On the sequential order continuity of the C(K)-space

Ercan, Z.
Onal, S.
As shown in [1], for each compact Hausdorff space K without isolated points, there exists a compact Hausdorff P'-space X but not an F-space such that C(K) is isometrically Riesz isomorphic to a Riesz subspace of C(X). The proof is technical and depends heavily on some representation theorems. In this paper we give a simple and direct proof without any assumptions on isolated points. Some generalizations of these results are mentioned.


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In this paper, we define for a component X-0 of a nonsingular compact real algebraic surface X the complex genus of X-0, denoted by g(C)(X-0), and use this to prove the nonexistence of nonzero degree entire rational maps f : X-0 --> Y provided that g(C)(Y) > g(C)(X-0), analogously to the topological category. We construct connected real surfaces of arbitrary topological genus with zero complex genus.
On a Fitting length conjecture without the coprimeness condition
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Let A be a finite nilpotent group acting fixed point freely by automorphisms on the finite solvable group G. It is conjectured that the Fitting length of G is bounded by the number of primes dividing the order of A, counted with multiplicities. The main result of this paper shows that the conjecture is true in the case where A is cyclic of order p (n) q, for prime numbers p and q coprime to 6 and G has abelian Sylow 2-subgroups.
Concrete description of CD0(K)-spaces as C(X)-spaces and its applications
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We prove that for a compact Hausdorff space K without isolated points, CD0(K) and C(K x {0, 1}) are isometrically Riesz isomorphic spaces under a certain topology on K x {0, 1}. Moreover, K is a closed subspace of K x {0, 1}. This provides concrete examples of compact Hausdorff spaces X such that the Dedekind completion of C(X) is B(S) (= the set of all bounded real-valued functions on S) since the Dedekind completion of CD0(K) is B(K) (CD0(K, E) and CDw (K, E) spaces as Banach lattices).
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Given a smooth projective surface X over an algebraically closed field k and a modulus (an effective divisor) m on X, one defines the idle class group Cm(X) of X with modulus m (see 1, chapter III, section 4). The corresponding generalized Albanese variety Gum and the generalized Albanese map um:X|m|Gum have the following universal mapping property (2): if :XG is a rational map into a commutative algebraic group which induces a homomorphism Cm(X)G(k) (1, chapter III, proposition 1), then factors uniquely th...
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We give a characterization of Stein manifolds M for which the space of analytic functions,O(M), is isomorphic as Fréchet spaces to the space of analytic functions on a polydisc interms of the existence of a plurisubharmonic function on M with certain properties. We discuss some corollaries of this result and give some examples.
Citation Formats
Z. Ercan and S. Onal, “On the sequential order continuity of the C(K)-space,” SIBERIAN MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL, pp. 382–384, 2007, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/66034.