Avaliação clinica, radiologica e da função pulmonar em trabalhadores expostos a poeira de silica
Ericson Bagatin
Campinas, SP : [s.n.], 1988.
168 f. : il.
Orientador: Jose Roberto de Brito Jardim
Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas
Resumo: A silicose pulmonar é considerada uma das principais pneumoconioses, com alta incidência principalmente nos países em desenvolvimento e um dos maiores problemas da saúde ocupacional. Por estarmos envolvidos com uma população de indivíduos que estiveram e muitos ainda estão expostos à poeira...
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Resumo: A silicose pulmonar é considerada uma das principais pneumoconioses, com alta incidência principalmente nos países em desenvolvimento e um dos maiores problemas da saúde ocupacional. Por estarmos envolvidos com uma população de indivíduos que estiveram e muitos ainda estão expostos à poeira de sílica, associado à escassez de estudos clínicos sobre essa doença, resolvemos estudar 139 indivíduos, com tempo médio de exposição à sílica de 22,9 ± 5,7 anos, todos do sexo masculino, com média de idade de 48,5 ± 7,2 anos. Em sua grande maioria possuíam estudo radiológico e de função pulmonar em dois períodos distintos,variando" de 1973 a 1982 e entre 1982 e 1984. Quanto aos aspectos clínicos considerou-se apenas a queixa de dispnéia que foi classificada em graus de 0 (7,9%), I (23,0%), II (58,3%) e III (10,8%) respectivamente aos indivíduos sem queixa,e com dispnéia aos grandes, médios e pequenos esforços. Encontramos 10 indivíduos com antecedentes de tuberculose pulmonar, três com bronquite, 21 eram hipertensos ao exame, 59 eram fumantes (27,2 ± 19,4 anos/maço), 53 não fumantes e 27 ex-fumantes o Em relação aos exames radiológicos, classificados de acordo com a Classificação Internacional das Radiografias de Pneumoconioses (OIT-80), encontramos nos 103 radiogramas anteriores cinco normais (O/O), 57 com profusão 1/1, 34 com 2/2 e 7 com 3/3. Dos 103 indivíduos, oito apresentavam grandes opacidades (3 "A"t 3 "B" e 2 "e"). Entre os 139 radiogramas atuais, cinco eram normais (O/O), 67 apresentavam-se com profusão 1/1, 42 com 2/2 e 25 com 3/3. Do total, 25 eram portadores de grandes opacidades (6 "A", 14 "B" e 5 "C"). Quanto aos aspectos do estudo da função pulmonar, as 128 espirometrias realizadas na primeira avaliação mostraram--se normais em 61% dos indivíduos e entre as alteradas o predomínio era do tipo obstrutivo em aproximadamente 25% delas. No estudo da função pulmonar efetuado. mais recentemente, realizou-se a espirometria pré e pós-broncodilatador e a curva fluxo-volume. Entre as 137 espirometrias efetuadas, 63,3% eram normais e,quando alteradas,o predomínio também foi do tipo obstrutivo em aproximadamente 24% delas. Ap6s o uso de broncodilatador, 60% dos indivíduos aumentaram o valor do FEF 25-75%, em media 44%, sendo que destes 71% tinham espirometria previa normal, denotando o aumento do tônus brônquico nestes trabalhadores. A curva fluxo--volume, ao contrário da espirometria, mostrou-se alterada em 60% desses indivíduos. O volume de iso-fluxo (visoV) cujo valor normal é considerado até 10% da capacidade vital estava alterado em aproximadamente 60% dos exames, com valor médio em torno de 15%. Considerando-se que tal parâmetro é talvez o mais sensível desses testes, podemos inferir o comprometimento das pequenas, vi as aéreas presente nos indivíduos que compõem este estudo. Observação: O resumo, na íntegra, poderá ser visualizado no texto completo da tese digital
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Abstract: Pulmonary silicosis is the most frequent pneumoconiosis and a very important problem of occupational health with a high incidence particularly in developing countries. As we are involved with a population of workers exposed to silica dust we became interested in studying the association of...
