; The catering ln of Mr G. John gave every satisfaction, and the whole proceedings were of an interesting character .t:

MINISTERIAL.—Mr James James, of the Baptist College, has accepted a cordial invitation to become the pastor of the Pisgah Baptist Church, Cresswell Quay. EASTER VESTRIES.—The vestry of Slebech Church was held on Monday. The Rev. William Scott, the vicar, nominated Mr C. E. G. Philipps as his warden, and Mr W. James, Arnold's Hill, was appointed for the parisli.-The vestry of Minwere Church was held on the same day. Mr D. Lewis, of Minwere Farm, and Mr Philipps, of Cotts, were elected churchwardens for the ensuing year. _L!8I>

DEATH OF A WELSH CENTENARIAN. It was announced at the last meeting of the Lam- peter Board of Guardians that Mrs Mary Davies, the "Lampeter juvenile pauper," had died since the previous meeting of the board, at the age of 104 years. She was born at Gwngodfawr, in the parish of Llauddewi Brefi, in 1783. When she was forty nine years of age she married Mr Thomas Daviefe, Blaenant, in the neighbouring parish of Llanycrwys. She had been confined to her bed for the last six or eight months, getting up occasionally to sit in a chair in the room. She looked remark- ably well up to within a short time of her death. She could read her Welsh Bible, and her mind in fact seemed to be absorbed in religious subjects.

THROAT IRRITATION AND COUGH.—Soreness and dryness, tickling and irritation, inducing cough and affecting the voice. For these symptoms use Epps's Glycerine Jujubes In contact with the glands at the moment they are excited by the act of sucking, the Glycerine in these agreeable confections becomes actively healing. Sold only in boxes, 7d., tins Is., lid., labelled JAMES EPPS & Co., Homoeopathic Chemist, London." Dr. George Moore, in his work on "Nose and Throat Diseases," says: "The Glycerine Jujubes prepared by James Epps and Co., are of undoubted service as a curative or palliative agent." "While Dr. Gordon Holmes, Senior Bhysician to the Municipal Throat and Ear Infirmary, writes: "After an extended trial, I have found your Glycerine Jujubes of considerable benefit in almost all forms of throat disease."

A LLANELLY VESSEL ABANDONED AT I SEA. The Royal Mail Company's steamship Para ar- rived in Plymouth Sound on Saturday with Captain Gronow and the crew of the barquentine Gladstone, of Llanelly, which was abandoned at sea in a dis- abled condition between Bermuda and the Western islands. The Gladstone encountered a terrific hur- ricane, and was so severely damaged that her waterways were opened on the port side for a length of eight feet. The breach was filled with oakum, and for seven days the crew kept their vessel afloat by pumping. Then the Hamburg- American steamship Bavaria hove in sight and took off the crew.

A WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE. We have no need to go to distant countries, or out of the way places, to find proofs of the immense value to the human race of only one of the most important discoveries of the age. On all sides of us and from all parts of the country, invaluable testimony, equally well authenticated with the following, may be found by even the most ordinary enquirer The following in- teresting letter, containing as it does a truly wonderful experience, should be attentively and thoughtfully read and considered in every household throughout the land. Hope Hall, Bethesda, Carnarvonshire, September 7th, 1886. SIR,-Though I have never seen you I feel that I am under great personal obligations to you as the dis- coverer of what has proved indeed a blessing to mankind —the now world renowned QUININE BITTERS. To it I owe release from pain, and the restoration of bodily health and strength when all other remedies and doc- tors had failed to give me any lasting benejit. My ex- perience has indeed been a wonderful one. Few men have suffered more than I have done, and certainly there can be but few cases which could be considered more hopeless than mine was before I tried your in- valuable remedy. I was compelled to be very careful as to what food I partook of, as nearly everything I ate gave me great pain. My stomach was distended with wind, which again pressed upon the other great orgasls of the body, such as the lungs, liver, and heart, upon the fulfilling of whose functions properly bodily health, comfort and strength necessarily depend. So great was this distention at times, and so greatly did it affect my heart, that I often feared my heart would stop its beatings for ever! I felt weak, dispirited, and nervous. I feared to speak a word in public, as I felt I might at any moment fall dead. My breathing was difficult, rapid, and weak, while some times my heart beat so loudly that people who sat in the same room with me could plainly hear it! You may therefore well conceive that my lot was indeed a pitiable one, my life a burden to me and a trouble and anxiety to others. In this un- happy condition I was persuaded to try your QUININE BITTERS. Though from my experience of other reme- dies, which I had tried in vain, I had very little faith in this remedy, I tried a 2s. 9d. bottle. Before I had finished taking this, I felt such a decided change for the better that I determined upon trying a larger bottle, 4s. 6d. The benefit I received was so evident that I readily obtained another 4s. 6d. bottle, with the most happy consequences. Now I am strong and healthy, perfectly healthy, and have been so from that time until now, stronger in mind and body than I had been for years previously, and all this at a cost of only lis. 9d. Since then I have recommended it to dozens of others, and I have never yet seen any one give it a fair trial without being benefited by it and perfectly satisfied with it. You are at perfect liberty to make any use you may see fit of this letter. Yours very gratefully, E. W. JONES (Gwerydd Wyllt.) To Mr Gwilym Evans. Why therefore need you, reader, suffer longer, when you can be relieved by using Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters, undoubtedly the best remedy of the age. Imparts tone to the system, and new life to the blood, and fortifies the body against disease To be had cf all Chemists. Be sure you get GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. Take no other. Prices 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., 12s. 6d. Will be sent under cover free to any address at above prices, direct from the Proprietor, Mr Gwilym Evans, F.C.S., Llanelly, South Wales.

