Terapia de restrição de membro superior não paretico e indução de movimento em pacientes hemipareticos
Rodrigo Dantas de Sousa
[Constrain therapy in upper estremity not paretic and induced movement in hemiparetics patients]
Campinas, SP : [s.n.], 2008.
83f. : il.
Orientador: Donizeti Cesar Honorato
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas
Resumo: A terapia de restrição e indução de movimento estão entre as formas de tratamento que mais desponta no mundo, por apresentar ótimos resultados funcionais. A baixa aderêcia ao tratamento tem sido alvo de discussão, logo seu protocolo tem sido modificado para minimizar esta problemtica. Neste...
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Resumo: A terapia de restrição e indução de movimento estão entre as formas de tratamento que mais desponta no mundo, por apresentar ótimos resultados funcionais. A baixa aderêcia ao tratamento tem sido alvo de discussão, logo seu protocolo tem sido modificado para minimizar esta problemtica. Neste trabalho a ténica foi adaptada e feita a avaliação da funcionalidade de todo o hemicorpo paréico. Foram selecionados 15 pacientes, dos quais permaneceram 10, de um fluxo méio de 100 pacientes/mês do Serviço de Fisioterapia e Terapia Ocupacional (SFTO) do Hospital de Clínicas (HC) da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Foram acompanhados 7 homens e 3 mulheres que já estavam em fisioterapia 2 vezes/semana, não apresentavam restrição da Amplitude de Movimento (ADM) do membro superior e com um único episódio de Acidente Vascular Encefálico (AVE). A imobilização foi feita através de um splint de posicionamento de punho, de mão e de dedos, durante 5 horas diárias, por dois períodos de 15 dias cada, com intervalo entre eles de 30 dias. Os pacientes foram avaliados pelas escalas de Fugl-Meyer Motor Assessment (FMA) e de Medida de Independência Funcional (MIF), no início e no final de cada período de imobilização. A análise estatística foi realizada através de médias, de variações e de variâncias; os modelos foram ajustados para a idade e tempo de lesão; as comparações foram feitas pelo coeficiente de Spearman; o nível de significância assumido foi o de =5%. Observou-se melhora da funcionalidade do hemicorpo parético, com significância estatística nas comparações entre as 3ª avaliações da MIF e da FMA-MMII (Membros Inferiores) (p=0,04) e entre as da MIF e da FMA-MMSS (Membros Superiores) (p=0,05). Pode-se concluir que 2 sessões de fisioterapia por semana, de 1 hora cada, mostraram-se benéficas. Os ganhos funcionais ocorreram em todo o hemicorpo parético e não apenas em membro superior parético
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Abstract: The Constraint-Induced movement therapy is enters the forms of treatment that more blunts in the world, for presenting excellent functional results. Low the tack to the treatment has been target of quarrel, then its protocol has been modified to minimize this problematic one. In this work...
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Abstract: The Constraint-Induced movement therapy is enters the forms of treatment that more blunts in the world, for presenting excellent functional results. Low the tack to the treatment has been target of quarrel, then its protocol has been modified to minimize this problematic one. In this work the technique was adapted and made the evaluation of the hemiparetic body 15 patients had been selected, of which they had remained 10, of an average flow of 100 patients/month of the Service of Physiotherapy and Occupational
Therapy of the Hospital of Clinics of the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP). 7 men and 3 women had been attended who already were in physiotherapy 2 times/week, didn¿t present restriction of the movement articulation (ADM) of the upper extremity and with one episode of stroke. Immobilization was made through one splint of positioning of fist, hand and fingers, during 5 daily hours, for two periods of 15 days each, with interval between them of 30 days. The patients had been evaluated by the scales of Fugl-Meyer Motor Assessment (FMA) and Functional Independence Measure (FIM), at the beginning and in the end of each period of immobilization. The analysis statistics was carried through averages, variations and variances; the models had been adjusted for the age and time
of injury; the comparisons had been made by the coefficient of Spearman; the assumed level of significance was of =5%. Improvement of the functionality of hemiparetic body was observed, with significance statistics in the comparisons between 3ª evaluations of the FIM and FMA-LE (Lower Extremity) (p=0,04) and enters of the FIM and FMA-UE (Upper Extremity) (p=0,05). It can be concluded that 2 sessions/week of physiotherapy, of 1 hour each, had revealed beneficial. The functional profits had occurred all in hemiparetic body and not only in upper paretic extremity Ver menos
Therapy of the Hospital of Clinics of the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP). 7 men and 3 women had been attended who already were in physiotherapy 2 times/week, didn¿t present restriction of the movement articulation (ADM) of the upper extremity and with one episode of stroke. Immobilization was made through one splint of positioning of fist, hand and fingers, during 5 daily hours, for two periods of 15 days each, with interval between them of 30 days. The patients had been evaluated by the scales of Fugl-Meyer Motor Assessment (FMA) and Functional Independence Measure (FIM), at the beginning and in the end of each period of immobilization. The analysis statistics was carried through averages, variations and variances; the models had been adjusted for the age and time
of injury; the comparisons had been made by the coefficient of Spearman; the assumed level of significance was of =5%. Improvement of the functionality of hemiparetic body was observed, with significance statistics in the comparisons between 3ª evaluations of the FIM and FMA-LE (Lower Extremity) (p=0,04) and enters of the FIM and FMA-UE (Upper Extremity) (p=0,05). It can be concluded that 2 sessions/week of physiotherapy, of 1 hour each, had revealed beneficial. The functional profits had occurred all in hemiparetic body and not only in upper paretic extremity Ver menos
Terapia de restrição de membro superior não paretico e indução de movimento em pacientes hemipareticos
Rodrigo Dantas de Sousa
Terapia de restrição de membro superior não paretico e indução de movimento em pacientes hemipareticos
Rodrigo Dantas de Sousa
Nº de exemplares: 1
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