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¡j1t5Í1t5 Àj)brl!ses. BEYAN & COMPY., REGISTERED A3 < 1 rjIHE CARDIFF JpURNISHEPvS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, JPiLOOBOLOTHS, Q ARPETS, OwC., AT jyj ARVELLOUS J> R I C E S £ R d full.g;zed Iron Bedsteads. 7 6 Full-sized Spring Mattresses M. 15 11 Extended Brass Foot Bedsteads (won- derful value) 1 7 6 Embossed Velvet Suites 3 17 6 Solid Oak Suites in leather 8 10 0 Very Handsome Solid Mahogany Suites 10 10 0 Splendid Ash Bedroom Suites, bevelled plates 12 17 6 3even-Octave Pianofortes 12 10 0 Iron Framed do. warranted for tenyears. 21 0 0 The celebrated Grand Pianoforte. fully equal to instruments often sold at Fifty Guineas. 31 10 0 All other Goods, including an Immense Stock of 0ARPETS, FLOORCLOTHS, DOORMATS HEARTHRUGS, &c., By far the Largest Selection in Wales, sold at such prices as to DEFY ALL COMPETITION. Delivery free within 100 nailer of Cardiff. Targe Illustrated Catalogues free on application. BEVAN & COMPY., "rjpHE CARDIFF FURNISHERS," 21 DUKE- STREET, AND T6 ST* JVT A RY"s T R E Fj T' CARDIFF. ,875 G. A. STONE & CO., j COMPLETE I FUNERAL FURNISHERS. EVERY REQUISITE FOR FUNERALS OF ALL Proprietors of Cars, Hearses, bellibie!9. superb Flemish Horses, Coaches, Broughams, and every necessary equipment for Funerals. PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. -— 118 10, 11, 12, WORKING STREET, CARDIFF. • rriEETH.—Complete Set, One Guinea; JL Single Tooth, 2s 6d. Five years' warranty. Dr Andrew Wilson, K.N., says: "They condhce greatly to health and comfort." Re-models, repairs. Painless Dentistry, Gas, &c. —• GOOUMAN'AND Co., 56, Queen street (Crockherbtown), Card;!?. 397 FURNISH ON EASY TERMS OR FOR CASH, DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS 5, ST. JOHN'S SQUARE, I :3- 0ARDIFF, THE ATLAS FURNISHING Co. continue to SUPPLY FURNITURE of EVERY DESCRIPTION DAILY to ALL CLASSES in any station of life, on their SPECIAL HIRE-PURCHASE SYSTEM, the EASY TERMS of which will be found to be the MOST ADVANTAGEOUS in CARDIFF The ever-increasing Business of the ATLAS and the very considerate manner in which they treat their patrons, has made this Company the Most deservedly Popular in Cardiff. J TERMS :— £ 3 payments, Is 6J weekly. CAgjj PRICES. £ 10 4s Od f Carriage Paid £ 20 „ 6s Od „ /Within 30 Miles £ 30 „ lOi 0d „ I Pro, Cardiff £ 100 M 20$0J „ J BATH CHAIRS, INVALID AND BABY CARRIAGES, LENT OUT on HIRE by the DAY or WEEK, and WITH OPTION OF PURCHASE. SPECIALITY FOR THE SEASON A FASHIONABLE PERAMBULATOR FOR EIGHTEEN-PENCE WEEKLY, ON OUR HIRE PURCHASE SYSTEM. A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK FOR SELECTION. j PROSPECTUS of EASY TERMS, with PRICE LISTS, may be had GRATIS AND POST FRKK ON APPLICATION to the MANAGER, niUHE ATLAS" JpURNISHING I 0OMPANY, 5, ST. JOHN'S SQUARE, CARDIFF. EWPORT.—SOUTH. WALES ECHO. .l, The SOUTH W A LI<:S KCHO is published at the NEWPORT OFFICE, 1, Tredegar-olace as follows FIRST EDITION 1-30 P.M. THIRD EDITION 4.30 P.M. -T'KOIAT.- EDITION J).30 Advertisements received up to One p.m. obtain Insertion Ín the Third and Speci¡¡1 Editions of the Sams sfternooii. I iSusiiwss Abbesses. j FURNISH ON OUR NEW HIRE SYSTEM, j I i HOUSES OR APARTMENTS COMPLETELY ? FURNfvSHED ON A NEW SYSTEM ADOP. j TED SOLELY BY US, WHEREBY ALL PUBLICITY, EXPOSURE, AND IN QUIRIES USUALLY MADE BY OTHEK ■ COMPANIES ARE DISPENSED WITH. Wfl have an immense stock of JjOUSEHOLD JpURNITURE of chfap and superior quality. All (roods sold on the Hire System AT READY-MONEY PRICES. We make NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR