Deep CNN prior based image reconstruction for multispectral imaging

Manisali, İrfan
Cam, Refik
Bezek, Can Deniz
Öktem, Sevinç Figen
Spektral görüntüleme, fizik, kimya, biyoloji, tıp, astronomi ve uzaktan algılama gibi farklı alanlarda yaygın olarak kullanılan temel bir tanılayıcı tekniktir. Bu bildiride, hesaplamalı görüntüleme prensibine dayanan ve kırınımlı lens içeren birçoklu spektral görüntüleme tekniğine odaklanılmakta, bunun için evrişimsel sinir ağlarından yararlanan görüntü geriçatım yöntemi geliştirilmektedir. Sistemin elde ettiği ham verilerden spektral görüntülerin geriçatılması için, ters problem düzenlileştirme içeren bir eniyileme problemi olarak formüle edilir. Bu eniyileme problemi yön değiştiren çarpanlar yöntemi ile alt problemlere ayrılır ve gürültüden arındırma problemine karşılık gelen alt problem analitik yöntemler yerine, öğrenme tabanlı evrişimsel gürültüsüzleştirme sinir ağı ile çözülür. Elde edilen sonuçlar önerilen yöntemin umut verici geriçatım performansını ortaya koymaktadır.
28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU (2020)


Computational Spectral Imaging with Photon Sieves
Öktem, Sevinç Figen; Davila, Joseph M. (2016-01-01)
Spectral imaging, the sensing of spatial information as a function of wavelength, is a widely used diagnostic technique in diverse fields such as physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, astronomy, and remote sensing. In this paper, we present a novel computational imaging modality that enables high-resolution spectral imaging by distributing the imaging task between a photon sieve system and a computer. The photon sieve system, coupled with a moving detector, provides measurements from multiple planes. Then ...
Numerical and experimental evaluation of computational spectral imaging with photon sieves
Alkanat, Tunç; Öktem, Sevinç Figen; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2016)
Spectral imaging, the simultaneous imaging and spectroscopy of a radiating scene, is an important diagnostic tool for an expanding range of applications in physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, astronomy, and remote sensing. In this thesis, a recently developed computational imaging technique that enables high-resolution spectral imaging is studied both numerically and experimentally. This technique employs a diffractive imaging element called photon sieve, and distributes the image formation taskbetween t...
Computational spectral imaging techniques using diffractive lenses and compressive sensing
Kar, Oğuzhan Fatih; Öktem, Sevinç Figen; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2019)
Spectral imaging is a fundamental diagnostic technique in physical sciences with application in diverse fields such as physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, astronomy, and remote sensing. In this thesis, we first present a modified version of a high-resolution computational spectral imaging modality and develop a fast sparse recovery method to solve the associated large-scale inverse problems. This technique uses a diffractive lens called photon sieve for dispersing the optical field. We then extend this t...
Irmak, Hasan; Akar, Gözde; Yuksel, Seniha Esen (2015-06-05)
Hyperspectral imaging is widely used in many fields such as geology, medicine, meteorology, and so on. Despite the high spectral resolution, the spatial resolution of the hyperspectral sensors is severely limited. In this paper, we propose a novel maximum a posteriori (MAP)-based approach based on the joint superresolution of the abundance maps, to enhance the resolution of hyperspectral images. In the proposed approach, first, the endmembers and their abundance maps are estimated using Vertex Component Ana...
A Parametric Estimation Approach to Instantaneous Spectral Imaging
Öktem, Sevinç Figen; Davila, Joseph M (2014-12-01)
Spectral imaging, the simultaneous imaging and spectroscopy of a radiating scene, is a fundamental diagnostic technique in the physical sciences with widespread application. Due to the intrinsic limitation of two-dimensional (2D) detectors in capturing inherently three-dimensional (3D) data, spectral imaging techniques conventionally rely on a spatial or spectral scanning process, which renders them unsuitable for dynamic scenes. In this paper, we present a nonscanning (instantaneous) spectral imaging techn...
Citation Formats
İ. Manisali, R. Cam, C. D. Bezek, and S. F. Öktem, “Deep CNN prior based image reconstruction for multispectral imaging,” presented at the 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU (2020), Gaziantep, Turkey, 2020, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: