Cross immune reactions between strains of Bordetella pertussis: Standard Tahoma I versus local isolates.



Cross-cultural comparison of distress reactions.
Canel Çınarbaş, Deniz (2009-03-19)
Cross-resistance development and combined applications of anticancer agents in drug resistant MCF-7 Cell Lines
Eroğlu, Seçkin; Demirel Kars, Meltem; Gündüz, Ufuk (null; 2007-06-01)
Cross-cultural differences in coping strategies as predictors of university adjustment of Turkish and U.S. students
Tuna, Mânâ Ece; Tezer, Esin; Department of Educational Sciences (2003)
The purpose of this study is to examine the differences in the effects of different coping strategies on different dimensions of university adjustment of the first-year students in Turkey and in the United States. The data were gathered by administering three instruments, Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire (SACQ), Brief COPE, and Demographic Sheet (DS) to 1143 first-year university students from Turkey (n = 695) and U.S. (n = 448). In the data analysis, first, the equivalence of the instruments bet...
Cross-section measurements of SC-43ANDV-48 radioisotopes produced via Bern medical cyclotron
Sökmen, Gamze; Zeyrek, Mehmet Tevfik; Braccini, Saverio; Department of Physics (2017)
Positron Emission Tomography is a diagnostic technique in nuclear medicine to achieve quantitative measurements of biochemical processes in vivo, regarding its ability to detect positron-emitter-labeled radiopharmaceuticals at picomolar levels. An ideal PET radioisotope is required to have significant features decided by its half-life, de- cay kinematic, and cross-section. Thus, the 43Sc radionuclide can be considered as a promising solution with its desirable half-life of 3.89 hours. The present thesis fo-...
Cross-age effect in artificial neural networks: a study on facial age recognition bias in artificial neural networks
Gürsoy, Necati Çağatay; Çakır, Murat Perit; Department of Cognitive Sciences (2019)
Simply put cross-age effect or own-age bias is the phenomenon that when guessing the age of individuals from their faces, it is claimed that the age of the individual who is guessing the facial age effects the guessing process and the effect is towards to the age of the one who is guessing. Previous studies on the phenomenon acknowledges that such bias exists and especially in forensics this bias can cause drastic faults. In our two-part study, firstly the phenomenon is investigated in humans to observe if ...
Citation Formats
G. Özcengiz, “Cross immune reactions between strains of Bordetella pertussis: Standard Tahoma I versus local isolates.,” 2009, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: