Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/22993
Título: Persistent and non-persistent strains of Listeria monocytogenes: A focus on growth kinetics under different temperature, salt, and pH conditions and their sensitivity to sanitizers
Autor: Magalhães, Rui
Ferreira, Vânia
Brandão, Teresa R. S.
Casquete Palencia, R.
Almeida, Gonçalo
Teixeira, Paula
Palavras-chave: Listeria monocytogenes
Microtiter plate assay
Hydrogen peroxide
Quaternary ammonium compounds
Data: 2016
Editora: Elsevier
Citação: MAGALHÃES, Rui; FERREIRA, Vânia; BRANDÃO, Teresa R. S.; CASQUETE Palencia, R.; ALMEIDA, Gonçalo; TEIXEIRA, Paula - Persistent and non-persistent strains of listeria monocytogenes: A focus on growth kinetics under different temperature, salt, and pH conditions and their sensitivity to sanitizers. Food Microbiology. ISSN 0740-0020. Vol. 57 (2016), p. 103-108
Resumo: This study aimed to investigate the effect of different conditions, including temperature (37 C, 22 C, and 4 C), NaCl concentrations (2.5%, 4%, and 8%), and acidity (pH ¼ 5), on the growth response of persistent and non-persistent isolates of Listeria monocytogenes. The resistance to two common sanitizers (benzalkonium chloride and hydrogen peroxide) was also investigated. A selected group of 41 persistent and non-persistent L. monocytogenes isolates recovered from three cheese processing plants during a previous longitudinal study was assembled. Average lag time was similar for persistent and non-persistent isolates grown at 37 C, 22 C and 4 C but significantly shorter (p < 0.05) for persistent isolates grown at 2.5%, 4% and 8% NaCl, and at pH 5. Average growth rates were significantly higher (p < 0.05) for persistent than for non-persistent isolates when grown at 22C, 2.5%, 4% and 8% NaCl, and at pH 5. These results suggest that persistent strains may be better adapted to grow under stressful conditions frequently encountered in food processing environments than non-persistent strains. No relation between persistence and resistance to the tested sanitizers was found.
Peer review: yes
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/22993
DOI: 10.1016/j.fm.2016.02.005
Aparece nas colecções:CBQF - Artigos / Articles

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