Uncertainty modelling and stability analysis for 2-way fuzzy adaptive systems

Gürkan, Evren


Intuitionistic, 2-way adaptive fuzzy control
Gurkan, E; Erkmen, Aydan Müşerref; Erkmen, İsmet (1999-05-15)
Our objective in this paper is to develop a 2-way adaptive fuzzy control system that makes use of the intuitionistic fuzzy sets for modeling expert knowledge bearing uncertainty. Adaptive fuzzy control systems are fuzzy logic systems whose rule parameters are automatically adjusted through training. The training of such system was applied until now, to supports of rule propositions with single distribution such that they can be termed 1-way adaptive. In our system, all supports to propositions have interval...
Kropat, Erik; Ozmen, Ayse; Weber, Gerhard Wilhelm; Meyer-Nieberg, Silja; DEFTERLİ, ÖZLEM (2016-04-01)
Target-environment networks provide a conceptual framework for the analysis and prediction of complex regulatory systems such as genetic networks, eco-finance networks or sensor-target assignments. These evolving networks consist of two major groups of entities that are interacting by unknown relationships. The structure and dynamics of the hidden regulatory system have to be revealed from uncertain measurement data. In this paper, the concept of fuzzy target-environment networks is introduced and various f...
Application of fuzzy expert decision-making system for rock slope block-toppling modeling and assessment: a case study
Azarafza, Mohammad; Asghari-Kaljahi, Ebrahim; Ghazifard, Akbar; Akgün, Haluk (2020-07-01)
The strategy applied in this study is fuzzy logic based decision-making system to achieve a rapid way to assess block-toppling failure instability in discontinuous rock slopes as justified by kinematic analysis that are applied to real cases. Referring to fuzzy logic based decision-making; the best option was selected from multiple fuzzy variables through performing a comparison and by obtaining the fastest solution for approximation. The expert system offers a capable fuzzy application for engineering judg...
Optimizing the Performance of Rule-Based Fuzzy Routing Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Networks
Sert, Seyyit Alper; Yazıcı, Adnan (2019-06-01)
Effective data routing is one of the crucial themes for energy-efficient communication in wireless sensor networks (WSN). In the WSN research domain, fuzzy approaches are in most cases superior to well-defined methodologies, especially where boundaries between clusters are unclear. For this reason, a significant number of studies have recently proposed fuzzy-based solutions for the problems encountered in WSNs. Rule-based fuzzy systems are part of these widespread fuzzy-based solutions that often involve so...
A review of embankment dam failures
Taymaz, İlknur; Mirata, Türker; Department of Civil Engineering (1989)
Citation Formats
E. Gürkan, “Uncertainty modelling and stability analysis for 2-way fuzzy adaptive systems,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2003.