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Round Trip Energy Efficiency of NASA Glenn Regenerative Fuel Cell SystemNASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) has recently demonstrated a Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) based hydrogen/oxygen regenerative fuel cell system (RFCS) that operated for a charge/discharge cycle with round trip efficiency (RTE) greater than 50 percent. The regenerative fuel cell system (RFCS) demonstrated closed loop energy storage over a pressure range of 90 to 190 psig. In charge mode, a constant electrical power profile of 7.1 kWe was absorbed by the RFCS and stored as pressurized hydrogen and oxygen gas. In discharge mode, the system delivered 3 to 4 kWe of electrical power along with product water. Fuel cell and electrolyzer power profiles and polarization performance are documented in this paper. Individual cell performance and the variation of cell voltages within the electrochemical stacks are also reported. Fuel cell efficiency, electrolyzer efficiency, and the system RTE were calculated from the test data and are included below.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Glenn Research Center
Document Type
Technical Memorandum (TM)
Garcia, Christopher P.
(QSS Group, Inc. Cleveland, OH, United States)
Chang, Bei-jiann
(QSS Group, Inc. Cleveland, OH, United States)
Johnson, Donald W.
(QSS Group, Inc. Cleveland, OH, United States)
Bents, David J.
(NASA Glenn Research Center Cleveland, OH, United States)
Scullin, Vincent J.
(NASA Glenn Research Center Cleveland, OH, United States)
Jakupca, Ian J.
(Analex Corp. Brook Park, OH, United States)
Scullin, Vincent J.
(NASA Glenn Research Center Cleveland, OH, United States)
Jakupca, Ian J.
(Analex Corp. Brook Park, OH, United States)
Date Acquired
September 7, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 2006
Subject Category
Energy Production And Conversion
Report/Patent Number
Report Number: NASA/TM-2006-214054
Report Number: E-15411
Meeting Information
Meeting: NHA Annual Hydrogen Conference 2006
Location: Long Beach, CA
Country: United States
Start Date: March 12, 2006
End Date: March 16, 2006
Funding Number(s)
WBS: WBS 22-066-20-04
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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