Richard Rorty's Metaphilosophical Contributions to Philosophy with Reference to the Notion of Truth

Korkut , Handan Hacer
Richard Rorty defines his purpose in philosophy as finding out assumptions behind philosophical problems and assessing their significance in terms of making difference to practice. He argues that a problem which assumes the existence of objective reality independent from us and truth as its representation is a pseudo problem because it relies on a metaphysical orientation. He identifies this assumption in a depiction of thinking habit that puts what lies beyond our experience as a goal of inquiry, which is mostly concentrated on the notion of truth. He develops his philosophy on the axis of this ontological picture, from which his realist opponents cannot manage to escape.
Citation Formats
H. H. Korkut, “Richard Rorty’s Metaphilosophical Contributions to Philosophy with Reference to the Notion of Truth,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2023.