User response to residental tall buildings a case study in Ankara

İnce, Yasemin


User Evaluation of Internet Kiosks in University Setting
Er, Erkan; Çağıltay, Kürşat (2011)
METU kiosks are established at common points of METU campus to meet the immediate internet needs of students however they are not used at expected level. In this study, usability of METU kiosks is evaluated to identify design problems that may discourage users from using kiosks. For the evaluation, series of user trials were conducted based on some common tasks. Evaluation results show that there are critical usability problems with the design of input devices mounted on kiosk. Users generally had problems ...
User experience in public products: the effects of presence of other people
Günay, Aslı; Erbuğ, Çiğdem; Herrera, Natalia Romero; Department of Industrial Design (2011)
User experience with public products needs special attention considering the specific context. Different from other consumer or personal products that users own, public products do not belong to the user; they are shared with and used in front of other people. Thus, different concerns and problems are incorporated affecting the user experiences. This thesis dwells on the effects of presence of other people on user-public product interaction. The relationships between social context, users’ feelings, and tas...
User behaviour in web-based interactive virtual tours
Bastanlar, Yalin (2007-06-28)
In this work, user behaviour characteristics were investigated for a webbased virtual tour application in which 3600 panoramic images were used. There exist several options for the user to navigate in the museum (interactive floor plan, links in the images and pull-down menu). Written and audio information about the sections visited, detailed information for some artworks and several control functions are provided at the webpage. 15 participants undertook the usability test and they filled a post-experiment...
User-product interaction in new product encounters : prominence of user expertise
Kuleli, Kerem; Erbuğ, Çiğdem; Department of Industrial Design (2005)
User-product interaction is a multi-dimensional, multi-faceted and multi-modal everyday encounter. This study concentrates on the two most prominent actors of this interaction, namely, the user and the product, whereby user expertise and product innovativeness are given special attention. Prominence of user expertise in new product encounters, especially those with innovative products, is established through the findings of two case studies.
User Evaluation In The Determination Of Quality: Building Components In Mass-Housing
Gültekin, Tanju (1999-1-1)
Alt ve orta gelir grubunun konul ihtiyacını karşılamada 1970'h" yıllarda üretilen toplu konutlar yoluyla sayısal olarak artışlar sağlanmışsa da, 199Ü'Iı yıllarda bu türden konutlarda oturan kullanıcı gruplar açısından, önemli bakım-onarım güçlükleri ve maliyet artışları ortaya çıkmıştır. Bunlara koşut olarak, kalitatif yaklaşımlar ve araştırmalar önem kazanmıştır. Yedinci Beş Yıllık Kalkınma Planı İhtisas Komisyonları Raporlan'nda da belirtildiği gibi, toplu konutlarda kalitenin sağlanabilmesi için planlama...
Citation Formats
Y. İnce, “User response to residental tall buildings a case study in Ankara,” Middle East Technical University, 1996.