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No nosso estudo, com atletas Sub-16 de Futebol de 7 Feminino que representaram os seus distritos, procurámos saber quais os hábitos de Atividade Física e Desportiva fora da escola e no contexto escolar e tentámos ainda saber se há ou não diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre a Atividade Física Formal e Informal nas diferentes regiões/zonas do país. A amostra foi constituída por 243 atletas, com uma média de idades de 14,79 ± 1,203 das seguintes regiões: Norte, Centro, Lisboa e Vale do Tejo, Alentejo, Algarve e Regiões Autónomas. O instrumento usado no nosso estudo foi uma adaptação do Questionário validado e utilizado por Marques (2010), de onde retiramos as questões relativas à prática de atividade física e desportiva. No tratamento estatístico recorremos ao programa Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, onde utilizámos a estatística descritiva, média aritmética e desvio padrão e a estatística inferencial aplicada pelo Kolmogorov- Smirnov Test, T-Student, One-Way Anova e o Post-Hoc Scheffé. Os
resultados apontaram para a inexistência de diferenças significativas no que diz respeito à frequência com que as atletas praticam Atividade Física Informal nas diferentes zonas (Norte, Centro, Lisboa e Vale do Tejo, Alentejo, Algarve e Regiões Autónomas), nem no que respeita à
frequência com que estas praticam quer Atividade Física Formal quer Atividade Física Informal comparando as regiões (Litoral e Interior). Já no que diz respeito à Atividade Física Formal, comparando as zonas, verificámos que existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas na
comparação entre a zona Norte com a zona Centro (Centro apresenta valores médios mais elevados), na comparação da zona Norte com o Algarve (Algarve apresenta valores médios mais elevados), e na comparação do Algarve com o Alentejo (Algarve apresenta valores médios mais elevados).
The practice of physical activity today plays an important role in day-to -day live of young people. In our study, particularly with athletes U16 7 Female Football representing their districts, in interassociations held in Castelo Branco, we want to know what habits of Physical Activity and Sports out of school and in the school context and tried and also whether or not there are statistically significant differences between formal and informal physical activity in different regions / areas of the country. The sample consisted of 243 athletes with an average age of 14.79 ± 1.203 in the following regions: North, Centre, Lisbon and Vale do Tejo, Alentejo, Algarve and the Autonomous Regions. The instrument used in this study was an adaptation of a validated questionnaire and used by Marques (2010), from where we took questions relating to physical activity and sports. In the statistical analysis we used the Statistical Package for Social Sciences, where we used descriptive statistics, arithmetic mean and standard deviation 79ABORDAGENS SOBRE O TREINO DESPORTIVO and inferential statistics applied by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test, T-Student, One-Way ANOVA and Post-Hoc Scheffe. The results showed that are no significant differences with regard to the frequency with which the athletes practice Physical Activity Informal in different areas (North, Centre, Lisbon and Vale do Tejo, Alentejo, Algarve and the Autonomous Regions), or with regard to often these practice or activity Formal Physics or Physical Activity Informal comparing regions (Coast and Inside). In what concerns the activity Formal Physics, comparing the areas we found that there are statistically significant differences when comparing the North zone with the Central zone (Center presents higher values), the comparison of the northern area with the Algarve (Algarve presents higher values), and comparing the Algarve to the Alentejo (Algarve presents higher values).
The practice of physical activity today plays an important role in day-to -day live of young people. In our study, particularly with athletes U16 7 Female Football representing their districts, in interassociations held in Castelo Branco, we want to know what habits of Physical Activity and Sports out of school and in the school context and tried and also whether or not there are statistically significant differences between formal and informal physical activity in different regions / areas of the country. The sample consisted of 243 athletes with an average age of 14.79 ± 1.203 in the following regions: North, Centre, Lisbon and Vale do Tejo, Alentejo, Algarve and the Autonomous Regions. The instrument used in this study was an adaptation of a validated questionnaire and used by Marques (2010), from where we took questions relating to physical activity and sports. In the statistical analysis we used the Statistical Package for Social Sciences, where we used descriptive statistics, arithmetic mean and standard deviation 79ABORDAGENS SOBRE O TREINO DESPORTIVO and inferential statistics applied by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test, T-Student, One-Way ANOVA and Post-Hoc Scheffe. The results showed that are no significant differences with regard to the frequency with which the athletes practice Physical Activity Informal in different areas (North, Centre, Lisbon and Vale do Tejo, Alentejo, Algarve and the Autonomous Regions), or with regard to often these practice or activity Formal Physics or Physical Activity Informal comparing regions (Coast and Inside). In what concerns the activity Formal Physics, comparing the areas we found that there are statistically significant differences when comparing the North zone with the Central zone (Center presents higher values), the comparison of the northern area with the Algarve (Algarve presents higher values), and comparing the Algarve to the Alentejo (Algarve presents higher values).
Futebol feminino Atividade física e desportiva Educação física Desporto escolar. Women’s football Sports and physical activity Physical education School sport
AFONSO, J.; Serrano, J.; Paulo, R. (2018) Atividade física e desportiva das atletas de futebol-7 das Seleções Distritais Sub-16. In: Petrica, J.; Paulo, R.; Mendes, P. & Batista (2018). Abordagens sobre Treino Desportivo. Edição Câmara Municipal de Idanha a Nova. ISBN: 978-989-8936-05-9. p. 77-92.
Câmara Municipal de Idanha a Nova