Travel behavior dynamics from a longitudinal perspective in Indonesia

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Widita, Alyas Abibawa
Welch, Timothy F.
Associated Organization(s)
Organizational Unit
Supplementary to
This dissertation links urbanization phenomenon with the literature of travel behavior, particularly as it relates to its interaction with the built environment. The aim is to extend the collective understanding of how the dynamic characteristics of the built environment might influences travel behavior. In addressing this gap, this dissertation proposes three research questions using Indonesia as the case study. The first research question explores travel behavior changes from the lens of rural urban migration. It finds that relocating to urban areas could reduce household transportation expenditure, as a proxy for travel demand, by approximately ten percent relative to the ones who remained rural. The second research question addresses the natural growth aspect by examining how changes in the built environment influence transportation expenses over time for urban non movers. It finds the modest, inelastic, and insignificant relationship between gross household density and household transportation expenditure. The third research question examines which life stage could the built environment influences present walking behavior. It finds that higher exposure to dense environments during childhood could induce a greater likelihood of maintaining walking habits during adulthood. Collectively, results highlight the notion of ‘windows of opportunity’, where travel behavior might be shaped through life events and past experiences. Moreover, findings also underline the relative importance of compact and connected environments to shape travel behavior.
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