Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/12567
Título: Impact of the Two-Slope Path Loss Model in the Service Quality of 4G and 5G Small Cells
Autor: Paulo, Rui R.
Velez, Fernando J.
Palavras-chave: 5G
Performance evaluation
Small-cell networks
Line of sight
Saturation level
Data: 28-Nov-2022
Editora: IEEE
Citação: Rui R. Paulo and Fernando J. Velez, “Impact of the Two-Slope Path Loss Model in the Service Quality of 4G and 5G Small Cells,” in Proc. of IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking – CSCN 2022, Thessaloniki, Greece, Nov. 2022.
Resumo: Together with cell-free networks, small cells enable ultra-dense networks in 5G. Although small cell networks will be part of heterogeneous networks, the comparison of service quality of urban micro (UMi) small cells between 4G and 5G second phase scenarios is still of great relevance. Usage of video (VID), is considered. Quality of service (QoS) is determined by considering a packet loss ratio (PLR) lower than 2%, for different sub-6 GHz frequency bands. The aim is to compare the system capacity between 4G and 5G enhanced mobile broadband in different bands. ITU defined two UMi cell scenarios for urban micro cells that consider two-slope (TS) path loss models (PLMs). In this work, we have included TS-PLMs into the LTESim (4G) and 5G-air-simulator. The service quality and system performance bands have then been evaluated. Results shows that it is possible to support more user terminals (UTs) with 5G (up to 26 UTs) than with 4G (10 UTs only). When PLR<2%, the average delay decreases and the average goodput increases when 5G is considered. The maximum average goodput also increases with 5G.
Peer review: yes
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/12567
Aparece nas colecções:FE - DEM | Documentos por Auto-Depósito
ICI - IT-UBI | Documentos por Auto-Depósito

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