CREDIT, | and all goods sent home in a private I' van free of charge NO STAMP OR AGREEMENT CHARGES MADE; J NO BILL OF SALE. Everything Private, No Security, j Arrangements completed without delay, and, bejn manfacturers, we gunrnntee quality, and will under- tako to supply furniture, &c. equally as good, at ten per cent. leas than any price-list issued by any firm in Cardiff. I Eleven showrooms. Call and inspect our immense stock, and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere, WE WILL SUPPLY £3 WORTH Is 6d WEEKLY je& WORTH 2s 6d WEEKLY. £10 WORTH 4s Od WEEKLY £15 WORTH 5s Od WEEKLY £20 WORTH 68 Od WEEKLY And so on in proportion. Special terms for large quantities, PrFASK NOTE THK A ddrbss gOUTH yyALES JjlURNISHINO QOMPANY, SI CASTLE JgTRjtSfiT> i (Opposite the Castle), 970 CARDIFF THE 0ONTINENTAL ^RT QHINA AND COTTA COMPANY, 84, QUEEN-STKEET, CARDIFF, Have Opened with a Splendid Collection in ART CHINA, fJpERRA COTTA j^IGURES, PAINTINGS, BRONZES, STATUETTES, MARLIHORSES, &c. ——- 205 An Inspection ot the Stock is Solicited.. THE CROSS OF THE LEGION OF HONOUR was a distinction highly prized, eagerly sought for, and to pain whicl1 no effort or sacrifice was deemed too great. Bodily and mental health is one of the things which we do not prize until we lose it, and which we would then do almost anything to regain. A careful study of the following cross will show you how to keep it if you have it, and how to reallllt if you have lost it. TWENTY YEARS I BRONCHITIS, IN- TvmriroTT<™ DIGESTION. AND INDIGEoIIOIN NKRVOUS WEAK- CUKED. NESS CURED. —— VYestley Villa, Oakey, Mr E. JONES, gen- Wolverhampton, I"T August 26th, 1887. eral grocer and provi- (JJ My Dear Sir, — I sion merchant, 31 and have great pleasure in .1 testifying to the bene- t>2, Richardson-street, fit 1 hav0 derived from Swansea, writes as "T the use of your Qui- JL NINE BITTERS. I have suffered for many years Dear Sir, — Having from Indigestion in its suffered for twenty \T many disagreeable i\ forms, and from Bron- years from indigestion, Li chitis, and have tried I had quite failed to a variety of remedies End a permanent rem uselessly. I have edy until I was induced TT PI?v.e(* t,'le power and r. „ 8 ethiiency of Gwilym to try Grwilym Evans Kvans' QUININE Bit- QUININE BITTERS. TERS in grappling sac- After taking two or c-essfully with the sad three bottles I was Nand painful results T li associated with Indi- qmte cured, and I now gestiml> Bronchitis, feel quite another man. and wakening of the Many thanks for your nervous system. — I discovery. (Signed), j|^ anl' ^c > E. T. JONES. Rkv J. TURVEY. E. T. JONES. REY J. TURVEY. GWILY31 Read this testimony of A MIRACULOUS & ms.ii CURED Effcor %r■« rrsw VIVE YEARS' SUF- R c ,r FERING from ■ Spnngheld House, Bronchitis, Nervous- Penmaenmawr, Tless, Typhoid Fever, June 3rd, 1E87. Inflammation of the I DEAR SIR It is Lungs, and Kinney H .i, ÐiseastJ y -*■ with very greatpleasure "For nearly five 1 inform you th3.& 1 years I have suffered have derived more from various J50111* r* benefit by using the plaints, such as Bron- B 3 ,i,s chitis, Typhoid Fever, s bottles of Inflammation of the GwiJym Evans' QUI- Lungs, Cold in the MNE BITTERS than I Kidneys, &c., and as a T had from any doctor result every nerve in I 1 my body has been curing the last fifteen weakened. Though I years. During the had recourse to doctors past month I have been and to numerous ad- able to work full time, vertised remedies, I H T, have found nothing so a *■ no^ been effectual as your able to do for many QUININE BITTERS, years. The inhabitants which I therefore be- here know that my lieve to be the best f-C Tonic Remedy ever mi^culous cure has discovered," is part of been brought about by a grateful letter from taking your QUININE Mr HOLLAND Wil- BITTERS.