IRISH BOGs.-Such bogs are liable to overflow after long continued rains. In Ireland, where about one seventh of the country is covered with bogs-that of Allen being 238,500 acres in extent, and in many places more than thirty feet in depth, -such mishaps are by no means unfrequent. In January, 1883, after a heavy downfall of rain, several thousand acres in the vicinity of Castlerea were submerged by the "bursting" of the neigh- bouring bogs. Mills were stopped, bridges choked, fields were covered to the depth of twenty-six feet, and traffic on the road between Bellingare and Castlerea was suspended by the overflow of the moss, flooded by the rain until it had broken its bounds, and began advancing towards the town. The bog at Baslick, which "moved" some time before, also broke up in several places, and threatened to begin its march on the arable country in the neighbouring lowlands. Such mishaps are, unfortunately, too common in Ireland. In June, 1882, a large bog on the Wistropp Estate, in East Clare, began to crawl to the south eastward, carrying before it several patches of reclaimed land planted with potatoes, and destroying a portion of the main road to Limerick. A few years ago some labourers working in a field near Galway, heard "a noise like thunder," followed almost imme diately, to use their phrase, by the country rolling upon them," in the shape of the black ooze of a "moving bog." By-and-by the witnesses of this strange sight were driven from the field they were cultivating and before the lava-like stream ceased its progress, two corn fields, a potato patch, and a considerable tract of pasture land were inundated. The bursting of the Solway Moss, more than a century ago, is a case even more familiar for this vast morass, saturated by unprecedentedly heavy rains, left its bed and covered four hundred acres of farms to such a depth that several cottages were buried, and a number of others so far entombed that their roofs alone appeared above the dreary expanse of liquid peat. When the inundation ceased, it was found that the original level of the bog had in its own area sunk twenty-five feet, and that, in the lowest ground which it had invaded, fifteen feet of turfy substance had been deposited. Again, in 1831, a bog of one hundred acres, between Bloomfield and Geevah, in Sligo, burst, and, in addition to covering a large extent of arable land, cut up the ground into large ravines, and carried away the road from Bloomfield to St. James's Well, for a distance of 9,200 yards. Mrs Hughes, wife of the Mayor of Oxford, has reported that the sum collected in that city for the Women's Jubilee Offering amounts to £275 6s. 4id., which has been contributed by 7270 persons.

ASK for Tyler and Co.'s Prize Medal Flannels.

