Estudo da hemostasia em pacientes submetidas a cirurgias plasticas com e sem antecedentes de gastroplastia redutora
Luis Ricardo Martinhão Souto
[Study of hemostasis in pacients undergoing plastic surgery procedures with and without a history of weight reducing by gastroplasty]
Campinas, SP : [s.n.], 2009.
370 p. : il.
Orientadores: Elinton Adami Chaim, Jose Vassallo, Joyce Maria Annichino Bizzacchi
Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas
Resumo: Cirurgias plásticas em pacientes que foram previamente submetidos à gastroplastia redutora apresentam altos índices de complicações, destacando-se maior sangramento nos períodos intra e pós-operatórios. A causa desse sangramento é desconhecida; postula-se que haja alterações de hemostasia...
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Resumo: Cirurgias plásticas em pacientes que foram previamente submetidos à gastroplastia redutora apresentam altos índices de complicações, destacando-se maior sangramento nos períodos intra e pós-operatórios. A causa desse sangramento é desconhecida; postula-se que haja alterações de hemostasia não detectadas pelos exames pré-operatórios de rotina ou que esses pacientes tenham vasos subcutâneos em número e/ou calibre aumentados. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar e comparar a hemostasia e o número e calibre de vasos subcutâneos em dois grupos de pacientes submetidos à abdominoplastia, um deles com história de gastroplastia redutora prévia pela técnica de Fobi-Capella (grupo I) e o outro sem antecedentes de obesidade (grupo II). Cada um dos grupos foi composto por 10 pacientes do sexo feminino. Foram dosadas vitaminas C e K no período pré-operatório. Em diferentes momentos (antes, durante e após as cirurgias) foram realizados exames laboratoriais rotineiros e de dosagem de fatores de coagulação, além de tromboelastografia. Ao final de cada cirurgia, foram colhidas amostras de tecido subcutâneo de seis diferentes topografias abdominais. O sangramento durante as cirurgias foi medido de forma indireta, através de contagem e pesagem de compressas ao final de cada procedimento. Os resultados dos exames laboratoriais e tromboelastografia foram comparados entre os dois grupos de pacientes. Foi também realizado estudo imunoistoquímico das amostras de tecido subcutâneo com anticorpos anti-CD34 (antígeno de superfície presente em vasos e células imaturas hematopoéticas) e avaliadas a densidade de microvasos (MVD) e as áreas endoteliais percentual (AEnd%) e média (AEndM), através de sistema de análise de imagem computadorizado. A análise estatística (Mood Median Test) mostrou sangramento maior (p = 0,007), com tempo de protrombina aumentado (p = 0,007) e dosagem de fator II diminuída no período intraoperatório (p = 0,007) e de fator X diminuída em todos os períodos avaliados nas pacientes do grupo I. A tromboelastografia, que avalia a hemostasia globalmente e no momento da coleta, não mostrou diferenças dos parâmetros avaliados entre os grupos. Demonstraram-se maiores concentrações de vitamina K no grupo I em relação ao grupo II. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os valores de MVD obtidos a partir de diferentes sub-regiões abdominais (p = 0,565) nem quanto aos valores de MVD (p = 0,88), AEnd% (p = 0,364) e AEndM (p = 0,257) entre os grupos I e II. O tamanho das peças cirúrgicas e o tempo das cirurgias foram maiores no grupo I (p = 0,007). O maior sangramento durante cirurgias plásticas realizadas em pacientes previamente submetidas à gastroplastia redutora não pode ser explicado por alterações de hemostasia verificada através de exames laboratoriais de coagulação, dosagem de fatores e tromboelastografia, por deficiências de vitaminas C ou K ou por um maior número de vasos sanguíneos, por uma malha vascular mais extensa ou pela presença de vasos mais calibrosos no tecido celular subcutâneo dessas pacientes. Os dados favorecem a hipótese de que as retiradas de maiores quantidades de tecido e o maior tempo das cirurgias nas pacientes do grupo I podem determinar maior ativação da coagulação e consumo dos fatores, com maior sangramento.
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Abstract: Plastic surgery procedures performed in patients who previously underwent weight reducing gas troplasty present a high risk for medical complications, one of the most severe being bleeding during the perioperative period. Although the cause of this bleeding is currently unknown, it is...
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Abstract: Plastic surgery procedures performed in patients who previously underwent weight reducing gas troplasty present a high risk for medical complications, one of the most severe being bleeding during the perioperative period. Although the cause of this bleeding is currently unknown, it is postulated that these patients may present alterations in hemostasis not detected by routine coagulation tests or an increase in microvascular density and/or in the diameter of subcutaneous vessels. The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare the hemostasis and the number and caliber of subcutaneous vessels in two groups of patients undergoing abdominoplasty, one of them with history of previous weight reducing gastroplasty performed in accordance with the Fobi-Capella technique (group I) and the other without obesity backgrounds (group II). Each group was composed by ten female patients. Vitamins C and K were measured at preoperative period. At the beginning, during, and at the end of surgeries, samples were collected to determine the coagulogram (prothrombin and activated partial thromboplastin times), measurements of coagulation factors and thromboelastography. At the end of each surgery, samples of subcutaneous tissue were collected from six different abdominal topographies. Bleeding during intraoperative period was assessed indirectly by counting and weighing the compresses at the end of each surgical procedure. Data obtained from laboratorial tests and thromboelastography were compared between the groups I and II. Subcutaneous vessels were also assessed by immunohistochemistry using the pan-endothelial marker CD34 and quantified through the variables "microvessel density (MVD), percentage (%EndA) and mean (MEndA) endothelial areas" using computer assisted technology. The statistical analysis (Mood Median Test) showed superior bleeding (p = 0.007), increased prothrombin time (p = 0.007) and factor II (FII) decreased during the intraoperative
period (p = 0.007) and factor X (FX) decreased during all studied operative periods in the group I. Thromboelastography, which assess the full process of hemostasia in real time, did not show differences between the groups. Greater concentrations of vitamin K were demonstrated in group I compared to group II. There were not statistically significant differences among the MVD values obtained from different abdominal subregions (p = 0.565) nor between groups I and II regarding the values of MVD (p = 0.88), %EndA (p = 0.364) and MEndA (p = 0.257). The size of the surgical pieces and the duration of surgeries were greater in group I (p = 0.007). The more intense bleeding observed during plastic surgeries carried out in patients
that previously underwent weight reducing gastroplasty can not be quite explained by alterations in hemostasis when it is assessed through coagulation laboratorial tests, measurements of coagulation factors and thromboelastography, by decreased levels of vitamins K and C, by a larger number of blood vessels, by a more extensive vascular network, or by the presence of vessels with larger calibers in the subcutaneous adipose tissue of these patients when compared to patients without obesity backgrounds. The results indicate that the greater surgical trauma and the longer duration of surgeries in group I may lead to increased coagulation activation and consume of coagulation factors resulting in more intense bleeding. Ver menos
period (p = 0.007) and factor X (FX) decreased during all studied operative periods in the group I. Thromboelastography, which assess the full process of hemostasia in real time, did not show differences between the groups. Greater concentrations of vitamin K were demonstrated in group I compared to group II. There were not statistically significant differences among the MVD values obtained from different abdominal subregions (p = 0.565) nor between groups I and II regarding the values of MVD (p = 0.88), %EndA (p = 0.364) and MEndA (p = 0.257). The size of the surgical pieces and the duration of surgeries were greater in group I (p = 0.007). The more intense bleeding observed during plastic surgeries carried out in patients
that previously underwent weight reducing gastroplasty can not be quite explained by alterations in hemostasis when it is assessed through coagulation laboratorial tests, measurements of coagulation factors and thromboelastography, by decreased levels of vitamins K and C, by a larger number of blood vessels, by a more extensive vascular network, or by the presence of vessels with larger calibers in the subcutaneous adipose tissue of these patients when compared to patients without obesity backgrounds. The results indicate that the greater surgical trauma and the longer duration of surgeries in group I may lead to increased coagulation activation and consume of coagulation factors resulting in more intense bleeding. Ver menos
Chaim, Elinton Adami, 1957-
Vassallo, José, 1957-2024
Annichino-Bizzacchi, Joyce Maria, 1957-
Escanhoela, Cecília Amélia Fazzio, 1958-
De Paula, Erich Vinicius, 1972-
Cardoso, Luiz Antonio Athayde
Santo, Marco Aurelio
Estudo da hemostasia em pacientes submetidas a cirurgias plasticas com e sem antecedentes de gastroplastia redutora
Luis Ricardo Martinhão Souto
Estudo da hemostasia em pacientes submetidas a cirurgias plasticas com e sem antecedentes de gastroplastia redutora
Luis Ricardo Martinhão Souto
Nº de exemplares: 1
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