Energetic cost of Hamiltonian quantum gates

Energetic cost of Hamiltonian quantum gates

Sebastian Deffner



Agradecimentos: It is a pleasure to thank Steve Campbell for many insightful discussions on the thermodynamics of quantum information, and Marcus V. S. Bonança and Nathan M. Myers for helpful comments on the manuscript. Further I am indebted to Tan Vu Van, who spotted a very unfortunate typo in the...

Abstract: Landauer's principle laid the main foundation for the development of modern thermodynamics of information. However, in its original inception the principle relies on semiformal arguments and dissipative dynamics. Hence, if and how Landauer's principle applies to unitary quantum computing...


Energetic cost of Hamiltonian quantum gates

Sebastian Deffner


Energetic cost of Hamiltonian quantum gates

Sebastian Deffner


    Europhysics letters. A letters journal exploring the frontiers of physics

    Vol. 134, n. 4 (May, 2021), n. art. 40002, p. 1-7