— Gratefully LIAMS, 7, Tan y Foel, ,.ftnr„ Bethesda, North jours, Wales. JOHN OWEN. Edge-hill, Liverpool, April 13th, 1888. Mr Gwilym Evans.—Sir,—I trust you will excuse me, a complete stranger, writing to you, but owing to your marvellous Quiniue Bitters, you have (through them) made suell a tremendous change III my life that I cannot withstand the loning to inform you of it. A friend, in January last, pointed out to me your notices in Hand's Kdge-hill Almanac, and advised me to try your Bitters. I had then for five years gooù had to be very careful in what I ate, for I nearly always suffered great pain after meals. 1 had for that time never been free from bilious and nenous headache, and pains in my left side. Heartburn I always had morning, noon, and night, and I had tried all kinds of medicines without avail, lor about five weeks before seeing your notice, I had been trying another preparation, but it did me no good. However, I got one of your 4s 6d bottles. After I had taken it I felt so much better that I took a 2s 9il bottle, and since about the third week in January, I have been quite free from headache, bile,or heartburn, and have Dever experienced a feeling of any of them. 1 cannot too highly speak of your Bitters, as I feel better now than I ever felt before. I think you ou;ht to spread the knowledge of your xiitters more in this neighbourhood, and get the drug- SMK here to keep a better supply. I hd to go to four shop 1:Jefore I con1d get what I wanted. I give you my right name, which you can publish if you think fit, but my atldress I hold back because of my employers. They tlo 110 allow their employees to interfere in any. thing publicly, and I do not want to do anything which they may tind fault with. However, I must tender to yuu DIY warmest thanks, and shall recommend your medicine whenever anù wherever I have the oppor- tunity.—Yours respectfully, JAMES B. EDWARDS. N.B.—Printed direct from original copy. Original lettar now in our office. jISTAbove all, see that you set the richt article, with the name GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS" on stamp, label, anù bottle, without wbich none is genuine. Imitation is the siricerest form of flattery, and the wonderful virtues and unparaJlelecl success of this Great Natural Remedy have caused many to try to imitate them, though without success. Quinine Bitters still hold their place and reputation as TH I BKbT TONIC PREPARED OR EVER DISCOVERED. Refuse all imit ations and insist upon having NOTHTNG BUT GWILYM EVANS* QUININE B1TTKRS. Pricce 2s 9d, double size 4s 6d, cases oí three large bottles 12s 6d. Sold by all Chemists and Vendors of ratent Medicines in the kingdom. Should any diffi- culty be found in procuring it, write to the proprietors, who will forward it at above prices free per return parcels post to own address. Agents in all parts of the world..Equally suited for all climates. Proprietor, 7642 MR GWIiAM EVANS, 1318 7b2 Pharmaceutical Chemist, Llanelly, South Wales. I 3Gusintss BLACK- BEETLES BLACK- BEETLES BLACK- JL9 BEETLES BLACK- BEETLES BLACK- I BEETLES BLACK- JLF BKETLES BLACK- BEETLES i BLACK- BEETLES BLACK- I BEETLES BLACK- ( JLP BEETLES BLACK- BEETLES I BLAOK- I BEETLES BLACK- BEETLES L A C K BEETLES B LACK- BE ETLE.S BLACK- BEETLES BLAOK- BEETLES D0NT have rjlHEM,5 Don't have the DETESTABLE Things about your