Rastros e apropriações no Projeto Geociencias e a Formação de Professores em Exercicio no Ensino Fundamental
Fernanda Keila Marinho da Silva
Campinas, SP : [s.n.], 2009.
308 f. : il.
Orientador: Mauricio Compiani
Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociencias
Resumo: A presente pesquisa aborda a formação de professores a partir do projeto "Geociências e a Formação Continuada de Professores em Exercício no Ensino Fundamental", que ocorreu entre os anos 1996 e 2001, no Instituto de Geociências, Unicamp. O objetivo principal da tese foi reconstruir o...
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Resumo: A presente pesquisa aborda a formação de professores a partir do projeto "Geociências e a Formação Continuada de Professores em Exercício no Ensino Fundamental", que ocorreu entre os anos 1996 e 2001, no Instituto de Geociências, Unicamp. O objetivo principal da tese foi reconstruir o processo formativo vivido pelas professoras a partir da reflexão sobre os principais aspectos teóricos metodológicos do Projeto. A análise privilegiada nessa tese parte do conteúdo dos relatórios das professoras participantes e da coordenação do Projeto, além de três entrevistas feitas com três professoras envolvidas no processo de formação. Esses dados possibilitaram um recorte de análise que abordou três aspectos principais. Primeiro, as Práticas de Debate e Reflexão do projeto, que embora guardem semelhança e tenham o referencial de Donald Schön como referência, foi uma prática que, nessa tese, é considerada em função do coletivo envolvido na prática colaborativa. Um segundo aspecto está relacionado à pesquisa do professor, pois o projeto privilegiou a formação do professor a partir da investigação que o mesmo faz de sua prática. Finalmente, o terceiro aspecto estaria relacionado às opções conceituais do Projeto: as geociências e as estratégias didáticas de natureza construtivistas. Nesse ponto, o interesse foi por destacar as ressignificações feitas pelas professoras no decorrer do processo formativo. Essa análise foi feita a partir do referencial bakhtiniano, especialmente, a teoria do enunciado pois, a partir dela a materialidade lingüística ganha contornos específicos e passa a representar e ser representada por sujeitos falantes integrantes de um determinado grupo social. Entre os enunciados dos relatórios e entrevistas, foi possível relembrar e dar novo sentido a diversos aspectos do Projeto Geociências, enxergando toda essa produção como apropriações das professoras em relação às demandas do Projeto.
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Abstract: This research approaches the training of teachers in the context of a research project entitled "Geosciences and the continuing teacher education for elementary and secondary school", that was carried out between the years 1996 and 2001, Institute of Geosciences, at Campinas University -...
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Abstract: This research approaches the training of teachers in the context of a research project entitled "Geosciences and the continuing teacher education for elementary and secondary school", that was carried out between the years 1996 and 2001, Institute of Geosciences, at Campinas University - UNICAMP. The main goal of the thesis was to rebuild the educational process faced by teachers by reflecting upon the major theoretical and methodological aspects proposed by the Project. The analysis considers the content of reports written by participating teachers, the reports written by the coordination of the program, as well as three interviews carried out with three teachers involved in the continuing education process. The analysis of the corpus approached three main aspects: First, it approached the practices concerning debate and reflection attitudes in the context of
the project. Although these practices present similarities to Schön's theoretical approach, in
this thesis, they were adopted considering the collectiveness that was involved in collaborative practice in the program. A second aspect is related to the research process conducted by teachers; since the project has focused on the investigation that teachers carry
on taking into consideration their own practice. Finally, the third aspect is the one related to
conceptual basis of the Project, such as: the concept of geosciences, and the constructivist
nature of teaching strategies. By analyzing the corpus, the main interest was to highlight the
re-signifying process teachers implemented during the training process. This analysis was
embedded in the theory of enunciation based on Bakhtin, through which the linguistic substance acquires specific contours and it is able to represent and be represented by speakers, members of a particular social group. The reports and interviews analyzed made
possible to remember different aspects of Geosciences Project and re-signifying them in such a way that we considered that the teachers' production faces a constant process of appropriation and re-appropriation of concepts concerning the demands of the project.
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the project. Although these practices present similarities to Schön's theoretical approach, in
this thesis, they were adopted considering the collectiveness that was involved in collaborative practice in the program. A second aspect is related to the research process conducted by teachers; since the project has focused on the investigation that teachers carry
on taking into consideration their own practice. Finally, the third aspect is the one related to
conceptual basis of the Project, such as: the concept of geosciences, and the constructivist
nature of teaching strategies. By analyzing the corpus, the main interest was to highlight the
re-signifying process teachers implemented during the training process. This analysis was
embedded in the theory of enunciation based on Bakhtin, through which the linguistic substance acquires specific contours and it is able to represent and be represented by speakers, members of a particular social group. The reports and interviews analyzed made
possible to remember different aspects of Geosciences Project and re-signifying them in such a way that we considered that the teachers' production faces a constant process of appropriation and re-appropriation of concepts concerning the demands of the project.
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Compiani, Mauricio, 1956-
Cazetta, Valéria, 1974-
Santos, Vânia Maria Nunes dos, 1961-
Rastros e apropriações no Projeto Geociencias e a Formação de Professores em Exercicio no Ensino Fundamental
Fernanda Keila Marinho da Silva
Rastros e apropriações no Projeto Geociencias e a Formação de Professores em Exercicio no Ensino Fundamental
Fernanda Keila Marinho da Silva
Nº de exemplares: 2
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