Investigation of cost and labor gains achieved by virtualization technologies

Küçük Resim Yok




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Maltepe Üniversitesi

Erişim Hakkı

CC0 1.0 Universal

Araştırma projeleri

Organizasyon Birimleri

Dergi sayısı


Well-consolidated servers are needed in the execution of information technology processes. With rapid digitalization, information processing units turn into unplanned, heterogeneous, problematic, cumbersome and complex structures that require too much labor. In these structures, which are difficult to manage and irregular, resources that are not used effectively are wasted. Information technology resources such as CPU, memory, disk, operating system, network and human are costly components. Solutions are produced with virtualization technology against such high cost complex structures. With a well-structured virtualization solution, dynamic structures with flexible structure, low cost, high performance, safe, fast and uninterrupted are created, as well as labor gains in installation, maintenance and management that require technical expertise. This study is on the analysis of the examples of institutions performing virtualization and the research results on virtualization cost savings over an example data server model.


Anahtar Kelimeler

Cloud, Data Center, Virtualization, Hyper-V, VMware


Sahinaslan, E., Sahinaslan, O. ve Bagislanan, O. (2021). Investigation of cost and labor gains achieved by virtualization technologies, Fourth International Conference of Mathematical Sciences, Maltepe Üniversitesi. s. 1-6.