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1980'li yıllardan sonra serbest piyasa ekonomisinin de etkisiyle, gelir dağılımında meydana gelen adaletsizliğin giderek artış gösterdiği bilinmektedir. Ülkeler açısından oldukça fazla önem arz eden gelirin adaletsiz dağılımı, fonksiyonel, kişisel, sektörel ve bölgesel olarak incelenebildiği gibi eğitime ve cinsiyete göre de incelenebilmektedir. Gelir dağılımı adaletsizliğinin ortaya çıkmasında eğitimin payı oldukça önemlidir. Eğitim seviyesinin yükseldikçe, bireylerin gelirlerinin artması, yoksulluk ve işsizliğin azalması, eğitim ve gelir arasındaki pozitif ilişkiyi gösterirken, eğitim hayatlarında başarısız olan kişiler tarafından elde edilen gelirlerin az, yoksulluk ve işsizlik oranlarının daha fazla olduğu görülmektedir. Cinsiyetler arasında ayrım gözetmeksizin bütün bölgelerde eşit fırsatlarla yapılan eğitimin, gelir dağılımını olumlu yönde etkileyeceği bilinmektedir. Özellikle, kadına eğitim hayatında yapılan ayrımcılığı ortadan kaldırarak, iş hayatına dâhil edilmesinin, üretken konuma getirilmesinin sağlanması sonucu gelir dağılımında meydana gelen eşitsizlik oldukça azalmaktadır. Bu çalışmada 1980 - 2013 yılları arasında senelik olarak almış olduğumuz verilere dair uyguladığımız çoklu regresyon analizi için değişkenlerimizden GİNİ_THEİL bağımlı değişken, enflasyon, eğitim harcamaları, doğrudan yabancı yatırımcı, dış borçlanma, GSMH ve işsizlik ise bağımsız değişken olarak belirlenmiştir. p-değeri sonucu enflasyon için 0.0138, eğitim harcamaları için 0.0538, doğrudan yabancı yatırımcı için 0.0148, dış borç için 0.0156, GSMH için 0.7246 ve işsizlik için ise 0.0248 olarak elde edilmiştir. GSMH hariç tüm değişkenlerimize dair p-değeri sonuçları 0.05'in altında çıkmıştır. Ayrıca Johansen eş-bütünleşme testi ile VAR analizi yapılmıştır. Eş-bütünleşme testi sonucuna göre gelir dağılımı adaletsizliği, enflasyon, işsizlik ve eğitim harcamaları arasında uzun vadeli ilişki vardır
It is known that after 1980s with the effect of market economy the income inequality increased rapidly. As a topic, income equality is one of the main cases which is important for the state and it can be measured not only as personal, sectoral and regional issue but also by using other indicators such as education and gender. Education pays an important role in the process of income inequality. Individual’s income rises with his/her education level, and reduces the unemployment. On the other hand, people who are unsuccessful in education have lower salaries and higher unemployment rate. There is an idea that if education is provided equally to all regions without discrimination, it may affect positively the distribution of income as well. Especially, by preventing discrimination of women in education and encouraging their participation in social and economic life would help to reduce disparities between the gender groups. Besides, multivariate regression test is used and according to results of the test except GDP, inflation, cost of education, foreign direct investment, external debt, GDP and unemployment affect and trigger the GINI considerably. The p-value of inflation is 0.01380, 0.0538 for cost of education, 0.0148 for foreign direct investment, 0.0156 for external debt and 0.0248 for unemployment. more than 30 in order to make it parametical test. The p-value of inflation is 0.01380, 0.0538 for cost of education, 0.0148 for foreign direct investment, 0.0156 for external debt and 0.0248 for unemployment. Majority of them are significant findings. On the other hand, ADF unit root test is applied in order to comprehend that the series are stationary or not and if the p-value of series is less than 0.05 and if absolute value of t-statistic of ADF is more than test critical value, that means that the series are stationary. However, the ADF test results of GINI, inflation, unemployment, and cost of education are not appropriate and all series are converted from I(0) to I(I). After converting I(0) to I(I), Johansen co-integration test is implemented. According to test results co-integration test, there is long term-stable relationship between GINI, inflation, unemployment and cost of education. The Turkish governmet should more focus on the infrastructure of education. Besides, inflation and unemployment rate should be reduced in order to decrease unfair income distribution. Vector auto regressive model is also implemented to determine that effect of independent variables on dependent variable. According to both variance de composition and impulse response analysis the impact of inflation is relatively more than both unemployment and cost of education on unfair income distribution. Therefore, what way should government follow? Inflation is related with period of high price. Majority of Central Bank aim low inflation. If inflation increases too much, there are lots of economic policies, such as monetary policy to decrease the inflation rate. Way one: Monetary Policy: In the Turkey, monetary policy is the most significant component for sustaining low inflation rate. In the Turkey, monetary policy is set by the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey, they are given an inflation target by the government. This inflation target is 2%+/-1, and the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey implement interest rates to acquire this aim. Way two: Supply Side Policies: Supply side policies target to rise long-run competitiveness and productivity. For instance, both deregulation and privatisation would make companies more influential, productive and competitive. Thus, in the long-term supply side policies contribute to decrease inflation and its pressures. Way three: Fiscal Policy: This is another demand side policy, similar in impact to monetary policy. Fiscal policy contains the government spending levels and changing tax to affect the level of total demand. In order to decrease inflationary rate, the government should rise the tax rate and minimalize spending of the government. Way four: Exchange rate policy: Fixed exchange rate regime, it would contribute to decrease inflation rates. A stronger Turkish Lira makes imports more cheaper and stronger. In this respect, it decreases domestic demand, leading to less demand control inflation. Finally, a stronger Turkish Lira creates incentives for companies to reduce costs to maintain the competition.


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Turkish Studies (Elektronik)

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