Urban design as a learning process

Akozer, Emel
Mennan, Zeynep


Urban complexity and connectivity : emergence of generative models in urban design
Ayaroğlu, Mert; Mennan, Zeynep; Department of Architecture (2007)
This thesis analyzes the changing design and planning strategies in the contemporary urban design area. The rapid improvements during the 20th century in complexity sciences and computer technologies have directly affected all the branches of design. In architecture, as in urban design, generative models, evolutionary design attitudes and computer based simulation tools have taken a significant role during the last few decades. In urban design, emerged in a period starting form the second half of the centur...
Urban design competitions as discursive practice in Turkey: 1980-2009
Çimen, Devrim; Altaban, Özcan; Department of City and Regional Planning (2010)
It is being observed that there has been an increase in the number of urban design competitions in the last decade in Turkey. Competitions are crucial methods of enriching theoretical and practical frameworks of the disciplines by creating a platform for discursive attitudes. That reveals the importance of the notion of competition as a process covering from the decision for organizing a competition to the decision of the jury for the winner and also post-competition events such as colloquium. Due to these ...
Urban Morphology and Design Introduction
Çalışkan, Olgu (2011-12-01)
Urban Negotiations And Art Tactics
O'Kelly, Mick (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2011)
Urban Negotiations and Art Tactics are art strategies that find possibilities for art to engage in real life issues. Nomadic Kitchen is an interstitial transversal artwork that occupies a place between art and urban space. This work engages with issues of self-organization, in the process negotiating the urban environment with the residents of Vila Nova, a favela community in Sao Miguel Brazil. Vila Nova is in a process of regeneration but this does not sanitize the conflict of local conditions, it is withi...
Urban mobility after COVID-19: A developing-country perspective
Babalık, Ela (2021-03-01)
Citation Formats
E. Akozer and Z. Mennan, “Urban design as a learning process,” 0, pp. 0–0, 1995, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: 0.