THEATRICAL SCRAPS. I Blue Ribbons, a farcical comedy written by Messrs. Walter Browne and J. E. Soden, will be produced under the direction of Mr J. L. Shine at a matinee on the 27th inst. Report speaks highly of this new piece and the cast will include Miss Bilbee Barlow, Miss Susan Vaughan, Miss Florence Beale and Miss Cicely Richards and Messrs. L. D'Orsey, Wilfred Shine, George Stone and J. L. Shine. # Messrs. Stephenson and Collier's popular opera, Dorothy, reaches its 200th performance on the 28th inst., and business is still so good at the Prince's that it will, I imagine, be some time before the new opera by the same authors, which is nearly completed, will be required. On dit that Mr Henry Irving has purchased the rights of The Dead Heat with a view to future production. This drama many years ago was a great attraction at the Adelphi, and the famous old actor-manager, Ben Webster, made a hit in the chief character. Messrs. Gilbert and Sullivan's new opera, Ruddigore, is meeting with great success in the provinces. The company engaged by Mr D'Oyly Carte to interpret it being a strong one and in- cludes Mr Herni, the clever young artist who so successfully took Mr George Grossmith's place at the Savoy Theatre during the latter gentleman's severe illness. The management is in the able hands of my old friend Mr C. H. Beresford whom many here will remember as the courteous manager of Mr C. Hawtrey's Private Secretary Company. At a matinee under the direction of Mr Har- rington Baily, at the Criterion on May 4th, a new farcical comedy by Mr W. Maurice Noel entitled Tea will be. brought out with Miss Ffolliott Page and Mr Felix Morris in the prin- cipal parts. The prospectus of the Carl Rosa Opera Com- pany, Limited, has just been issued the nominal capital required being XIOO,000 in shares of X5 each. On dit that another well-known society lady is about entering theatrical profession, and that she has purchased the rights of a new four-act drama by Mr Mark Quinton, entitled The Crooked Way, which she intends bringing out in London ere long. ♦ It is stated that the new drama written by Messrs. Sidney Grundy and H. Pettitt to succeed The Harbour Lights is entitled The Bells of Halesmere. The death is announced of the popular American comedian, Mr John T. Raymond, who appeared at the Gaiety in 1880 so successfully in his famous creation of "Colonel Sellers" in Mark Twain's play The Gilded Age. The popular comedian, Mr Edward Terry, was last week elected a Guardian of the Poor for the parish of Barnes, in the Richmond Union, for the seventh year in succession, being returned at the head of the poll. Mr A. W. Dubourg's play Vittoria Contarini, or Love The Traitor, with Miss Laura Villiers in the principal part, will be given at a matinee at the Pincess's on May 4th. Mr Barton MGuckin, the eminent tenor, has been engaged by Mr Carl Rosa to undertake the chief tenor parts in Mr F. Corder's new opera Nordlsa, and in Wagner's Lohengrin, during the forthcoming opera season at Drury Lane. SCRUTATOR.

HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. -Nervousness and want of Energy.—When first the nerves feel unstrung, and listlessness supplants energy, the time has come to take some such alterative as Holloway's Pills to restrain a disorder from developing itself into a disease. These excellent Pills correct all ir- regularities and weaknesses. They act so kindly, yet so energetically on the functions of digestion and assimilation, that the whole body is revived, the blood rendered richer and purer, while the muscles become firmer and stronger, and the ner- vous and absorbent systems are invigorated. These Pills are suitable for all classes and all ages. They have a most marvellous effect on persons who are out of condition they soon rectify whatever is in fault, restore strength to the body and confi- dence to the mind. Mr Andrew Comwyn, Local Government Board Inspector, held an inquiry on Saturday into the Scheme of the Limerick Guardians for erecting 113 additional labourers' cottages, under the provisions of Agricultural Labourers Act, at a cost of £130QO. Gross irregularities in connection with the admini- stration of the act were disclosed in evidence. In one instance a Guardian promised not to place a. cottage on a tenant's lands if the tenant voted for him in preference to the rival candidate, while in another case the Guardian tried to procure a cot- tage for the farmer's son contrary to the provisions of the Act. A large number or landlords were opposing the applications. A CARD.—A CLERGYMAN, AFTER SUFFERING A number of years from Nervous Debility and Physical Exhaustion, trying in vain every known remedy, at last, during his travels in Old Mexico, found a remedy which entirely cured and saved him from death. Any one suffering from the above com- plaints, sending an addressed stamped envelope to Rev. Joseph Holmes, Bloomsbury Mansion, Blooms- bury Square, London. W.C., will receive the pre- scription FREE OF CHARGE. The Manchester Magistrates on Saturday com- mitted Walter Irish to prison for four months, with hard labour, for stealing office furniture to the value of over E50. The Prisoner was engaged as a caretaker of an office, and, during the temporary absence of the owner he called in a broker, and sold hiiff the whole of the furniture for £ 5.

