Dry Juan de Fuca slab revealed by quantification of water entering Cascadia subduction zone
Dry Juan de Fuca slab revealed by quantification of water entering Cascadia subduction zone
Canales, J. Pablo
Carbotte, Suzanne M.
Nedimovic, Mladen R.
Carton, Helene
Carbotte, Suzanne M.
Nedimovic, Mladen R.
Carton, Helene
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Water is carried by subducting slabs as a pore fluid and in structurally bound
minerals, yet no comprehensive quantification of water content and how it is stored
and distributed at depth within incoming plates exists for any segment of the global
subduction system. Here we use seismic data to quantify the amount of pore and
structurally bound water in the Juan de Fuca plate entering the Cascadia
subduction zone. Specifically, we analyse these water reservoirs in the sediments,
crust and lithospheric mantle, and their variations along the central Cascadia
margin. We find that the Juan de Fuca lower crust and mantle are drier than at any
other subducting plate, with most of the water stored in the sediments and upper
crust. Variable but limited bend faulting along the margin limits slab access to
water, and a warm thermal structure resulting from a thick sediment cover and
young plate age prevents significant serpentinization of the mantle. The dryness of
the lower crust and mantle indicates that fluids that facilitate episodic tremor and
slip must be sourced from the subducted upper crust, and that decompression
rather than hydrous melting must dominate arc magmatism in central Cascadia.
Additionally, dry subducted lower crust and mantle can explain the low levels of
intermediate-depth seismicity in the Juan de Fuca slab.
Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2017. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here under a nonexclusive, irrevocable, paid-up, worldwide license granted to WHOI. It is made available for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Nature Geoscience 10 (2017): 864-870, doi:10.1038/ngeo3050.