The idea of holistic man : an inquiry into the educational possibilities

Master Thesis


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University of Cape Town

Educational theory and practice stems from the generally accepted concept of Man, such as apartheid ideology which forms the basis of the South African educational system. Separatist thinking of some kind determines the perspective and actions of many people throughout the world. The pathology of this mode of consciousness has generated numerous crises, and is the root cause of the psychotic behaviour which is currently dominating the international scene. Inherent in any crisis is opportunity. New ways of being emerge through the struggles and mistakes of living. Counteracting the reductionist trend is the balancing notion of holism. This thesis examines the suitability and necessity of a holistic educational paradigm, particularly in this country. It explores the emerging holistic world view in two important areas of human endeavour - science and religion. Furthermore, it looks at the nature and psychology of change, Smuts's concept of holism, defines holism as modes of seeing, knowing and being, and describes the new world person with reference to South Africa's future. However, further work is needed to formulate a holistic concept of Man in order to derive a more comprehensive educational theory and practice.

Bibliography: pages 269-275.

