Effect of metal primers on bond strength of a composite resin to nickel-chrome metal alloy

Effect of metal primers on bond strength of a composite resin to nickel-chrome metal alloy

Gabriel Nima, Paulo Vitor Campos Ferreira, Andreia Bolzan de Paula, Simonides Consani, Marcelo Giannini



Abstract: This study evaluated the effects of three metal primers and one multi-mode adhesive system on the shear bond strength (SBS) of a flowable composite resin to nickel-chrome metal alloy (Ni-Cr). Ninety plates were cast from Ni-Cr and divided in nine groups (n=10). The surfaces were...

Resumo: Este estudo avaliou os efeitos de três primers para metais e um sistema adesivo multi-mode na resistência da união por cisalhamento (SBS) de um compósito resinoso de baixa viscosidade a uma liga niquel-cromo (Ni-Cr). Noventa placas Ni-Cr foram divididas em 9 grupos (n=10). As superfícies...


Effect of metal primers on bond strength of a composite resin to nickel-chrome metal alloy

Gabriel Nima, Paulo Vitor Campos Ferreira, Andreia Bolzan de Paula, Simonides Consani, Marcelo Giannini


Effect of metal primers on bond strength of a composite resin to nickel-chrome metal alloy

Gabriel Nima, Paulo Vitor Campos Ferreira, Andreia Bolzan de Paula, Simonides Consani, Marcelo Giannini


    Brazilian dental journal

    Vol. 28, n. 2 (Jan./Apr., 2017), p. 210-215