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Title: Severe hypertrichosis in infants due to transdermic exposure to 5% and 7% topical minoxidil.
Issue Date: 21-Sep-2020
Citation: Dermatol Ther.2020;(33)6:e14230
Abstract: We report three cases of severe hypertrichosis in healthy infants, who did not present any type of endocrinological pathology and whose parents used topical minoxidil for the treatment of their baldness. Any type of direct application or administration of the product was ruled out. Hypertrichosis is considered to have occurred through skin-to-skin contact with the parent, and even through fomites. Given the widespread use of topical minoxidil, it is likely that this etiology of childhood hypertrichosis is underdiagnosed and that it sometimes leads to minimal forms that go unnoticed.
PMID: 32844481
Appears in Collections:Centros de Atención Primaria > Artículos

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