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Abstract: Pulmonary silicosis is the most frequent pneumoconiosis and a very important problem of occupational health with a high incidence particularly in developing countries. As we are involved with a population of workers exposed to silica dust we became interested in studying the association of clinical, radiological and lung function aspects of silicosis with the aim of reaching an earlier diagnosis of silicosis in exposed individuaIs. In order to do this study we analyzed 139 male individuaIs, with a mean + SD of 48.5 + 7.2 years of age and a mean exposure time to silica dust of 22.9 + 5.7 years. AlI individuaIs had a chest radiogram and spirometry carried out between 1973 and 1982 and were again seen in a prospective manner between 1982 and 1984 when, besides the chest radiogram and spirometry, a clinical examination was done. At this time we observed that exertion dyspnea to mininum efforts was seen in 10.8% of the individuaIs; to medium effort, 58.3%; to large effort, 23.0% and 7.9% of them had no complain of dyspnea. We observed 10 individuaIs with a past history of pulmonary tuberculosis, three with chronic bronchitis and 21 with arterial hypertension. Among the group, 59 were smokers (27.2 ~ 19.4 pack-years), 53 were non smokers and 27 ex-smokers. Chest radiograms were classified according to the International Classification of Radiographs of pneumoconiosis (ILO-80). We observed that in the first period five radiograms were normal, 57 had a 1/1 profusion, 34 had a 2/2 profusion and 7, a 3/3 profusion. Eight of the 103 individuaIs had large opacities (3 11Ali , 3 "B" and 2 "C"). Among the 139 individuaIs of the second period, 5 had normal chest radiograms, 67 had a 1/1 profusion, 42 had a 2/2 profusion and 25 a 3/3 profusion.
Twenty five had large opacities (6 "A", 14 "B" e 5 "C"). Concerning the 128 pirometric studies of the first period, 65% were normal while an obstructive pattern was the predominarit finding among the abnormal testsi this pattern was seen in 25% of the individuaIs. The second period lung function tests included a pre and post bronchodilator spirometry and flow volume curve breathing air and a helium-oxygen mixture. Considering the 137 spirometric tests done, 64.2% were normaIs and 24% had an obstructive pattern. Sixty percent of the individuais had an average increase of 44% in FEF 25-75% after a 82 adrenergic drug inhalationi 71% of these responders had,a normal spirometry. The overall flow volume values were abnormal in 60% of the individuaIs. Isoflow volume (visoV), a test for early diagnosis of small airway disfunction, had an abnormal value (over 10% of vital capacity) in 60% of the individuaIs with an average of 15%. The individuaIs were divided into groups, one with exposure to silica between 10 and 20 years and another with more than 20 years. There was no difference in the chest radiograms between the two groups. When we analyzed the lung function of the two groups we also did not find any difference between them Ver menos
Twenty five had large opacities (6 "A", 14 "B" e 5 "C"). Concerning the 128 pirometric studies of the first period, 65% were normal while an obstructive pattern was the predominarit finding among the abnormal testsi this pattern was seen in 25% of the individuaIs. The second period lung function tests included a pre and post bronchodilator spirometry and flow volume curve breathing air and a helium-oxygen mixture. Considering the 137 spirometric tests done, 64.2% were normaIs and 24% had an obstructive pattern. Sixty percent of the individuais had an average increase of 44% in FEF 25-75% after a 82 adrenergic drug inhalationi 71% of these responders had,a normal spirometry. The overall flow volume values were abnormal in 60% of the individuaIs. Isoflow volume (visoV), a test for early diagnosis of small airway disfunction, had an abnormal value (over 10% of vital capacity) in 60% of the individuaIs with an average of 15%. The individuaIs were divided into groups, one with exposure to silica between 10 and 20 years and another with more than 20 years. There was no difference in the chest radiograms between the two groups. When we analyzed the lung function of the two groups we also did not find any difference between them Ver menos
Avaliação clinica, radiologica e da função pulmonar em trabalhadores expostos a poeira de silica
Ericson Bagatin
Avaliação clinica, radiologica e da função pulmonar em trabalhadores expostos a poeira de silica
Ericson Bagatin
Nº de exemplares: 1
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