ASK for Tyler and Co.'s Prize Medal Yarns,

ADMIRAL MAYNE AND HARBOURS OF REFUGE. In the House of Commons on Tuesday evening Mr Yeo moved that "having regard to the recent fearful sacrifice of life in the Bristol Channel, and to the constantly recurring losses of life and pro- perty around the coast of the United Kingdom, it is, in the opinion of this House, urgent that her Majesty's Government should immediately take action to diminish these losses by the construction of suitable harbours of refuge." Speaking in favour of the motion, Admiral Mayne said there was the question of the larger harbours requiring enormous sums for construction, the sites cf which should be chosen by the Admiralty; and the question of the small harbours, the sites of which might be selected by the Board of Trade. They had had commissions and committees on the point, and had now come to the question, how were the harbours to be made? He agreed with the desirability of the Board of Trade having more power. The hon. gentleman who made this motion had carefully avoided mentioning the Bristol Channel, but the hon. baronet who had just spoken had done so. Now the Bristol Channel, he thought, was very capable of looking after itself. But the real ques- tion was whether it was desirable to have a harbour of refuge in the national interest. A harbour at Lundy Island would be of no use in time of war, unless it was armed and guarded. His humble opinion was that, having in Milford Haven one of the best harbours in the world on the north side of the Bristol Channel, if a new harbour was con- structed it should be placed somewhere on the south side of the Bristol Channel, in order that vessels caught in the Bristol Channel, and not able to make Milford Haven, might be able to run for a harbour, say on the south coast of Cornwall. There were many places both in Ireland and England where it was desirable to have harbours, but where it was impossible to give security for loans to con- struct them. For instance, in his own district there was the port of Fishguard, where he thought it was most important to have a harbour, but where it was impossible to give any security. He should like to know how it would be possible to give security for loans for the construction of a harbour or harbours on the coast of Cornwall ? The people had nothing on which they could give security to the Public Works Loan Commissioners, and, there- fore, it was necessary that some assistance should be given to them. He maintained that harbours of refuge would certainly mitigate the loss of life at sea, aud contended that the inference to the con- trary drawn from the wreck chart were not sound or well founded. If harbours of refuge had not been constructed or loans had not been asked for their construction in places where they were wanted, the reason was not far to seek. It was simply because the people knew that it was useless to ask for loans when they had no security to give. That was the case in Pembrokeshire, and he should like to know whether it was not possible to extend some consideration to places which were in the position he had described. > It was solely for the purpose of advocating their claims that he had joined in this debate. (Hear, hear.) The motion was defeated by a majority of five.

ENGAGING A HOUSEKEEPER.—"A Lady (middle age preferred) wanted as Lady Housekeeper to a widower in the country; must be a spinster; liberal salary. "Just the thing," thought Miss Watson, "I will answer it instantly." Two days later, as she was breakfasting, the post brought her the answer. It was from the solicitors, who were acting for their client, whose name they did not mention. They concluded by expressing a wish that Miss Watson should call and see them that day, as they desired a personal interview. Miss Watson went. She was shown into an office where sat two gentlemen, one the solicitor, the other-the only man she had loved throughout her life. She was getting an old woman, so her colour did not rise as in a younger face but no girl's heart thumped more wildly than did hers when once again she heard his voice. They had never been acknow- ledged lovers, but in the long ago both had cared, and she seemed not to. He married someone else, forgetting quickly, as a man does while she, being only a woman, remembered still. The recognition was mutual. "I never connected my old friend with Miss Ellen Watson," he said. "Our old acquaintance will make no difference to your accepting the post, I hope ? She hesitated-she thought that to go to his house, feeling as she did, would be bad for her own peace? yet, to refuse without a sufficient reason, unaccountable. Of course he did not understand. Let me say 'do come?"' he asked. "I will come," she answered, quietly. It wanted a week to Christmas. Mr Tinderby was in his library alone. He was think- ing how very much more comfortable his home had become since Miss Watson took the management of it, and, man-like, he feeling rather annoyed that Christmas was drawing so near, as undoubtedly she would want a holiday then to visit her friends. His brow was very much puckered when his little daughter came running into the room. Papa, may I have a party this Christmas?" "Perhaps Miss Watson won't care for the bother." "Oh, yes, she will; she is such a dear, papa." Mr Tinderby stroked his daughter's fluffy, fair head, "Are you very fond of her, then?" "Oh, yes, papa," answered the child. You knew her when you were a young man, didn't you ? I wonder you didn't fall in love with her "I believe I was a bit in love with her in those days Mr Tinderby said to himself. And at that moment Miss Watson entered the room. "Miss Watson," said Mr Tinderby, "Elsie wants a Christmas party, and I am going to let her have one when you return home." "Return home!" echoed Miss Watson. Do you not wish an holiday to visit your friends at Christmas time?" he asked. Her face flushed with pain. "I have no friends." Mr Tinderby looked at her. Nellie, we were very fond of each other in those bygone days, cannot we be happy again?" And as he was always to her as first she viewed him; as love's spectacles had made her blind to time, she did not say no. The Observei- states that Colonel King-Harman, Assistant-Parliamentary Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, is to bring in a short Bill to amend the law regulating the Royal Irish Consta- bulary, with special reference to inspectors in that force. The bill will enlarge the powers of the Lord Lieutenant in regard to the number of inspectors. ,M. Chauffat, who remained so long asleep at the restaurant in Greek-street, Soho, was on Saturday removed to a French Hospital off Leipester-squart.

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