Discipline, Success and Stability: The Reproduction of Gender and Class in Turkish



Identity, Security, Conflict and Interests: What Self-Reflexive Sociology Can Do For Meskhetian Turks and Crimean Tatars
Aydıngün, Ayşegül (2010-07-11)
Göç Araştırmalarında Söylem, Yöntem ve Etik: Feminist Bir Yöntem Mümkün Mü?
Coşkun, Emel (2020-01-01)
Uluslararası göç çalışmaları, ulusal ve uluslararası göç politikalarındaki söylemlerden etkilenen ve gittikçe politikleşmiş bir araştırma alanıdır. Maddi kaynakları açısından devlet odaklı politikadan bağımsızlaşamayan göç araştırmaları uluslararası göç yönetimi söylemini meşrulaştırarak ulusdevletlerin göçü önleme çabalarında araçsallaşabilmektedir. Göç araştırmalarının politikleşen yapısı, benimsenen teorik yaklaşımdan veri toplama yöntemlerine kadar tüm araştırma tasarımını da yöntemsel ve etik açıdan et...
Ideology, subject, architecture: the transformation of architectural theory and the architect-subject in the 21st century
Çavdar, Rabia Çiğdem; Sargın, Güven Arif; Department of Architecture (2018)
This thesis will concentrate on how architecture is reproduced by ideology to structure/constitute the mind. I think that dominant ideologies ceased to structure the physical world (or perhaps it is easier for them to play over the physical world - power already has done it) and their new target is the human mind, where they have the potential to make radical inceptions. This thesis asks the question of how architecture affects the human mind with the transformation of late capitalism: how late capitalism u...
Identity and the Nur movement in Turkey: "trying to see the gray"
Wuthrich, Aimee M; Özdalga, Elisabeth; Department of Middle East Studies (2007)
This thesis analyzes the identity of the Nur movement in Turkey from the emic perspective on two levels, the group and the individual. Research was conducted through semi-structured, in-depth interviews with ten university students who identify themselves as Nur students. With regard to group identity, first, the emergence and function of the movement is considered in light of Norbert Elias's "Changes in the We-I Balance," concluding that the movement constitutes an important "survival unit" for the student...
Patronage, party, and state: The politicization of Islam in Turkey
Ayata, S (1996-12-01)
The recent rise of political Islam in Turkey is examined in terms of a complex: interplay between four major processes: the policies of the parties on the center light toward religion; state-sponsored religious activities and the consolidation of establishment Islam; the impact of Sufi tarikats and communities; and the growing organizational strength, ideological appeal, and electoral base of the Islamist Welfare Party (WP).
Citation Formats
A. Ayata, Discipline, Success and Stability: The Reproduction of Gender and Class in Turkish . 2002, p. 114.