Shear strength and volume change characteristics of compacted-unsaturated METU campus clay.

Cora, Özlem


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Shear strength behavior of granular fill-clayey soil interfaces and improvement with dowels
Öztürk, Şevki; Ergun, Mehmet Ufuk; Department of Civil Engineering (2015)
Shear failures of interfaces between granular material and clay are frequently encountered in engineering practice. In earthfill dams, road embankments and spoil piles in mining operations, granular materials are placed on clay, and shear failures and/or large movements are observed along interfaces. When dealing with this type of a problem selecting representative shear strength parameters is difficult. Furthermore in the literature no accepted procedure is available to select these parameters. This study ...
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Citation Formats
Ö. Cora, “Shear strength and volume change characteristics of compacted-unsaturated METU campus clay.,” Middle East Technical University, 2000.