dwellings. Don't have the ABHORRENT Thingzi about your Dogs, Cats, Horses, etc. Don't have the PLAGUY Things about you anywhere. There is no need to have,or the slightest reason you should have, nor the least j excuse for having any VEXA. TIOUS VERMIN "if you will but adopt The SURE Method," "The SAFE Means," "The) CERTAIN Destroyer, The Posi. tive BANISHING Article." HAGON'S HAGON'S j POWDER. POWDER. Modulated language need not be i used respectingthesePestilent and Destructive Insects, as few Resi- dences are clear ot Cockroaches and Crickek, Black Beetles and Bugs, Fleas and Flies,Moths and Lice, and kindred plagues. No Captain, Officer, or Sailor should go to sea without a good supply. Travellers and Tourists should al ways have it with them. Gardeners and Grooms should use it as a preventative as well as a destroyer. Servants should take care to have no other than Hagon's Powder. Heads of families should see to the using of Hagon's Powder. Hagon's Powder is ubed on board some of the larg-est ships. Hagon's Powder is used in most Hotels, Boarding Houses, &c. Hagon's Powder is used in some of the Chief Hospitals and Insti- tutions. Hagon's Powder is used in Man sions as well as Cottages. PRICE ID 2D, 6D, AND IS. SOLE PROPRIETOR— A XX AGON, -TO. • XX 707e CHEMIST, 39, BRIDGE STREET, CARDIFF, AND 2, COBURN-STREET, CATHAYS. Sold by most Shopkeepers everywhere, but insist on being supplied with Hagon's. Trade Mark, No. 31.360 MUNDAY'S GINGER BEER POWDER. These are of e^ceptioml qualitv, and must not be compared with the packets "usually sold. I guarantee these Powders to be superior to all others, and to make a much mere wholesome aud pleasant drink than Heri) Beer concoctions. In Packets 4d each, sufficient to make two gallons six packets for Is 9d. PREPARED AND SOLD ONLY BY J MUNDAY, CHEIVIIST4 1, HIGH STREET, CARDIFF. |420 sHOP and HOUSE, George-street, Cathays, Cardiff; 10s weekly populous neighbourhood.—Apply Atlas Furnishing Co., St. John's-square, Cardiff. 416 HOUSE in Clifton-street, good condition imme- diate possession rental"7s clear.—Apply Atlas Furnishing Co., St. John's-square, Cardiff. 415 WANTED, Groom and Gardener must be thoroughly competent in both.—Apply Northumberland Lodge, Cathedral-road, Cardiff. 417 BOOK-KEEPER.—Trusty Lad, good at figures, JI wanted to make up books and bills one or two evenings weekly.-Roatli, Echo Oftke, Cardiff. 425 LADS wanted at Howell's Firelighter Factory, King's-road, Canton.—Apply on premises. 426 NURSE GIRL (thoroughly trustworthy) wanted, about 14.—Apply 27, Cranbrook-street, Cathays. 424 I IRL, 14 years of age, tall, well up in the con- \T fectionery business, is in want of a situation comfortable home most important.—Apply G.F., 125, Commercial-street, Newport. BATH (INVALID) CHAIR, quite new, guide wheel, for sale, cheap (or hire) also Bicycle, 54-inch, or exchange for 52.-49, Wellington-street, Canton, Cardiff. 460a JODGINGS (comfortable), for old or young Lady, _J for company, at 2s per week.—25, Wyndham- road. Canton, Cardiff. 433 BOY (respectable) Wanted.—Apply 19, Bute-street, Cardiff. 429 EN SHILLINGS REWARD.-Lost, a Green Parrot, with red beak and ring round neck. -3, Church-terrace, Penylan-road, Roath. 452 I ADVANCES of £100 and UPWARDS Granted on able Monthly. Ity good personal security for One Year. Repay- Total payments, E105 8s 2d inclusive costs. Bl 12s 6d Loans for Two, Three, or Five Years, on similar terms. w. &S.-I ERN, I 747 72. ST. MARY-STREEI. CARDIFF.


-The Man About Town.









-.--_-,,--_-JOHN CHINAMAN…

j Affairs in Ireland.






I The Loss of the "Caerau."…