Between tradition and present times : Polish culture and globalization (selected issues)

Title: Between tradition and present times : Polish culture and globalization (selected issues)
Source document: Slavica litteraria. 2012, vol. 15, iss. 1, pp. [103]-109
  • ISSN
    1212-1509 (print)
    2336-4491 (online)
Type: Article
License: Not specified license
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The article concerns the problem of globalization in the Polish culture, or, to put it in a narrower sense – in the folk culture. It presents the traditional (19th century) and contemporary (20th–21st century) dimensions of culture, the transformations that have happened throughout the years, as well as the slow, yet unavoidable degeneration of tradition, which used to be the basis of life and moral code. The phenomena that are already common in the Polish folk culture – desemiotization and desacralization – being the result of transformations happening in the society and civilization, are now very distinct in every aspect of the life of Poles. The author's intention is not to call for the return to the magic vision of the world, but only to show the untypical vision of the Universe to the contemporary audience.
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