Graduate Project

Vibration reducing pen for people with tremors

Most people, at some time in their life, will have to deal with medical complications that occur in themselves or their family. Many underlying health problems exhibit sharedp hysical symptoms. One physical symptom that originatesf rom a variety of health problems is tremors. Patients experiencing sudden movements in the arms and hands find life difficult in terms ofperforming daily tasks such as using a utensil or writing. To help patients cope with problematic tremors in their daily lives, my project will contribute toward making one daily task easier to perform; being able to write legibly using a pen. Vibration theory concepts were gathered and learned through studying literature on force transmission and isolation. The calculations presented in this project were made based on equations derived in the past by many experts. Modeling and simulation of the writing utensil were created by the author using 3-D modeling software. The scope of this project is to essentially prove a concept. The concept is making a writing utensil, a pen, which will damp vibrations when an individual with hand tremors uses it. This project made several assumptions about the input vibration from tremors. The simulations show that the vibrations were successfully dampened using four springs built between the pen shell and pen core.

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