Nonlinear least squares approximation and its applications to nuclear physics.

Ortaovali, Ahmet Zeki


Nonlinear optical properties of a Poschl-Teller quantum well under electric and magnetic fields
AYTEKİN, ÖZLEM; Turgut, Sadi; Tomak, Mehmet (2012-04-01)
The nonlinear optical properties of a Poschl-Teller Quantum well (PTQW) under electric and magnetic fields are studied. The salient feature of this potential is its flexibility. It can be made asymmetrical by a proper choice of its two parameters. Optical rectification, second and third-harmonic generation susceptibilities are calculated using the density matrix formalism. We study the effects of quantum confinement, electric and magnetic fields on all of these optical coefficients.
Nonlinear Optical Properties of Low Dimensional Quantum Systems
Unal, V. Ustoglu; Tomak, Mehmet; Aksahin, E.; Zorlu, O. (2022-01-01)
Low dimensional semiconductor structures such as quantum wells, wires and dots demonstrate interesting nonlinear optical properties. The low dimensionality modulates the electronic structure leading to distinct nonlinear optical properties as compared to their bulk counterparts. In this review, we concentrate more on quantum wells and dots althoughwealso consider someworks on quantum wires. The nonlinear optical parameters such as the second and the third order susceptibilities are specifically discussed.
Nonlinear Structural Coupling: Experimental Application
Kalaycioglu, Taner; Özgüven, Hasan Nevzat (2014-02-06)
In this work, the nonlinear structural modification/coupling technique proposed recently by the authors is applied to a test system in order to study the applicability of the method to real structures. The technique is based on calculating the frequency response functions of a modified system from those of the original system and the dynamic stiffness matrix of the nonlinear modifying part. The modification can also be in the form of coupling a nonlinear system to the original system. The test system used i...
Nonlinearity and propagation statistics of substitution boxes
Çeçen, Sinan; Yücel, Melek D.; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2001)
Nonlinear Dynamics, Volume 1
Canbaloğlu, Güvenç; Özgüven, Hasan Nevzat (null, 2016-01-01)
Citation Formats
A. Z. Ortaovali, “Nonlinear least squares approximation and its applications to nuclear physics.,” Middle East Technical University, 1980.