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세계시민교육의 방향과 과제 : New Directions in World Citizenship Education

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서울대학교 교육연구소
아시아교육연구, Vol.2 No.2, pp. 65-85
시민 교육국가시민성민족주의세계시민성국가간 시민성CitizenCitizenship educationState citizenshipWorld citiTransnational citizenship
역동적이고 복합적이며 상호의존적인 세계에서 시민성의 의미는 새롭게 해석되어야 한다. 오늘날의 시민성 교육은 전통적 애국심이나 민족주의적 이데올로기의 전승을 강조했던 이른바 국가시민성의 관념에서 벗어나 인류와 지구 전체의 보편적인 가치를 강조하는 세계시민성의 관념으로 확대되어야 한다. 따라서 세계화 시대의 시민성은 개별 국가의 경계를 토대로 민족이나 국가공동체에 대한 애착과 헌신만을 강조하는 좁은 범위에서 벗어나 전 지구적인 차원에서 생각하고 행동하는 세계시민으로서의 자질과 능력을 포함하는 것으로 확대되어야 한다. 그러나 이러한 시민성의 의미 확대는 하나의 주권을 지닌 세계정부나 세계공동체의 시민성과는 구별되어야 한다. 그것은 현실감이 부족하고 추상적인 범주보다는 주권을 지닌 개별 국가들 사이의 공존과 상호협력의 가능성을 제공하고 또한 그것을 필요로 하는 새로운 도덕적․사회적 영역을 적극적으로 채울 수 있는 이른바 국가간 시민성(transnational citizenship)의 관념이 되어야 한다.

An important goal of student's education is to prepare the younger generation to assume their role of democratic citizens. Furthermore, education for democratic citizenship is needed now more than ever to provide a sense of purpose, solidarity, and guidance in a fragmented and a rapidly changing world. In general, the conception of citizenship was developed by reflection and discussion on the political life of a particular state. This kind of idea is what we now call state citizenship. Recently, however, the fact that no state can any longer ignore its mutual relations with other communities forces us to reconsider what good citizenship involves. It requires that the people recognize that they have the responsibility, not only to members of their own state, but also to humanity as a whole. This is what I call world citizenship. In this regard, we tend to integrate state citizenship with world citizenship without deliberation when we establish the direction and goals for our democratic citizenship education in the future. However, it is necessary to scrutinize the meaning and the relationship between the two concepts before we readjust the contents and directions of citizenship education. The purpose of this paper is to articulate the relationship between state citizenship and world citizenship, and provide newly emerging perspectives for world citizenship education in a rapidly changing world. In terms of democratic citizenship education in the age of globalization, the idea of transnational democracy and citizenship can be regarded as a significant point of departure. The concept of transnational citizenship has to be distinguished from world citizenship that assumes a world government with one sovereignty. Indeed, it would be more desirable and feasible to establish a transnational arena, recognize transnational citizenship, and focus on a citizenship education program to foster it. Perhaps the best way to direct this would be to construct an education system that shifts citizenship education towards a transnational ideal in order to create the transnational citizens of the future. In this vein, world citizenship education should promote global awareness, the recognition of the significance of mutual cooperation, and the realization that our moral and physical well-being largely depends on the transnational arena as well. In sum, there needs to be a shift from a narrow state citizenship to a broader definition of democratic world citizenship in such a rapidly changing world. The idea of democratic citizenship has to be expanded to include a wide array transnational concerns beyond particular national interests and to encourage people to be responsible and competent citizens who can solve the global affairs in terms of transnational perspectives.
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