The new standard Is biodigital: durable and elastic 3D-printed biodigital clay bricks
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In a previously published study, the authors explained the formal design efficiency of the 3D-printed biodigital clay bricks 3DPBDCB: a project that aimed to change the conventional methods of clay brick design and mass production. This was achieved by employing the behavioural algorithms of reaction-diffusion and the shortest path that were extracted from the exact material physical properties and hydrophilic behaviours of clay and controlled material deposition 3D printing to create sustainable clay bricks. Sustainability in their use in the built environment and their production processes, with full potential sustainability aspects such as passive cooling, thermal and acoustical insulation, and bio receptivity. The current work studies the mechanical properties of the 3D-printed biodigital clay bricks as elastic and durable clay bricks whose properties depend mainly on their geometrical composition and form. Each of the three families of the 3D-printed biodigital clay bricks (V1, V2, V3) includes the linear model of a double line of 0.5 cm thickness and a bulk model of 55% density were tested for compression and elasticity and compared to models of standard industrial clay bricks. The results revealed that the best elasticity pre-cracking was achieved by the V2 linear model, followed by the V3 linear model, which also achieved the highest post-cracking elasticity—enduring until 150 N pre-cracking and 200 N post-cracking, which makes the V3 linear model eligible for potential application in earthquake-resistant buildings. While the same model V3-linear achieved the second-best compressive strength enduring until 170 N. The best compressive strength was recorded by the V1 linear and bulk model enduring up to 240 N without collapsing, exceeding the strength and resistance of the industrial clay bricks with both models, where the bulk and the perforated collapsed at 200 N and 140 N, respectively. Thus, the mass production and integration of the V1 bulk and linear model and the V3 linear model are recommended for the construction industry and the architectural built environment for their multi-aspect sustainability and enhanced mechanical properties.
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Published version
Subject (CDU)
72 - Architecture
Maons d'argila elàstica
Impressió 3D
Deposició controlada de material
Propietats mecàniques
Resistència a la compressió
Ladrillos de arcilla elástica
Impresión 3D
Deposición controlada de material
Propiedades mecánicas
Fuerza compresiva
Elastic clay bricks
3D printing
Controlled material deposition
Mechanical properties
Compressive strength
7; 4
Is part of
Estevez, Alberto T.; Abdallah, Yomna. The new standard Is biodigital: durable and elastic 3D-printed biodigital clay bricks. Biomimetics, 2022, 7(4), 159. Disponible en: <>. Fecha de acceso: 1 mar. 2023. DOI: 10.3390/biomimetics7040159.
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- Arquitectura [63]
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