Doctoral Project

Outpatient pediatric physical therapy for a patient status-post pilocytic astrocytoma resection

A patient with hemiplegia, post astrocytoma resection, received physical therapy by a student at a university setting for 16 treatment sessions from March to May 2014 under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist. The patient was evaluated with the 10-meter walk test, the Peabody Developmental Motor Scale-2, the Gross Motor Function Measure-66, and the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory. Main patient goals were improved gross motor function and improved functional gait. Interventions used were gait training, task specific strengthening, transfer training, and hand-arm bimanual intensive training. The patient achieved the following goals: decreased developmental delay, improved gait quality, and improved gross motor function. Patient was discharged home with mother, independent in a home exercise program.

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