The American Legion Magazine [Volume 83, No. 2 (August 1967)]

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    Table Of Contents

    The Sorriest Story in Vietnam: If You Want to Know Why the Geneva Conference of 1954 Failed to Keep the Peace in Vietnam, You'll Find a lot of Reasons in This Account of Its Operations by Newton H. Fulbright -- What Can We Expect of the Ocean?: A Brief Sketch of What the Human Race May Expect to Gain from All the Recent Activity in, Under and on the World's Great Ocean by E. W. Seabrook Hull -- Goliad -Birthplace of Texas Independence: A Travel Article for Today's Motorists on Goliad, the Birthplace of Texas Independence in 1835. Thirty-Sixth in the Series "Seeing Historic America" by Alden Stevens -- Should the Post Office Be Made a Private Corporation?: Two Sides of a National Question: Pro: Rep. Ken Hechler (D-W. Va.) Con: Rep. Tom Steed (D-Okla.) -- Corregidor Revisited: A Look at the Island of Corregidor Twenty-Five Years After Its Historic Struggle and Fall by J. F. Katzel -- How Our Ancestors Got Their Likker: In the Rugged Life of America 300 Years Ago, One of the Problems Was a Shortage of "Ardent Spirits." Here, Based on Their Own Accounts, Is How the Settlers Faced Up to It by Anne Lowenkopf -- Some People Worth Remembering: At the End of His Year, the National Commander Tells What Impressed Him Most While at the Legion's Helm by National Commander John E. Davis -- A "Farewell" to Some Americans: With the Closing of Numerous Military Bases Some of the Men They Were Named After May Be Forgotten. Here's a Summary of the Namesakes of Some Familiar Airbases and Army Camps by William D. Feeny -- Editor's Corner -- Dateline Washington -- Letters to the Editor -- Life in the Outdoors -- Veterans Newsletter -- News of the American Legion -- Personal -- Books -- Legion Shopper -- Parting Shots

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