Ethics of reminiscing. Max Horkheimer's lectures

Arnswald, U


Ethics of artificial intelligence: moral responsibility of self-driving cars and sex robots
Özmen, M. Cem; Demir, Mehmet Hilmi; Department of Philosophy (2019)
This thesis analyzes the ethical impacts of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications. AI applications are used in many areas to make daily life more comfortable and efficient. They are used for cleaning houses, taking care of old or sick people, working at dangerous jobs replacing human beings, giving medical advisory, preventing fraudulent situations in finance, etc. Similarly, the usage of sex robots, self-driving cars, translation tools, image and emotion recognition applications, etc. are expected ...
Ethics for industrial design : an ethico-political critique of sustaninability in industrial design
Şişman, Osman; Kurtgözü, Aren Emre; Department of Industrial Design (2005)
This thesis analyses the concept of sustainability as applied and reflected in industrial design practice in a theoretical way. The discourses on sustainability in general are explored in terms of ecology, economics and politics. The underlying motives resulting in unsustainable ways of production and consumption practices are attempted to be located in contemporary society.
Ethics Teaching in Higher Education for Principled Reasoning: A Gateway for Reconciling Scientific Practice with Ethical Deliberation
Akozer, Mehmet; Akozer, Emel (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2017-06-01)
This paper proposes laying the groundwork for principled moral reasoning as a seminal goal of ethics interventions in higher education, and on this basis, makes a case for educating future specialists and professionals with a foundation in philosophical ethics. Identification of such a seminal goal is warranted by (1) the progressive dissociation of scientific practice and ethical deliberation since the onset of a problematic relationship between science and ethics around the mid-19th century, and (2) the e...
Ethical principles of psychological practice, research and publications in Turkey: Discussion I
Sumer, C (1998-01-01)
Ethical Issues in Neuromarketing: "I Consume, Therefore I am!"
IŞIL ÜLMAN, FATMA YEŞİM; Cakar, Tuna; Yildiz, Gokcen (2015-10-01)
Neuromarketing is a recent interdisciplinary field which crosses traditional boundaries between neuroscience, neuroeconomics and marketing research. Since this nascent field is primarily concerned with improving marketing strategies and promoting sales, there has been an increasing public aversion and protest against it. These protests can be exemplified by the reactions observed lately in Baylor School of Medicine and Emory University in the United States. The most recent attempt to stop ongoing neuromarke...
Citation Formats
U. Arnswald, “Ethics of reminiscing. Max Horkheimer’s lectures,” ZEITSCHRIFT FUR GESCHICHTSWISSENSCHAFT, pp. 927–929, 2001, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: